you have? Building with heavy plumbing running up to all the toilets and showers have a sinkhole developing

under them. They will implode. Gas lines leaks set off in an explosion caused by adjustments under a city, will

not just be limited to a building or block, but will ricochet through the city, creating a holocaust potentially.

Some of these potentially can make the World Trade Center disaster look mild. To predict just what soft spot

might adjust, or what fault line might lift, in the year prior to the shift is flirting with our guidelines from the

Council of Worlds which forbids us to warn mankind of specific, immediate, dangers such as quakes.

Weather Extremes

Weather irregularities will continue in the manner we have described since 1995, with increasing swings and

extremes. In that weather irregularities are smoothed, by nature, by increased atmospheric activity or ocean

currents, temperature extremes will not occur. Rather, oscillating extremes, similar to what the world has already

experienced, will occur. Sudden shift to cold weather, sudden unseasonably warm weather, and the like. Crop

shortages and difficulties in growing crops to marketability will likewise follow these weather extremes.

Atmospheric disturbances, beyond those usually encountered and thus watched for by pilots, are occurring. Even

prior to the year before the shift, what is called micro-bursts were being increasingly reported and downed

planes blamed on this. If the weather is moving to extremes, this equates to hotter air masses, colder drafts, and

sudden wind equalizing these air masses. Beyond these problems, airplanes use satellites to guide them, magnetic

orientation to guide them, and these likewise will either fail on occasion or given invalid readings.[2/5/2012 11:13:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: 2002 Quickening

Economic Collapse

Struggling companies, worldwide, will find they must shrink or die and this activity affects the economy

worldwide, with teetering economies collapsing in stages, as we have predicted. Once this process starts, there

will be domino effects, with a rapid collapse of the markets and banks. The barter system will be utilized in the

year prior to the shift, increasingly, even when the monetary system in a country is supposedly secure and

stabilized. The public, seeing how rapidly Argentina went into the toilet, and the glowing terms ascribed to the

banking and Stock Markets of the world, are suspicious. How many Enron's are out there? And knowing that the

public will be the last to hear about a pending collapse, they are thinking how to survive, now, and not waiting

for their leadership to shaft them. There are dozens of Enrons, many with far worse accounting and broader

impact. In fact, our prediction on a Stock Market collapse, wherein the value of today’s stock falls to 1/4 its

current value, will be triggers in the main by revelations of this. These situations have a tenuous hold, now, and

could unravel based on any number of breaks in the dike.

Uptick in Disease

Where we have mentioned increasing illness, from known germs and also those unexpected which are appearing

in new environments, this is taking mankind by shock when it does occur. The fact that doctors are guessing

most of the time when treating illness, and that this has been the case up until the present, is lost on the public as

they have been lulled by the medical establishment into thinking a trip to the doctor will cure them. Honest

doctors admit they are guessing most of the time, trying things, and any confident air is a falsehood to get the

patients to pay up ahead of time. Now that new illnesses, or familiar illnesses in strange places, are occurring,

the public is aghast, but this is in fact the status quo. During the year prior to the shift, this will be in the news

increasingly, an up tick from the present situation.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: 2003 Approach

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ZetaTalk: 2003 Approach

Note: written during the Oc 26, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. This is an overview of previous predictions with an undate from the Zetas.

Category Earth Changes: stated was an increase in frequency and strength, but underreported and less than a lineal increase due to heating and swelling of the Earth such that plates separate at the edges. Imploding cities due to

infrastructure dropping.

Where those braced for the possibility of a pole shift are expecting massive earthquakes in the months

leading up to the shift, the actual Earth changes will be a movement of the ground, in place, rather than the

jolting of plate movement that causes earthquakes. Quakes will continue to increase, both in frequency and

strength, of course, but this will not be the primary source of devastation. We have predicted imploding

cities, where the infrastructure drops or buckles such that buildings collapse in place, suddenly. Rail line

disasters have occurred where the tracks are suddenly found to have buckled or zagged in place, without

explanation. This is a forerunner of more such episodes, affecting bridges, roadways, the infrastructure of

cities and large buildings, enclosed underground structures, and dams.


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