access to what goes into this calculation?

Thus, the public will be lied to until they are so suspicious of the changes about them, the lack of attention, that the lies are counter productive. This occurred with quakes, where the USGS was so out of sync with reports coming from

elsewhere that suspicions were raised. Then quakes, en mass, were disappearing from the databases, noticed after the

8+ in Alaska where hundreds of quakes disappeared after having been posted to the database. It takes no more than

this to create a climate of suspicion, and this is about to happen with polls, and chirpy economy reports, and inane

distractions like Iraq. The public, in all countries, will increasingly demonstrate, often spontaneously, and this will get on the news as it will be in the underground, and if unreported, will create more suspicions. The starving and homeless

will become so numerous and evident they will force their way into the news. Earthquake ravaged cities will spring

into the news, and while reporting that will reveal more than an earthquake. Thus, the creeping suspicion that Bush

does not have the approval rating reported is only the start.

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ZetaTalk: Survived

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ZetaTalk: Survived

The explosive attention given to ZetaTalk, in spite of attempts to completely discredit Nancy or take her down in some

manner by association with scam artists such as Hazelwood, were expected to succeed. Hazelwood was a new game

plan, and had all the hallmarks of success, well funded and backed by more personnel than the public could even

imagine. By distancing herself from Hazelwood, Nancy cut that plan in shreds. She did not allow the money

connection to attach to her. Thus, he went limping into the Art Bell show, and is fearful now of being sued for money

by the promises he has made to many. He cannot save them, and now that many are cautious about the funds they give

to him, can be traced and tracked down, and sued. So ZetaTalk survived this last concerted effort to eliminate the

threat that Nancy represented.

Meanwhile, her renown increased, on the Internet, every government's bane. Imagine that for every person reading her

site there is at least a half dozen alerted. Imagine that for each of these half dozen most, electronically, post word about

on the Internet to other mailing lists or posting boards. Imagine that for every person getting wind of what is really

about to occur, there is discussion at dinner tables or coffee shops or bars. Imagine that each of these takes the message further, bringing it up when the subject warrants. Thus, it is exploding, which at least the US government is aware of.

Nancy has not allowed herself to be dragged down, or compromised her message when asked, as on Earth Changes TV

recently where ZetaTalk refused to buy into the Sun Mega-Cycle matter. She is deemed to have integrity, not someone

they can kill (though thousands of attempts have been made) or compromised. Thus, they must adapt to her, at this


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ZetaTalk: 2002 Trends

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ZetaTalk: 2002 Trends

Note: written during the March 23, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

There are several trends that will emerge, shortly.

The first is the cover-up, becoming so distressed that cracks are appearing with no mortar at hand to repair them. If the

inbound planet, Planet X, will soon start a zoom so rapid that it will be visible to amateurs in the night sky, with their

equipment, by mid-2002, then what are they to say? All explanations such as a new comet, a nova, or a new

phenomena previously unknown to man, will only go so far. Thus, NASA and the observatories they control, which

are to a greater extent than the man on the street realizes, essentially all observatories, are almost paralyzed in the way to proceed. Various silly explanations, many of which will be contradictory, may emerge, but the contradictions and

delays in explanation will clue the thinking man into realizing that a cover-up indeed in effect. Not the result hoped

for. Thus, the next trend re the cover-up is incompetence, conflicting explanations, and increasing cracks.

The second trend is climate and weather changes, increasing ocean warming and melting poles, and quakes striking in

places not previously experiencing them, in the memory of man. This is already rising alarm and open discussion on

the streets, such that the nightly news has become irrelevant, and the man on the street senses that their leadership is

not leading, but suppressing the truth. The man on the street is looking for an explanation, but none is coming from the news, the government, the church, or anyone in authority. Thus, they go underground, talking to friends, who

invariably have some sense of an inbound Planet X, and ZetaTalk, or similar information. The result of this breaking

away from the given authority, to self-thinking, is that the populace will start their own discussions, break into the

news, and the establishment will become distressed. So, a cover-up with cracks, and an establishment challenged by

the man on the street, asking questions they are not prepared to address.

Third, comes an upsurge of interest in alternative news, Planet X sites such as ZetaTalk and others long researching

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