from the direction of the Sun is evident to all, how will this play out? This is unlikely to ever reach the point of
Hemisphere. Planet X and its moon swirls and immense dust cloud will become increasingly obvious in the sky, but
the establishment plans to claim this is an early solar maximum, plasma balls from the Sun and the like, thus the
populace will be encouraged to discount these signs. Nevertheless, even with the cover-up firmly in place, there will be
increasing talk of the many signs that the end times are upon mankind. Even in those countries isolated from
mainstream media, the local version of the end times prophecies will be much discussed. Once
reached, panic or stunned denial or a final move to safety will certainly occur. But what of the months leading up to
this point?
Those of good heart, sensing change and taking the Earth changes seriously, and able to face the threat without
retreating into denial, will make plans and act upon them as they are able. For most, due to their circumstances,
this will result in a plan to dash to safety at the last minute. This is because most of humanity lives hand to
mouth, living day to day, so that a move to a safer location is physically and financially impossible. Even those
who could effect such a move may find themselves in a bind with other family members, or feeling a sense of
responsibility to remain where they are, so their plan likewise is to react at the last minute. Whether moving to a
safe location with a survival mindset early or at the last minute, these individuals will be found at their jobs up
until the last days, regardless of how strong the signs become. The signs will strengthen their resolve, but not
cause them to bolt or panic.
Those given to selfish reactions, sensing the change and taking the Earth changes seriously, have been plotting
how to take advantage of the circumstances. They have been hoarding, buying land in safe locations where they
can act as kings or lords over those whom they anticipate will straggle in, desperate, in the last weeks. Prices
will be sky high for any goods they have to offer, and enslavement the agreement for a meal and a bed. If
working for the government, they are planning work camps and confiscation. As the signs increase and shortages
develop, these individuals begin to savage each other, fearing takeover, so that by the time the last weeks arrive,
their noisy warfare has revealed their intent. If not able to compete in this manner, selfish individuals will either
try to attach themselves like lampreys to the good hearted or simply plan to party hard until the end, living for
the moment. In either case, they will be predictably in place, scheming or partying, until the last days.
Those in hard denial will get more hardened, attacking the messengers, refusing to contemplate the news, getting
more red faced and angry as the facts press in. This group will likewise be in place, going through their daily
routine, unlikely to change even when the last weeks show the pole shift to be inevitable. Even when the sun
refuses to rise past mid-morning, they will go through their routines, as the routine comforts. Given that the
majority of mankind will be in this category, government operations will in the main continue apace, up to and
including the hour of the shift. Those of good heart who have prepared will leave in the last weeks to take their
loved ones to safety. Those self serving will likewise devote themselves to their schemes or good times. So the[2/5/2012 11:13:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days
ranks will be diminished, but government offices will still be trying to function, staffed by those in denial or
those with a mission to either help or take advantage of others. Government services will, thus, likely be
available until the last weeks, deteriorating rapidly into the shift.
Opportunistic looting will of course occur as it does today. Looting occurs after fires or quakes or when rioting
overwhelms the police system. Camps to take in refugees from quake ravaged cities or drought or flood ravaged
regions will be on the increase, with food shortages affecting these camps and riots breaking out. These will be
handled in the same manner as today, with riot suppression and allowing those outside the camps to simply die of
hunger and exposure. This goes on today, in Afghanistan, in the Sudan, in Korea, and among the homeless in
American cities. The wealthy will increase their defenses, hiring patrols and building fences. Cities will become more
dangerous, those with criminal tendencies seizing opportunities. Reaction to any gangs that form, intent on preying on
others, will include not only the police and military assigned to keep order, but militias determined to defend their
communities. This will occur in any case after the shift, so is a prelude to life after the shift.
When the last weeks arrive and the monster is writhing in the skies and the N Pole of Earth tips away into 3 days of
darkness, the Earth changes will increase dramatically. Renting quakes, collapsing cities, monstrous tidal waves, and
disruption of services - power, gas, water, and phone. Bridges will be down, roadways torn, the atmosphere so volatile
that planes cannot be safely lofted. The drama then switches to the local arena, which depending upon the polarization
that occurred may be good hearted or self serving or full of panic stricken people who neither planned nor