ahead of time. Those in hard denial will continue to plod through their life as though nothing were happening, walking
like automatons amid the din and the melee. Insanity will take a sharp up-tick, with many losing touch with reality,
sitting in stunned silence or preaching their version of reality. The last weeks will in essence be an exacerbation of the
behavior each has assumed months before hand, those preparing taking their final steps, those taking advantage seeking
to reap riches and control from others, those uncertain before in panic, and those in hard denial shrill and insulated.
We have predicted that
As the pole shift approaches
In spite of denial and
mankind in the main will go
and the earth changes
suppression of talk about the
into the pole shift unaware.
heralding the shift can no
approaching cataclysms, when
Most of the world has no
longer be ignored, the peoples the earth slows and then stops
access to the media, or the
of the world will find
in its rotation the truth will be
Internet, and relies on the
themselves at varying levels of known. There will be in general
senses of seers within their
preparation for the coming
two responses in those
culture or their own intuition. horror. In most cases, the
previously unaware or in denial
Most hearing about the
populace will find themselves
- flight and paralysis. If they
coming changes are not
barely able to get past a
have been informed, but
planning any action at all. The stunned awareness that life as scoffed, they may know what to
first thought is that action
they have known it will not
do and where to go, and
should be taken. The next step continue. Where an individual attempt to do so in great haste.
is denial. Distraction is the
has taken the warnings
If they have not been informed
final and lingering step that
seriously during the months
they will attempt to flee
those in denial take. Work,
and weeks leading up to the
anyway, going in all directions.
play, overeating,
shift, there will be a grim
ZetaTalk: Last Minute
overexercising, or getting
enactment of a plan.
drunk or dopey.
ZetaTalk: Level of
written Aug 15, 1995
ZetaTalk: Personal
written Aug 15, 2000
Our prediction that quakes
written Mar 15, 2002
would increase in both Richter
What will happen in human
and frequency, in a linear
If living in comfortable
society as the cataclysms
manner, has been proven true.
circumstances, young and with approach and become
It is at the moment of passage
money and opportunities for
increasingly clear, even shrill, that the Earth most reacts, and
amusement, they may just
in their warnings? Families
prior to this, it is twitching, so
remain in their setting until
will increasingly be forced to
to speak. Until the planet hoves
surprised by the week of
rely upon themselves and the
into view, is approaching so[2/5/2012 11:13:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days
rotation stoppage going into
community they live in.
rapidly that the earth is slowing
the shift. They will party,
Increasingly polarity will