reassurance as
much as a rescue, to placate the working man and to meet agreements on mutual support between countries. Would the
working man pay taxes and abide by laws if his life was treated with such disdain? When matters become so grim that
rescue is no longer possible, the reaction will be less
philanthropy is not exposed. As with individuals, during times of increasing difficulties governments and philanthropic
organizations focus inward, concerned with their own survival. Thus, social services will be less accessible and
responsive, the doors shut and the phones unanswered.[2/5/2012 11:13:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Worst Case
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In worst case predictions, there is the assumption that
would go on endlessly if a disaster were large enough, long lasting and global. Looting is an immediate response to an
during the weeks preceding and following the pole shift, they will surely be looted, but grab-and-run is not the mode
when goods are looked after and not abandoned. Bartering will become the mode, with life-styles becoming
increasingly simple and plain as goods become scarce.
Predictions that martial law will be imposed, world wide or in this or that country, are likewise based on projecting a
martial law be maintained when the troops cannot be fed, and the foot soldier is intensely worried about his family
back at home? Military campaigns, and repression, are maintained only where the resources to feed and reward an
army exist. When food stores and the promise of continuing job security become empty, the generals and politicians
wanting to rule will find themselves abandoned, and without the means to chase and punish their wayward soldiers
there will be little threat to prevent this trend. Once the rulers have been ignored, without punishment or repercussions,
martial law is over. Knowing these facts, most counties will not attempt martial law, and where this is imposed such
campaigns will be short lived.[2/5/2012 11:13:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Likely Reality
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Predictions on what will happen in human society as the cataclysms approach and become increasingly clear, even
shrill, in their warnings vary from the best case to the worst, and neither are correct. Between the best and worst case
predictions lie reality, where families will increasingly be forced to rely upon themselves and the community they live
in. The responses to increased hardship and food shortages will depend upon the community, the quality of
commitment to others that the community maintains. Increasing polarity toward Service-to-Other or Service- to-Self
will intensify, such that some communities share and support each other more, while others close their doors to each
other with brutal indifference.
Governments, barely able to address the needs of their populace today, will become increasingly irrelevant. This fact
will slowly dawn upon the government workers who have always assumed their jobs secure and their place in society
assured. As government workers become disillusioned, the quality of their service will drop, so that support from one’s
government becomes increasingly[2/5/2012 11:13:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days
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We have stated that when the pole shift hits, the majority of the worlds population will
even among those warned denial will be high. We have stated that among those hearing the warning and taking it
seriously, the reaction may be to party to the end, rather than take steps for safety or prepare for a life after the shift.
Given that the cover-up may crack, and certainly will crack when the presence of Planet X coming toward the