polarizing for some decades, such that the Scandinavian countries have become supportive social democracies and the
entire continent of Africa has been enslaved or brutalized for economic reasons. On a local level, communities living
almost within shouting distance of each other have likewise polarized, families choosing to move or maintain
friendships based on their orientation. Thus, within a city, one suburb may be strongly Service-to-Other in their
support of community needs while another is filled with self focused individuals ignoring each other and intent on
personal agendas. So how does a community
Sensing that troubled times are soon at hand, many strongly in the Service-to-Self will attempt to line up a soft life for
themselves, where they can be in control of others and dictate the daily events. This takes the form of attempts at
leadership, and offering a safe haven to desperate people unable to do anything but grab a life-line. These safe havens,
of course, will be anything but that, and are in essence slavery and abuse. Such offers, to the public at large or to
selected groups recently made desperate by disasters in their communities, take the form of offers of assisted
relocation, guaranteed work, loans with easy payment terms, and joining a community of supportive individuals. A
quick determination of the sincerity of such offers can be done by gauging the longevity of the organization. How long
have they been in business? If new, why have they not formed
Organizations offering self-help, where those in need are empowered with no strings attached, are relatively safe.
Organizations which would put the individual or family in a potentially stranded situation are highly suspect.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t107.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations
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On an individual basis, the subliminal mental and emotional preparations done by many who have sensed that
something momentous is about to occur, will move into the overt. Individuals who have been watching the news,
seeing the erratic weather and the increasing inability of scientists to explain the changes and the impotence of
governments to address the obvious implications for their citizens, will decide to take action. In the main, these
individuals are
individual takes will differ, depending upon the individual’s spiritual orientation.
Those in the Service-to-Other have considered changes in light of family needs, such as the need for children to
receive the best education, or the need for a particular family member to receive expert medical attention, or the need
for employment to support the family at a comfortable level, or the need for able-bodied members of the family to be
close to those needing physical assistance. Often these individuals have lined up an alternative site as a vacation home
or second home, or made contacts during business trips so as to be able to move if the need arises. Those in urban
areas are most likely to be struggling for alternative living, as well publicized riots in heavily populated areas have
brought home the danger when times turn ugly. Those living along coastal areas subject to tearing tides or on fault
lines subject to increasing quakes likewise increasingly consider their alternatives. The Service-to-Other guided
individual or family will make their move not when the opportunity arises, but when the advantages to moving offset
the advantages to staying. This varies, and can be no more a trigger than the loss or threat of loss of a job, or the end
of a school year, or the failure of a family garden.
Those in the Service-to-Self are looking to either perpetuate their life style and control over others, or in some cases to
take full advantage of the distress that many will be under to create an essential kingdom for themselves. Those
attached to a spouse or co-worker or friend who is a giving individual in the Service-to-Others will try to tighten the
noose, either by increasing demands or enticements. This will be accompanied by a requirement that the person being
clung to
escape. Those attempting to setup a kingdom for themselves attempt to parlay any semblance of leadership they may
have effected in their life into group formation, becoming a leader in a survival community espousing a safe haven for
all comers. Here one need look no further than the individual’s past history to discern their intent. What have they
done for others in the
either enslaved by the arrangements offered to them or at the very least fleeced of all their goods and money.
Those in the majority, the undecided, will take many routes depending more upon their immediate vicinity and the
influences in their life than upon any self-initiated urge. If living in comfortable circumstances, young and with money
and opportunities for amusement, they may just remain in their setting until surprised by the week of rotation stoppage
going into the shift. They will be joined by those in the Service-to-Self who were unable to make safe