There is no
prize. So the demands made, one country upon another, to correct what is seen as a cause elsewhere, will be loud, but
not followed by actions other than those of a paper dragon variety - all noise, but no substance.[2/5/2012 11:13:33 AM]
ZetaTalk: During 2002
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The calendar years leading into the pole shift year will see the culmination of many trends, and a few new trends.
Erratic weather causing droughts and deluges and temperature swings affect commercial crops and food relied upon by
hunter-gathering groups alike, so distress from weather created disasters and food shortages will increase, as will the
resulting anger of governed populaces against their ineffectual governments and migrations of peoples attempting to
find a better place. These have been existing trends, not new. Governments react to problems placed before them that
they cannot solve by pointing the finger outside their borders, as a threatened country supports its leadership and fears
to undermine it during such times. Using outside threats, so that many countries point fingers at each other, can be
expected to increase during 2002. This likewise is not a new trend going into the pole shift. Increasing quakes and
volcanic eruptions, as well as high tides and ocean whirlpools, will get little media attention so as not to alarm an
already uneasy populace, but will nevertheless occur. These and heating of the Earth from the core, causing melting
polar ice and glaciers, is not new but an existing trend.
We have predicted that in the year prior to the shift that satellites will fail, consistently. Earthquake and volcano
activity will steadily increase, on a somewhat linear scale. Earthquakes and volcanoes are reacting to the heating up
and activity in the core, which has a great deal of drag in that there is a large amount of matter to heat up and
increasing motion in this is not that easy, the core being heavy matter and inclined to hug itself closely. Thus, the
increasing approach of the 12th Planet will be
rapidly diminishing distance. However, should one run statistics on the changes, one would see other than lineal
changes overall. It is simply that the core must
so is less subject to rubbing one plate against another and there are more places where magma can ooze out in the deep
ocean rifts.
Thus, there will be increases, as there will be increasing crop shortages, but the
the changes, and start to enclose themselves into enclaves safe from the populace. New leadership, from the masses so
to speak, will arise, filling the void. These will be noticed, and much the talk, while the weird weather and increasing
quakes will be scarcely noticed. So these trends are what will be
increasing polarization by orientation into either Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self groups, to the point of
being distinct and noticeable.
safe haven offerings by Service-to-Self groups intent on garnering slaves and expertise from those desperate
from recent disasters or unemployment.
steps to actually prepare for the coming troubled times by individuals who have formerly only mulled over the
earth changes and government responses.[2/5/2012 11:13:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: During 2003
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All trends leading up to 2003 will of course continue, not only unabated but exacerbated. This includes weird and wild
weather out of season and extreme, increasing quakes in both frequency and Richter, and increasing illness both from
known and familiar sources and microbes migrating to new locates. Saber ratting among governments wanting their
populace to quiet their demands
the N. Korean approach to the US. The populace that fears war or attack tends to back the leaders, quiet their demands,
and thus is more passive and malleable by the governing establishment. Starvation will continue to quietly increase,
not mentioned in the media except by accident in those countries that are normally expected to
Islands will go under the waves, the drown populace silenced and the media told to do likewise. Tides will be
inordinately unpredictable, high, flowing
see 2003 Date explanation] going into the shift? We have mentioned that increasingly personal preparations will be made, not so much new as taking expression where almost no one knows of someone