severe and intractable drought but because of the drought and deluge swings. Deluges can be devastating, as the recent
reports coming out of a drowning Central America and their lost crops relay. Seeds are washed out of the ground, or
rotted in the ground. Likewise, as we stated in 1995, very warm winter weather can confuse crops. They begin their
growth cycle before they should and thus are frozen out when winter returns. And likewise there will increasing be
very cold summers. This is a new angle - very cold summers. This has been relayed in the past, in ancient reports of
what the Chinese called a world cycle, meaning the approach of another pole shift, where snow fell in summer. This
type of weather change, which will shock the weathermen who are trying to explain events in terms of Global
Warming, will begin.
We have predicted there will in essence be a complete crop failure for the 3 years going into the Spring of 2003 [Note:
see 2003 Date explanation]. This means the years of 2000, 2001, and 2002 will find such devastation to commercial crops that the stores set aside by the government for such disasters will be depleted greatly. These stores are intended to help
those who have been ravaged by hurricanes or to rescue some country devastated by drought or locust swarms. Those
types of rescues overseas are not being done anymore by the US, the doors quietly shut, so that it seems to the
populace in the US that they are fine. They are not fine. Our advice continues to be to have family gardens and to rely
on oneself. What other types of changes might be experienced this coming year?
We mentioned a year ago that tornadoes would be experienced in areas that do not experience such tornadoes, and
more devastating tornadoes would be experienced. This likewise unfolded this past year, and this trend will increase to
the point where people will be just numbed by the size and fury of the tornadoes that will not only go through tornado
alley in the US but also in other places in the world which simply don’t think in terms of needing to protect themselves
from such swirling, forceful winds. This will continue to be couched in terms of Global Warming, but increasingly
this explanation will be questioned. Why has there been such a rapid upswing? How can one account for a chemical
change in the upper atmosphere that would do such a thing? Why is devastating cold sweeping down on places such as
India if Global Warming is the explanation? Where is this coming from? Of course it is coming from volcanic
upheaval under oceans that are causing the El Nino effect to continue, even though it is being downplayed, to the point
where the air over the oceans is being dragged about and warmed and cooled.
We also predict, as we did last year, that there will be high tides. Not tsunamis, following earthquakes, but unusual
high tides. We also predict that there will begin to be reports of whirlpools in the oceans that will startle those who
have never seen such a thing in the oceans. Likewise, as we have predicted in the past, there will be increasing booms
and flashes, which are caused by underwater earthquakes that cause heaving in the oceans such that the air over the
dropping water claps. This can happen over land, also. We predict that this will increase to the point where this is
discussed in the coffee rooms and bars of many cities, even though it doesn’t get media coverage.[2/5/2012 11:13:32 AM]
ZetaTalk: During 2001
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An overall phrase to describe 2001 will be that things are getting shaky. Earthquakes increasing in frequency and
intensity, and storm damage continues so that insurance companies will begin to falter and fail if not bolstered by
government intervention. The weather is becoming more erratic so that any attempt to pretend that crop shortages are
not occurring, worldwide, is no longer possible. Food prices will rise or there will be shortages in the stores, unless
governments step in with price freezes and forced disbursal of goods to the populace. Starvation, already occurring in
many countries, will increase, but the starving will have less of a voice as time goes on, and be increasingly ignored.
Economic impacts are beginning to bump into each other, one causing the other, so that the economic result is beyond
a recession and threatening to become a worldwide depression. The economic drain from disasters affects individuals
and their ability to work, villages and cities and their ability to provide services, and corporations that are dependent
upon customers. Disasters can result in increased opportunity, but only if a source of aid is available, and when aid is
withdrawn, or not provided, disasters become an economic drain. Aid between countries is being cut off, with little
fanfare in the donor countries so the populace will not become alarmed. Businesses dependent upon their investments
in Third World countries will then fail, once again creating a shaky economic environment.
When the response of a given government is less than what the populace has come to expect, there will be protests or
riots, depending upon the culture. Strong arm tactics will increase, jailing the protesters and creating curfews or travel
restrictions. Since a common tactic to distract a restless populace is an outside threat, governments of many countries
will saber-rattle, pointing the finger elsewhere and making threats and demands. This will not lead to war, as none of
these countries would gain by war, in that the whole world is affected by the economic and crop disasters.