the hills, to be a survivalist, to be more self sufficient. These individuals, normally looked upon as a bit kooky, will not
receive the ridicule they have in the past, simply because the times have become
seen as almost insightful, bold, and wise.
Where we have predicted increasing quakes, imploding cities, this will reach the point during the months leading into
the shift, in 2003, of leveling cities, demolishing them, due not only to quakes but the after effects such as fire and
looting. Look to the WTC disaster, where the burning material polluted and poisoned the surrounding area, such that
now many humans are sickened if they were not protected with masks during this time. Devastated cities, shaky and
unsafe, about to collapse under an aftershock, or another adjustment in the ground in the case of imploding cities in
areas under a stretch, will be deemed unsafe so the residents
they go? It will be in many cases winter, cold, or certainly not the balmy summer that one would expect a tent city to
be erected in. Sudden barracks? Transport to other cities? Refugee problems in Bosnia and other war torn areas in the
past requires
Military commandeering of suburban housing such that all house several families, sharing the supplies and food, at
gunpoint. Martial Law to be enacted at least in local areas, if need be.
At the same time, increasing information flow about the inbound planet, the hypothesis of a coming pole shift, will be
occurring. As surprising as it seems, those in government, in
embodiment of the government in totality. In the media too, there will be those who simply use the slightest crack to
and emotional moments to explain their actions. Once
other, creating an information repository circulating among the populace that creates the impression of
withheld by the establishment. As with all press briefings, officials
screams that a cover-up is being foisted on the public.
And then the riots start. Riots will be suppressed in the name of terrorism, controlling looting and recovering victims
after a natural disaster, and keeping the peace. Where the establishment is being pressed for answers, they will have no
comment because they are[2/5/2012 11:13:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: During 2003
military assigned to keep mass civilians quiet, such as in tent cities surrounding collapse cities. When the military
discovers that something
true migration by the populace
safe, they run
This situation is described by us in detail, in the Countdown Signs, in the Most Terrible Day, and other ZetaTalk pages already provided.
But imagine that this situation
country, this is a warning sign. If your government has assigned military to dislocated citizens, to prevent looting and
keep the peace, and the military in these areas is looking distressed, uneasy, this is a warning sign. Thus, we repeat our
advise that those wanting to survive, who have established the locations and life style they think fits this outcome,
Only money and status. What have you got to lose by delaying? Your life, your health, and that of your loved ones
who are depending upon[2/5/2012 11:13:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Safe Havens
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Where we have mentioned that increasing polarization will occur, between those in the Service-to-Other and Service-
to-Self orientation, this will become noticeable and even publicly announced during 2002. The population of the Earth,
to the extent that it could travel and move about or establish economic interests in a country of choice, has been