at FOB Joyce, 13 Oct. 2011.
1 Valadez, up on the northern ridge—answered on the net: Rodriguez-Chavez statement, Tab N. (All references to Tabs are found in the Medal of Honor packet of Cpl. Meyer, cited in “Request for Copy of Documents contained in Medal of Honor Recommendation,” Military Awards Branch, U.S. Marine Corps, 28 Oct. 2011.)
2 “Fox 9 says you are to stay at your present location”: Valadez statement, Tab P.
3 four hundred meters to the east: Fabayo statement, Appendix e 14 of Medal of Honor packet assembled for the recommendation for Capt. William Swenson attached to a Letter of Lateness from USFORA Afghanistan signed by Col. Chevallier, USA, on 11 Aug. 2011.
4 the enemy’s heavy guns were firing: JTF-82 Memo for Record, Timeline of Events: Ganjigal, 23 Nov. 2009, 0556.
5 I may not make it out of here: Swenson extended conversations with West, 14- 17 Oct. 2009, at Camp Joyce and while riding around the district.
6 higher on the ridge, at least seven times: Werth/Hooker Investigation, Exhibit L (D.1).
7 “The fucks won’t shoot the arty”: Kaplan discussion with West at Joyce, 15-16 Oct. 2009.
8 Swenson had identified enemy positions at four grid positions: The grids were 992 521, 983 512, 981 509, and 957 493. 101 “I’m making the decision, not them”: Swenson conversation with West at Joyce, 15 Oct. 2009.
9 “KE 3365, Hill 1485”: JTF-82 Memo for Record, Timeline of Events: Ganjigal, 23 Nov. 2009, request at 0556.
10 called in a polar mission: Werth/Hooker Investigation, Exhibits AE and AF (Shadow statements).
11 “hit from the north, east, and south”: Werth/Hooker Investigation, Exhibit K (C.1).
12 “twenty questions”: Summers Shadow 4 Appendix G6, Werth/Hooker Investigation.
13 A second string was running the show, and not well: The leaders in the TOC came from the second tier inside 1-32. The battle captain had been relieved of his platoon before the deployment began. Lt. Col. O’Donnell was on leave. His executive officer, a major, had a checkered reputation; in previous battles, platoon leaders under fire had decided to ignore his orders over the radio.
14 no more than four or five effective rounds: Fabayo, Exhibit BH.
15 an eight-round “splash”—with shells on target—inside ten minutes: JTF-82 Memo for Record, Timeline of Events: Ganjigal, 23 Nov. 2009, splash 0605.
16 fire mission requests were cascading in: See Fabayo, Appendix e11, Garza, Appendix e15, and CJTF-82 Timeline.
17 every four minutes: Mirc CHAT fire mission requests were logged in at 0537, 0541, 0546, 0550, 0556, and 0600.
18 Joyce allowed only twenty-one artillery shells to be fired: Werth/Hooker Investigation summary (four 155 shells, thirteen 120 shells, and five 120 WP shells).
19 “the next higher headquarters commander has approved”: ISAF Tactical Directive, 1 July 2009, p. 2.
20 “disposition of civilians in the area”: Werth/Hooker Investigation, Exhibit T.
21 Shadow 4 relayed the message to Joyce: CJTF-82 Memo for Record, Timeline of Events: Ganjigal, 23 Nov. 2009, 0550.
22 Sgt. Summers kept requesting air: Werth/Hooker Investigation, Exhibit AF. Summers statement.
23 Everyone was trying to talk to him, asking for guidance: Gunny Miller, JP Exhibit V. (The exhibit number was typed at the bottom of the page; it does not appear in the index.)
24 last four Social Security digits of each American in the valley: Summers, Appendix G6.
25 This had to be KE 3070: CJTF-82, MFR Timeline of Events, 23 Nov. 2009 (0600 entry: four HE 155mm fires splashed on KE 3070).
26 “We have to get out of here”: Rodriguez-Chavez, Tab N.
1 The fight had been raging for over half an hour: Meyer on CBS interview, 60 Minutes.
2 Fabayo told Valadez to stay off the net: Valadez statement, Tab P.
3 “You’re supposed to stay where you are”: Valadez statement, Tab P.
4 urging them in Pashto to follow me: Valadez statement, Tab P.
5 “you have enemy at your nine o’clock, driver’s side”: Miller, Annex E, Appendix e18.
6 I could get at them easier in the fight ahead: Rodriguez-Chavez, Tab N.
7 “There are people out there dying”: Valadez statement, Tab P.
8 it would arrive in “fifteen mikes”: Fabayo, Appendix e14.
9 called the ops center at Jalalabad Air Base: Staff Sgt. Lantz called directly to the ops center of the 7th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment at JAL. The problem was that 7-17 wanted clearance from the brigade level.
10 The squadron ops chief agreed to re-task the birds immediately: AR 15-16, Werth/Hooker Investigation, 25 Nov. 2009, Exhibit BJ.
11 close air support in addition to helicopters: Werth/Hooker Investigation, 25 Nov. 2009, Exhibit II-1 (P.6). (The TOC could get CAS by declaring an air TIC [Troops In Contact].)
12 another mission north of Ganjigal was of “higher priority”: AR 15-16, Werth/Hooker Investigation, 25 Nov. 2009, Exhibit C1 and Exhibit R (“The ANA and ABP leadership knew that they would have no CCA”) and Exhibit U (“The air is engaged in another mission”).
13 shouting that Ganjigal was “a heavy TIC”: AR 15-16, Werth/Hooker Investigation, 25 Nov. 2009, Exhibits AE and AF and MFR stating conclusions.
14 Captain Harting ignored Shadow’s plea: AR 15-16, Werth/Hooker Investigation, 25 Nov. 2009. See Exhibit K for the rationale by the battle captain in TOC.
15 “They said it was unavailable”: Fabayo, Exhibit BH.
16 laughing at how ridiculous the situation was: Miller, Annex E, Appendix e18.
17 “thirty to sixty AAF” (Anti-Afghan Forces) were attacking: Harting, Exhibit K.
18 “denied twice due to proximity of structures”: Werth/Hooker Investigation, JP Exhibit K.
19 wouldn’t authorize fire support: Werth Investigation, Exhibit II-1 (P. 5)