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A 'A' pictures. See 'B' pictures Abstract expressionism, painters of, 171 Absurdity, themes of, 22-23, 52, 54, 206, 210 Abuse, sexual. See Sexual perversity; Violence Academy Award pictures, 125, 219, 273; films noirs, 142, 165, 186, 297n7 Adorno, Theodor, 41, 292n62 'Adults only' film showings, 100, 293n8 Advertising. See Marketing and advertising Aesthetes, 44; as villains, 99, 222, 254 Africa, 233-53
African Americans: 240 (fig.), 244-46; in 'buddy' pictures, 241-42; community and neighborhood themes, 247 -48; as film extras, 236-37, 239-40; film noir depictions of, 8, 132, 240-41;
as heroes or protagonists, 132, 216, 217 (fig.), 242-53, 243 (fig.), 245 (fig.), 251 (fig.); passing for white, 12, 250-51; in pulp fiction novels, 233-35 African-American directors: films noirs by, 8, 242-46, 281n8; hiphop or 'gangsta' films by, 246; types of crime movies by, 246.
See also Directors Agee, James, 102, 105-6, 139 Alcoholism themes, 14 (fig.), 101, 107-15, 272; censorship of, 97, 117; in literature, 18, 54
Aldrich, Robert, 4, 22, 27, 37, 151-55, 154 (fig.), 155 (fig.), 240-41, 242 (fig.), 298n22
Alienation, 86, 87, 236, 249, 253, 268 Allen, Woody, 136, 191
Allied Artists (Monogram) studio, 141, 143, 150
Allusions, 36, 38-39, 151, 158, 159, 168, 215-16, 217-18, 257, 267-75.
See also Conventions, film-noir; Remakes, noir Alonzo, John, 208, 212, 305n37 Altman, Robert, 203-5 Alton, John, 33, 142, 143, 156, 189, 301n18;
Painting with Light, 172-74, 301n8
Ambience. See Mise-en-scene; Settings and locales, film-noir Ambiguity:
existentialist, 24, 25, 26, 148; moral and sexual, 53, 80, 118, 223;
'mystery man,' 119, 295n24; public and private, 65; surrealist, 18, 21, 282n2 Ambler, Eric, 282n15 Ameida Prado, Guilherme de, 36 (fig.), 38 American dream, the, 125, 130, 241, 250, 275, 286n8; black comedy about, 158- 59, 219.
See also Capitalism; Modernity American International Pictures, 156 'American romance,' the, 52-53
Amis, Martin, 255
L'amour fou, the term, 21, 89, 91 (fig.)
Andersen, Thom, 123-24, 131 Andrews, Dana, 23 Anfam, David, 171 Angel, Heather, 64 Les annees noirs, 24 Anonymity in public, 89, 90 (fig.)
Anticommunist noir, 127, 295n29 Antifascist themes, 115-16, 125, 131 Antigenre, film noir as an, 22
Antiheroes. See Criminals; Heroes and protagonists; Killers Antiheroines. See Femmes fatales; Heroines and protagonists Anti-Semitism: of characters, 114;
Eliot's, 65, 289n37;
films against, 116-17, 120, 294n21;
Greene's, 65, 66; of Hollywood censors 97.
See also Racial themes in films noirs Antisocial behaviors of noir characters, 18, 20, 21.
See also Criminals; Violence Antiwar movement, 33
Antonioni, Michaelangelo, 38, 190, 191, 203, 295n24
Apocalypse, nuclear, 22, 153, 298n23
Apparadurai, Arjun, 225
Aragon, Louis, 18, 19, 282n22
Argentina, thrillers in, 28
Arnold, Matthew, 290n44
Arquette, Patricia, 273 (fig.), 274
Art categories, dissolution of boundaries between, 38, 156 Art cinema, American, 159-61, 267.
See also European art films Art criticism: academic, 106, 261; the nature of, 5-6; and politics, 284n36, 294n15 Art criticism, French. See French film culture Art direction, noir 86, 182.
See also Props; Sets, film-noir Art films:
Asian, 227;
orneo-noir, 270-72, 271 (fig.).