302n26 Byrne, Gabriel, 215
Caan, James, 193 Cable noir, 163-64, 257 Cafe society.
Camus, Albert, 23 Canerday, Natalie, 271, 272 Cannes Prize pictures, 10 'Caper' movies, 128, 246-47, 262 Capitalism, 24;
antipathy toward, 86, 87, 127, 207, 253; indictment of, 22, 207, 211; and organized crime, 128, 191-92; and postmodern entertainment, 210, 211, 218, 285n52.
Categories, the nature of, 5-6, 22, 124, 276-77.
local, 100, 293n8;
objections to films noirs, 98-99;
prohibitions and rules, 96-97;
repressed elements, 96, 99-100, 118, 221-22;
self-censorship by filmmakers, 106;
of sexuality, 99-101;
of violence, 57, 102, 110-11;
wartime, 102, 105, 234.
Censorship organizations.
Centripetal and centrifugal urban development, 169 Chabrol, C1aude, 27 Chandler, Raymond, 1, 16, 23, 52, 198; and
Chartier, Jean-Pierre, 15-17
Chase, James Hadley, 41
Chase sequences, urban, 73, 76, 79, 244
Chaumeton, Etienne, 4, 18-22, 33, 40, 73, 100, 104, 168, 186, 199-200, 226, 275, 284n43
Cheadle, Don, 251 Chekmayan, Ara, 254, 255 Chinese characters, 225, 228 Choice, existential, 26, 148 Christie, Agatha, 46 Cimino, Michael, 227
camera movements, 204, 205, 238-39, 301n19, 302n29;
historically dissonant, 203-4;
long takes or
low-budget, 148, 298n17;
process-screen, 238;
sequence shots, 150, 269;
split-screen, 135;
tracking shots, 160, 215, 301n19, 302n29; varieties of noir, 167-68;
Cities, development of, 169, 232.
artistic-intellectual, 187-88; black working, 248, 250; of blacks and whites, 241; bourgeois, 18, 51; of criminals, 234, 241; and gender, 265;
highbrow and lowbrow art and, 137;
and homophobia, 114-15, 222;
playboy, 153, 154 (fig.);
the proletariat, 99, 125, 152, 241;
and racism, 120-21, 241;
upper, 187-88, 197;
urban, 126;
working, 88, 248, 250, 268.
Clement, Rene, 191 Close, Glenn, 263, 264 Close-ups.
Clothing, noir.
Clubs, film, 21, 136
Coen, Joel and Ethan, 214-15, 290n40
Cognitive theory, 5-6
Cold war, the, 79;
and the McCarthy era, 105, 122, 123;
themes in
Eastmancolor, 186;
gels and filters, 191-93, 195;
hot and cold, 187, 192;
and low-level illumination, 191-92;
monochromatic, 188-89, 191-92, 205, 266;
muted, 188-89;
shift from black-and-white to, 170, 186-96 passim; symbolic uses of, 187, 191;
Technicolor, 170, 186, 187-89, 300n8, 302n25.
European thrillers, 191; genre films expected to be, 170; neorealist, 244; rise of, 21
Colorization of black-and-white movies, 302n25 Columbia Tri-Star, 165 Comedy, black, 158-59 Comer, Anjanette, 268
Comfort, Madi, 241, 242 (fig.)
Comic strips and books, 141, 218, 248;
Entertainment Comics, 258-59; movies based on, 256-57 Commercials, noir parodies on TV, 197 Communism:
and anticommunist noir, 127, 295n29; fear of, 123, 133, 135 Communist Party Writers' Clinics, 105 Communists, 104, 105, 293n11
Communities, minority.