Loon at whom our stomachs sicken,

Soon shall bear these words of scorn;

Far too nice for such base fellows

Is the name my bounty gives,

Een my muse her help refuses,

Making mirth of dungbeard boys.

Here I find a nickname fitting

For those noisome dungbeard boys, —

Loath am I to break my bargain

Linked with such a noble man —

Knit we all our taunts together —

Known to me is mind of man —

Call we now with outburst common,

Him, that churl, the beardless carle.”

Thou art a jewel indeed,” says Hallgerda; ” how yielding thou art

to what I ask!”

Just then Gunnar came in. He had been standing outside the door

of the bower, and heard all the words that had passed. They were

in a great fright when they saw him come in, and then all held

their peace, but before there had been bursts of laughter.

Gunnar was very wroth, and said to Sigmund, “Thou art a foolish

man, and one that cannot keep to good advice, and thou revilest

Njal’s sons, and Njal himself who is most worth of all; and this

thou doest in spite of what thou hast already done. Mind, this

will be thy death. But if any man repeats these words that thou

hast spoken, or these verses that thou hast made, that man shall

be sent away at once, and have my wrath beside.”

But they were all so sore afraid of him, that no one dared to

repeat those words. After that he went away, but the gangrel

women talked among themselves, and said that they would get a

reward from Bergthora if they told her all this.

They went then away afterwards down thither, and took Bergthora

aside and told her the whole story of their own free will.

Bergthora spoke and said, when men sate down to the board, “Gifts

have been given to all of you, father and sons, and ye will be no

true men unless ye repay them somehow.”

“What gifts are these? ” asks Skarphedinn.

“You, my sons,” says Bergthora, “have got one gift between you

all. Ye are nicknamed `Dungbeardlings,’ but my husband `the

Beardless Carle.’”

“Ours is no woman’s nature,” says Skarphedinn, “that we should

fly into a rage at every little thing.”

“And yet Gunnar was wroth for your sakes,” says she, “and he is

thought to be good-tempered. But if ye do not take vengeance for

this wrong, ye will avenge no shame.”

“The carline, our mother, thinks this fine sport,” says

Skarphedinn, and smiled scornfully as he spoke, but still the

sweat burst out upon his brow, and red flecks came over his

checks, but that was not his wont. Grim was silent and bit his

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