“But still thou wilt be good enough to have the fight, for

Hildigunna guessed that thou wouldest be easy in matching thy


“How came ye to talk about that?” says Gunnar.

“There were some men,” say they, “who were sure that no one would

dare to fight his horse with ours.”

“I would dare to fight him,” says Gunnar; “but I think that was

spitefully said.”

“Shall we look upon the match as made, then?” they asked.

“Well, your journey will seem to you better if ye have your way

in this; but still I will beg this of you, that we so fight our

horses that we make sport for each other, but that no quarrel may

arise from it, and that ye put no shame upon me; but if ye do to

me as ye do to others, then there will be no help for it but that

I shall give you such a buffet as it will seem hard to you to put

up with. In a word, I shall do then just as ye do first.”

Then they ride home. Starkad asked how their journey had gone

off; they said that Gunnar had made their going good.

“He gave his word to fight his horse, and we settled when and

where the horsefight should be; but it was plain in everything

that he thought he fell short of us, and he begged and prayed to

get off.”

“It will often be found,” says Hildigunna, “that Gunnar is slow

to be drawn into quarrels, but a hard hitter if he cannot avoid


Gunnar rode to see Njal, and told him of the horsefight, and

what words had passed between them, “But how dost thou think the

horsefight will turn out?”

“Thou wilt be uppermost,” says Njal, “but yet many a man’s bane

will arise out of this fight.”

“Will my bane perhaps come out of it?” asks Gunnar.

“Not out of this,” says Njal; “but still they will bear in mind

both the old and the new feud who fare against thee, and thou

wilt have naught left for it but to yield.”

Then Gunnar rode home.


(1) She was daughter of Hroald the Red and Hildigunna Thorstein

Titling’s daughter. The mother of Hildigunna was Aud Eyvind

Karf’s daughter, the sister of Modolf the Wise of Mosfell,

from whom the Modylfings are sprung.


Just then Gunnar heard of the death of his father-in-law

Hauskuld; a few nights after, Thorgerda, Thrain’s wife, was

delivered at Gritwater, and gave birth to a boy child. Then she

sent a man to her mother, and bade her choose whether it should

be called Glum or Hauskuld. She bade call it Hauskuld. So that

name was given to the boy.

Gunnar and Hallgerda had two sons, the one’s name was Hogni and

the other’s Grani. Hogni was a brave man of few words,

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