Weider and, 102, 106–9

   as weight lifter, 67–68

comedy: Arnold as action actor and, 360

   Arnold’s expansion into, 355, 358–65, 374

   Arnold’s goals and, 402

   and Berle’s influence on Arnold, 356–60.

See also specific person or movie Commando (movie), 318, 326, 337, 338–39, 340, 355

commercials, Arnold’s, 423

Communism; Arnold’s views about, 89–90

Conan (dog), 438, 452–53

Conan movies: action scenes in, 270–72

   Arnold’s awe of Jones in, 375

   Arnold’s contract for, 233, 299, 302–4

   Arnold’s earnings from, 338

   Arnold’s favorite line in, 234

   Arnold’s financial affairs and, 229–30, 257, 298, 303, 314, 401

   Arnold’s goals and, 298

   Arnold’s mother on set of, 454

   Arnold’s principles of success and, 605, 615

   Arnold’s reputation and, 314, 318

   Arnold’s training for, 235–37

   avenging parents in, 615

   as blockbuster films, 280–81

   bodybuilding as preparation for, 251

   budgets for, 231, 232, 236–37, 262, 267–68, 304

   casting for, 262–63, 305

   complexity of production in, 347

   as controversial, 276

   earnings of, 314, 318

   environmental concerns and, 275

   filming of, 237, 250, 254, 263–76, 297, 304

   Franco-Arnold as training partners for, 252

   funding for, 230, 232–33

   international audience for, 314

   as macho fantasy, 234–35

   Maria-Arnold relationship and, 250, 258

   marketing/promotion of, 232, 276–79, 292, 351

   memorabilia from, 147

   Orgy Chamber in, 265–66

   pre-production activities of, 229–37

   Pressman-Arnold deal about, 228–30

   ratings for, 277–78, 304–5, 385, 408

Red Sonja compared with, 315

   releases of, 276–81

   reshaping of Arnold’s body for, 254

   script for, 231, 232

The Terminator as similar to, 301, 304

   violence in, 275–76, 277–78.

See also specific movie Conan the Barbarian (movie), 234, 261, 262–81, 292, 304, 314, 328, 347, 351, 454, 605, 615

Conan the Destroyer (movie), 297, 303, 304–8, 314, 338, 401, 408

Conan the Warrior (movie), 228–37, 250, 251, 254, 257, 258

Congress, U.S.: Arnold’s views about, 556, 561

   environmental issues and, 581

construction business, Franco and Arnold’s, 117, 119–21, 182

Conte, Dino, 201

Coppola, Francis Ford, 173, 209, 309

Corman, Roger, 300, 311

Corney, Ed, 197, 198

corporate jets, 442–43

Cosby, Bill, 222

Cox, Dave, 478

Cox, Ronny, 348

Crane, David, 427–30, 516

Crawford, Cindy, 441

Crossbow (movie), 440

Cruise, Tom, 400, 440

Cry Macho (movie), 598

Cuba; Maria and Arnold’s trip to, 416–18

Cuomo, Mario, 395

Curtis, Jamie Lee, 412, 413, 414

Curtis, Tony, 100

Dali, Salvador, 258

Daly, John, 299, 302, 304, 311–12

damaging accusations; Arnold’s rules about, 511

Dangerfield, Rodney, 357, 358

Davis, Andy, 344

Davis, Barbara, 325, 355–56

Davis, Gray: accomplishments of, 464

   Arnold’s 2006 campaign and, 545

   Arnold’s campaign strategy and, 487–88

   Arnold’s debate about entering race against, 465–66

   Arnold’s joke about, 485

   Arnold’s relationship with, 486, 568

   Arnold’s swearing-in and, 514

   Arnold’s views about, 486, 492

   car tax and, 486, 518, 577

   elections of 2002 and, 465, 479

   electricity crisis in California and, 465

   environmental issues and, 548

   nurses’ mandate of, 526

   popularity of, 464

   recall of, 479–80, 482–83, 484–85, 486, 488–89, 491, 512, 532

   and responses to natural disasters, 568

   special election (2003) and, 506, 507, 508, 512

   and veterans of Davis staff on Arnold’s staff, 538, 559

   White’s assessment of Arnold’s run against, 468

   Zingale as advisor to, 543

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