emotions: Arnold’s views about, 177–78, 184
comparison of bodybuilding and acting and, 185
Morris’s coaching of Arnold about, 177–79
English; Arnold as learning, 89, 133, 135–36, 140–41
Enron, 465
environmental issues: Arnold as governor and, 546, 548–50, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561–62, 583–84, 585–86, 587–88
Arnold’s post-gubernatorial activities and, 597
Arnold’s principles of success and, 604, 605, 613–14
ballot initiative (2010) about, 585–86
and Congress, 556, 561
contradictions in Arnold’s life and, 603
drought of 2009 and, 587–88
elections of 2008 and, 574
Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582
Proposition 23 and, 585
Republican party and, 562
Schwarzenegger Institute (USC) studies about, 600
United Nations work on, 580–82, 613–14
Environmental Protection Agency, California, 516
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S., 548–49, 550
Erhard Seminars Training (EST), 183
Europe; promotion of
exhibition circuit; Arnold on British, 60–62
failure: Arnold’s views about, 605, 608.
Fannie Mae, 571
fans: of Arnold, 117, 130
Arnold’s views about, 60
fatherhood: Arnold’s movies and, 378–79
importance to Arnold of, 381–85
Lamaze classes and, 381
Feinstein, Dianne, 489
Feitshans, Buzz, 267–68
Fellini, Federico, 201
Ferrigno, Lou, 162, 169–71, 194–96, 207
Field, Sally, 180–81, 184, 199
fights; Arnold in Munich beer hall, 54–55
Film Artists Management, 199
financial affairs, Arnold’s: acting and, 200
Arnold as collector and, 257
and Arnold’s first million, 232
Arnold’s first visit to Hyannis Port and, 223, 224, 226
Arnold’s guidelines about investments and, 427
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 469, 470
Barbara-Arnold relationship and, 140
book sales and, 289
as child and youth, 10, 12, 14–15, 18–19
clothes and, 214
diversification of Arnold’s interests and, 424, 426
early days in Los Angeles and, 79, 96
fundraising and, 475–76
goals and, 298, 402, 423, 424
governorship and, 598
ice cream business and, 14–15
and keeping money, 424
Maria-Arnold marriage and, 325
Maria’s loan to Arnold and, 226
Maria’s money and, 325–26
money-making plans and, 217
movies and, 326, 337, 338, 423
Mr. Olympia (1980) prize money and, 253
panhandling and, 15
promotion of Arnold and, 288–89, 290
risk-taking and, 150
South Africa trip and, 145
Wachter role in, 424–25, 426–27, 429, 430, 444
Weider earnings and, 96
Weider support and, 116, 117.
mail-order business, Arnold’s; Planet Hollywood; real estate, Arnold’s investments in
firefighters: Arnold as governor and, 528, 529, 531, 545
San Diego fires and, 570
Fleischer, Richard, 305, 315
Folino, Paul, 475–76
Fonda, Henry, 208, 276
Fonda, Jane, 276, 289, 292
Fonda, Peter, 157
Fong, Matt, 543
Ford, Gerald, 244
Ford, Harrison, 408