Joel, Billy, 424

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Special Olympics promotion at, 373

John Paul II (pope), 617–18

Johnson, Hiram, 468, 505, 587

Johnson, Lyndon B., 242, 372

Johnston, Dick, 161

Jones, Bill, 503

Jones, Grace, 305–6, 307, 330–31

Jones, James Earl, 263, 271, 272–73, 375

Jones, Quincy, 328

Joseph (Mildred and Arnold’s son), 592, 594–95, 596

Junior (movie), 374, 381, 423

Jurassic Park (movie), 407, 410

Kallianiotes, Helena, 190

Kassar, Mario, 345–46, 347, 470–71

Kaufman, Elaine, 209.

See also Elaine’s

Kennedy, Caroline, 213, 222, 223, 225, 329

Kennedy, Courtney, 455

Kennedy, Edward “Teddy”: Arnold as governor and, 530, 532, 541, 550

   Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 500–501, 505, 532, 550

   Arnold’s first visit to Hyannis Port and, 225

   Arnold’s political ambitions and, 466, 500–501, 505

   Arnold’s proposal to Maria and, 320

   Chappaquiddick and, 248, 249

   Davis special election campaign and, 506

   death of, 579

   elections of 2000 and, 529

   health care reform and, 560–61

   influence on Arnold of, 500–501, 505

   at Kennedy Celebrity Tennis Tournament, 221, 224

   at Kennedy Center promotion of Special Olympics, 373

   at Maria-Arnold wedding, 329

   Maria’s feelings about politics and, 493

   1980 presidential campaign of, 239–40, 246, 247–49, 252, 255, 472

   Reiss as law clerk for, 472

   Shriver (Eunice and Sargent) honeymoon and, 378

   Thanksgiving celebrations and, 455

Kennedy, Ethel, 220, 221, 224, 320

Kennedy, Jacqueline.

See Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

Kennedy, Jacquie, 217–18, 219

Kennedy, Joan, 320

Kennedy, John F.: Arnold’s views about, 206, 580

   assassination of, 249, 416, 493

   Berle as fan of, 356

   as champion of physical fitness, 370–71, 372, 387, 388–89, 390

   humidor of, 356

   influence on Maria of, 241, 249, 493

   Maria’s questions to Castro about, 416

   Russian-U.S. relations and, 21–22

Kennedy, John F. Jr., 206

Kennedy, Joseph II, 225, 226, 373

Kennedy, Joseph P. (grandfather), 240, 241, 247, 256, 259, 326, 378

Kennedy, Robert “Bobby,” 249, 371, 493

Kennedy, Robert Jr. (son of Bobby Kennedy), 222, 455

Kennedy, Rose, 224–25, 226, 256, 328

Kennedy, Saoirse, 455

Kennedy, Susan P., 538–41, 542, 543, 545, 558, 559, 567, 577

Kennedy family: Arnold’s gubernatorial reform agenda and, 529, 530

   Arnold’s political ambitions and, 466

   Berle family and, 356

   conformity within, 242–43

   Eunice’s death and, 579

   influence on Arnold of, 403

   at Kennedy Center promotion of Special Olympics, 373

   Maria-Arnold relationship and, 255

   NRA and, 368

   public perception of, 243

   Shriver (Sarge) as vice presidential candidate and, 244

   views about Arnold’s movies by, 373–74

   weddings in, 327–28, 329–30

Kerr, Deborah, 208

Kerry, John, 213, 506

Khrushchev, Nikita, 21–22

The Kid and I (movie); Arnold cameo in, 599

Kim, Jee-Woon, 598

Kindergarten Cop (movie), 374, 378–79, 385, 400, 463 , 471

King, Larry, 487

King, Stephen, 344

Kissinger, Henry, 243

Klestil, Thomas, 295

Knapp, Erika (Meinhard’s fiancee), 134, 147, 404

Knapp, Patrick (Arnold’s nephew), 134, 147, 404, 405, 432, 453, 598

Kono, Tommy, 97

Koornhof, Piet, 456

Koszewski, Irvin “Zabo,” 86–87

Krainer, Josef Jr., 294–95

Krainer, Josef Sr., 294

Kramer, Joel, 333–34, 416

Kroher, Fritz, 52

Kubik, Larry, 199–200, 201–2, 208, 215, 219–20, 233, 298

Kyoto Protocol, 561, 580

Lamaze classes, 381

Lange, Jessica, 208

Las Vegas, Nevada, 84, 85, 280, 343, 470

Last Action Hero (movie), 407–11, 413

The Last Stand (movie), 598, 599–600

Late Night with David Letterman (TV show), 314

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