Lauer, Matt, 499, 501
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 225, 255, 320
Lawford, Peter, 240, 255
League of Women Voters, 477
Leamer, Ed, 502, 503
Lear, Norman, 240
Lee, Stan, 598
legislature, California: approval ratings for, 520
Arnold’s relationship with, 520, 522–23, 524–26
Arnold’s views about, 516–17, 539–40
as “girlie men,” 525–26.
Leibovitz, Annie, 328
Leno, Jay, 359, 398, 487, 494–95, 497–98, 508, 510, 560, 594
Leon, Timothy, 97
Leonard, Sugar Ray, 441
Leonard, Terry, 261, 270
Lerner, Anita, 288, 289–90
Letterman, David, 439, 487
Litton Industries, 557
Lockyer, Bill, 477
London, England: Arnold’s visit with Bennetts in, 59–60
Mr. Universe competitions in, 51–52, 53, 55–59, 65–66, 71–73, 77, 110, 126–27
Lopez, Gerry, 262, 266
Loren, Sophia, 208, 453
Lorimer, Jim: Arnold’s invitation to Mr. World competition and, 124–25
Arnold’s participation in 1970 bodybuilding contests and, 124–26, 127–28
Arnold’s partnership with, 129, 187, 232, 288
Arnold’s winning of Mr. World contest and, 129
as Bush (George H.W.) supporter, 370
dancing lessons for Arnold and Maria and, 331
Maria-Arnold wedding and, 328, 331
personal and professional background of, 125
Los Angeles, California: Arnold as real estate investor in, 215–17
Arnold’s early days in, 81–97
chronicling of Arnold’s arrival in, 79
Inner-City Games in, 472–73
Mr. International competition (1974) in, 159, 160–65, 174
riots in, 419–20
losing: Arnold’s feelings about, 75, 77–78
and Maria’s feelings about politics, 492–93.
Lovell, James, 371
Lowenbraukeller stone-lifting competition (Munich, Germany), 64, 68
Lundgren, Dolph, 337, 599
Madison Square Garden (New York City): Mr. Olympia contest (1975) in, 168–71, 188, 194–95, 520, 521
Republican National Convention (2004) in, 520–21
Mangano, Silvana, 267
magazines, bodybuilding, 29–30, 43, 45, 256, 277.
magazines, Weider’s: Arnold as interviewer/writer for, 115–16, 118
Arnold’s advertising in, 118–19
Arnold’s early interest in bodybuilding and, 29–30
Arnold’s interview in, 75–76
Arnold’s study of, 82
Arnold’s youthful interest in, 99–100
Butler and Gaines work in, 154
Mr. Olympia contest (1974) and, 169
promotion of Arnold by, 76–77, 79, 95, 169, 288, 291
promotions of bodybuilding in, 111, 152–53
mail-order business, Arnold’s, 117–19, 140, 182, 187, 215, 288
mail-order business, Weider’s, 118
makeup trailers, 306–7
Makris, Tony, 368
Malden, Karl, 202
Malick, Terrence, 229
Mandela, Nelson, 456–57, 458, 580, 604, 616–17
Mansfield, Jayne, 400
marijuana/hashish, 87, 91, 108, 158, 210
Marks, Lynn, 288, 289–90, 433
Marnul, Kurt, 23, 25, 26, 27–28, 30, 38
marriage; Arnold’s views about, 324–25
Martin, Dean, 212, 240, 356
Martin, Steve, 299, 357
masks, movie; Arnold’s claustrophobia with, 435–37
Matscher, Christine, 33, 34, 60
Matscher, Dr., 33, 34
Matthews, Chris, 487
Max, John, 508
Mayer-Stechbarth; Arnold’s apprenticeship at, 33–34
McCain, John, 573, 574
McCarthy, Kevin, 522–23
McClintock, Tom, 506, 507, 508, 512
McGovern, George, 249
McPherson, Bruce, 531
McTiernan, John, 334, 336, 408
Medavoy, Mike, 297, 299, 304
Medvedev, Dmitri, 617
Mendelsohn, Adam, 543, 551–52
Mentzer, Mike, 251, 252