Nixon, Richard M., 84–85, 89, 242, 243, 244, 403–6, 550, 561
Nolte, Nick, 318
NonStop Kino (Graz theater), 13–14
Noonan, Peggy, 369, 370
Norris, Chuck, 337, 338, 599
Nowak, Tony, 393
Nubret, Serge, 91, 144, 162
nudity, 26, 269
Nunez, Fabian, 522, 525, 531, 548, 552, 560
Nureyev, Rudolf, 209–10
nurses’ organizations; Arnold as governor and, 526–27, 528, 545, 560
nutritional supplements: Putziger’s mail-order business with, 50
of Weider, 73, 100
Oak Productions, 288
Obama, Barack, 549, 573, 574, 576, 582, 584, 588
Obama, Michelle, 593
Occidental Petroleum, 291, 550
Oliva, Sergio: Arnold compared with, 106
Arnold first meets, 74, 92
Arnold’s admiration for, 91, 106, 128, 170
Arnold’s determination to beat, 78, 92
Arnold’s goals and, 110
Arnold’s reconnaissance/psyching of, 105–6, 195
Arnold’s relationship with, 112, 130–31
Arnold’s training with, 105–6
as competition for Arnold, 110–11, 123, 124, 127–31, 144, 401, 533, 551
Cuban background of, 91–92
defection to U.S. by, 92
fans of, 128, 130
Garcia resemblance to, 551
Mr. Olympia contests and, 91, 111–12, 129–31, 144, 401, 533
Mr. Universe contests and, 74, 92, 110
Mr. World contest and, 127–29
“victory pose” as trademark of, 92, 112
Olympics: of 1964, 92
of 1972, 47–48
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 169, 205–6, 217, 327, 329
One Fifth (New York City restaurant), 210
O’Neal, Shaquille, 386, 441
open primary system, 584, 587
Operation Desert Shield, 397–98
Operation Desert Storm, 399
Orban, Victor, 470
Orion Pictures, 297, 317
Outland, Barbara, 139–41, 146, 147, 150, 157–58, 183–84
overthinking; Arnold’s principles of success and, 607–8
Paar, Jack, 222
Pacino, Al, 209, 210
Paige, Rod, 480–81, 485
Pakula, Alan, 191
Palin, Sarah, 574
Panetta, Leon, 518, 519
panhandling; of Arnold, 15
Paramount Pictures, 230, 231
Parent-Teacher Association, 477
parents/parenting; Arnold’s views about, 447–52, 615–16
Paris, France; Mr. Olympia contest (1971) in, 144
Park, Jeunesse, 66
Park, Jon Jon, 66
Park, Mareon, 66, 67
Park, Reg: Arnold on exhibition circuit with, 60–62
Arnold first meets, 60
Arnold’s relationship with, 145
Arnold’s South Africa visit with, 66–67, 94, 145
background of, 30–31
as competition for Arnold, 126–27
as dominating bodybuilding world, 71
family of, 66–67
gym business of, 298
Mr. Universe contests and, 25, 30, 31, 56, 62, 70, 71, 126–27
as role model/idol of Arnold, 30–31, 56, 60, 62, 70, 91, 104, 126, 217, 604
tips for Arnold from, 72, 94, 122
Partagas cigar factory (Cuba); Arnold’s visit to, 416–18
Patrick, Robert, 392
Paulson, Hank, 571–72
Peace Corps, 241, 331, 580, 593
Pearl, Bill, 56, 71, 91, 152
Pele, 215, 222, 225
Pelosi, Nancy, 585
People’s Party, Austrian, 332
Perata, Don, 560
Perenchio, Jerry, 475
Perkins, Tony, 207
Perot, Ross, 469
Perry, Rick, 562
Peters, Jon, 351–52
physical fitness: Arnold as “czar” of, 386, 387–88, 392–94, 418, 471
Arnold’s principles of success and, 606, 617–18
Arnold’s promotion of, 376, 386–90, 392–95, 402
contradictions in Arnold’s life and, 603
state summits about, 393–95.