Mr. Olympia contest and, 186–87, 194–96

   Onassis comments about, 206

   outrageousness of Arnold in, 205

   popularity of bodybuilding and, 251

   posing exhibition and, 197–98

   premieres of, 206–7, 213

   Pressman’s impression of, 229

   promotion of bodybuilding and, 188, 189

   promotion of, 203–4, 205–6, 213, 214, 227

   raising money for, 186, 197–98, 203

   reviews of, 207

   shooting of, 194

Putziger, Rolf, 42–43, 48–49, 50, 55–56, 62, 72

Quinn, Anthony, 618

race issues; Chamberlain-Jones comments about, 307

Radner, Gilda, 210

Rafelson, Bob: Arnold first meets, 157

   Arnold’s Zucky meeting with, 174–76

   and finding an agent for Arnold, 191–92

Stay Hungry film and, 157, 158, 173–76, 179, 180–82, 184, 185, 186, 199

   and typecasting of Arnold, 203

Rafelson, Toby, 157

Raiders of the Lost Ark (movie), 261, 408

rainy-day fund, California’s, 465 , 519, 557, 573, 577, 578, 583

Rambo movies, 310, 347, 401

Rand, Ayn, 251

Rattazzi, Delfina, 169, 171, 205, 206

Raw Deal (movie), 326, 340, 345

Reagan, Nancy, 259

Reagan, Ronald: Arnold’s admiration and support for, 240, 248, 285, 290, 293, 360, 418, 562

   Arnold’s mother’s meeting with, 454

   Arnold’s political ambitions and, 467

   Arnold’s poster of, 110

   Arnold’s views about, 284, 370

   Bush campaign of 1988 and, 367, 369, 370

   as California governor, 463, 467, 480, 547, 562

   Cuomo attack on, 395

   economy and, 286–88

   elections of 1980 and, 240, 248

   environmental issues and, 550

   Hollywood liberalism and, 410

   Hollywood reaction to presidency of, 283–84

   impact on real estate economy of, 232

   Maria-Arnold wedding invitation for, 332

   Nancy’s relationship with, 259

   Noonan as speechwriter for, 369

   President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and, 370

   Regency Club members of administration of, 292

   Russian-U.S. relations and, 616

   Shriver’s (Maria) views about, 284

   transition to political life by, 469

Reagan (Ronald) Library; opening of, 403

real estate, Arnold’s investments in: and apartment buildings, 148, 149–50, 186, 386

   Arnold’s financial affairs and, 423

   Arnold’s self-confidence and, 216–17

   Carter administration and, 286

   in Denver, 286–87, 386

   Ehringer as partner in, 216, 232, 286, 287, 386, 608

   expansion of, 386

   and first home of Maria and Arnold, 246–47

   Franco as partner in, 121–22, 148–50, 286–87

   and Palmdale supersonic airport, 121–22, 148, 286–87

   Reagan administration and, 232, 286–88

   in Santa Monica, 148–50, 215–17, 232, 287–88, 386

   in Southern California, 232

   and Weider loan to Arnold, 149–50

Recall Gray Campaign, 480, 484

Red Heat (movie), 338, 340–41, 345

Red Sonja (movie), 314–16, 338

redistricting; in California, 527, 534, 555, 557, 584, 585

Reds (movie), 191, 234

Reems, Harry, 207

Reeve, Christopher, 375

Reeves, Steve, 30, 31, 56, 70, 71, 217

Regency Club (Los Angeles), 291–92, 500

Reiner, Rob, 532

Reiss, Bonnie, 239, 328, 472, 480, 481–82, 483, 501, 516

Reitman, Ivan, 361, 362, 363, 373, 374, 379, 381, 608

religion, 4, 293

Rendell, Ed, 561

repetition; Arnold’s principles of success and, 613–14

Republican National Convention (1988), 368–70, 373

Republican National Convention (2004), 520–21

Republican National Convention (2008), 574

Republican Party: Arnold as governor and, 516, 518–20, 522, 540–41, 550, 562

   Arnold’s commitment to, 85, 239

   Arnold’s relationship with, 466, 516

   Arnold’s selection of gubernatorial staff members and, 516, 540–41

   Arnold’s views about, 562, 574

   basic beliefs of, 521

   bipartisanship and, 518–20, 562

   California elections of 2002 and, 479

   conservatism of, 574

   Proposition 49 and, 478.

See also specific person or issue

Reynolds, Burt, 424

Rice, Condoleezza, 484–85

Richards, Rene, 222

Richter, Willi, 23–24, 25

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