Arnold’s messages from U.S. to, 83

   Arnold’s proposal to Maria and, 319, 320

   Arnold’s relationship with, 7, 12, 75, 133, 146–47, 453–55

   and Arnold’s videotaping of Katherine’s birth, 381

   courtship and marriage of, 4

   death of, 453–54

   Easter holiday and, 452

   family background of, 4

   at Golden Globe awards, 208

   as grandparent, 452

   Gustav’s death and, 145–47

   Gustav’s relationship with, 453, 455

   illness of, 430

   Katherine’s birth and, 382

   at Maria-Arnold wedding, 328–30

   Maria’s relationship with, 246, 452

   Meinhard as runaway and, 17

   Meinhard’s death and, 134–35, 144, 146

   musical interests of, 5

   personality and character of, 6

   at Pumping Iron premiere, 206

   U.S. visits of, 147, 246, 430, 434, 452.

See also Schwarzenegger family

Schwarzenegger, Christina (daughter), 383–84, 400, 402, 413, 447, 450, 452, 557–58, 591, 594, 595–96

Schwarzenegger, Christopher (son), 384–85, 402, 447, 457, 591, 595–96

Schwarzenegger, Gustav (father): Arnold as army tank driver and, 38, 41, 42

   Arnold as bodybuilder and, 73, 133, 143–44

   Arnold as movie actor and, 115

   Arnold’s childhood/youth and, 3, 4, 5, 6–8, 10–11, 12–13, 15, 17, 19, 29, 133, 448, 451, 615–16

   Arnold’s earliest memories of, 4

   Arnold’s education and, 33

   Arnold’s expression of emotions and, 178, 185

   Arnold’s messages from U.S. to, 83

   Arnold’s principles of success and, 615–16

   Arnold’s relationship with, 4, 7, 10–11, 12, 133, 244–45, 615–16, 618

   Aurelia’s death and, 453

   Aurelia’s relationship with, 453, 455

   background of, 4, 8

   courtship and marriage to Aurelia of, 4

   death/funeral of, 145–47, 195, 453, 455

   as disciplinarian, 10, 13, 17, 29, 244–45, 448, 615–16

   drinking by, 7–8

   impact of Cold War on, 13, 22

   Meinhard as runaway and, 17–18

   Meinhard’s death and, 135, 144

   musical interests of, 5

   Nazi allegations about, 365–67, 511

   personality and character of, 7–8

   as policeman, 4–5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 615

   in World War II, 8–9, 10.

See also Schwarzenegger family

Schwarzenegger, Katherine (daughter), 378, 381–83, 385, 386, 397, 402, 413, 447, 450, 456, 512, 591, 595– 96

Schwarzenegger, Meinhard (brother): ambitions of, 12–13

   Arnold’s relationship with, 10–12, 19, 133–35

   career of, 133–34

   childhood and youth of, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9–12, 14, 17–18, 19, 133, 245, 448, 451, 615

   death of, 134–35, 144, 146

   education of, 4, 11, 12

   funeral of, 453

   health of, 7

   Knapp engagement to, 134

   as runaway, 17–18

   weakness of, 11

Schwarzenegger, Patrick (son), 384, 402, 413, 414, 447, 591, 595–96

Schwarzenegger family: Arnold as governor and, 517, 550–51, 557–58

   Arnold’s gubernatorial campaigns and, 469, 494, 497, 550–51

   Arnold’s interest in painting and, 414

   background of, 4

   balancing of work and, 402–3

   financial affairs of, 6–7

   gym as replacement for, 29

   holidays and, 451–52, 455, 470

   importance to Arnold of, 402–3, 494

   Maria-Arnold separation/divorce and, 593–97

   and Mildred-Joseph situation, 591–97

   politics and, 574

   privacy of, 595

   Shriver (Sarge) death and, 594

   South Africa trip of, 456–58.

See also specific member

Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy (USC), 600–601

“Schwarzenegger University”; Arnold’s prepping for governor’s campaign and, 502–3, 515

Scott, Larry “the Legend,” 85, 91, 96

Scott, Ridley, 440–41

Seles, Monica, 441

Selover, Shelley, 160–61, 162, 165

September 11, 2001, 474, 555

72 Market Street (Venice, California eatery), 292, 295

Sextette (movie), 215

Shaft (movie), 159

“shakedown lawsuits” against business issue, 520

Shalala, Donna, 418

Shampoo (movie), 190, 191

Shanken, Marvin, 356

Shape Up with Arnold Schwarzenegger (video), 289

Share Girls charity group, 356

Sharpton, Al, 506

Shaw, Robert, 234

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