Sheen, Charlie, 441
Sheinberg, Sid, 236, 276
Shepherd, Cybill, 208
“shocking the muscle” theory, 53–54, 76
ShoWest conventions, 343
Shriver, Anthony (Maria’s brother), 242, 243
Shriver, Bobby (Maria’s brother), 224, 243, 245, 256, 320, 412–13, 424
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy: Arnold first meets, 222
Arnold’s 2004 Republican Convention speech and, 521
Arnold’s 2006 campaign and, 550
Arnold’s first Hyannis Port visit and, 225
Arnold’s gubernatorial reform agenda and, 530
Arnold’s mother meets, 328
Arnold’s movies and, 374
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 466, 492, 495, 500
Arnold’s politics and, 368–69
Arnold’s promotion of physical fitness and, 387, 388
Arnold’s proposal to Maria and, 320
Arnold’s relationship with, 243, 452, 455, 456, 579–80, 601
child care and, 383
concerns about children of Maria and Arnold of, 377–78
death of, 579, 593
family meals and, 245
as grandparent, 377–78, 456
honeymoon of, 378
influence on children of, 242, 456
John Paul II visit with, 617
Katherine’s birth and, 381–82
letter of recommendation to Bush (George H.W.) about Arnold from, 377, 387
Maria-Arnold relationship and, 243, 247, 258–59
Maria-Arnold wedding and, 327, 328, 331, 332
Maria’s grief for, 593
Maria’s vision of the future and, 241
organizing skills of, 472
physical fitness concerns of, 387
political instincts of, 253
professional background of, 258–59
public service commitment of, 376, 580
Sarge’s marriage to, 259
Special Olympics and, 241, 243, 375, 580
Warhol portrait of Maria for, 327, 330
Shriver, Linda (Tim’s wife), 456
Shriver, Maria: Alzheimer’s work of, 597
ambitions of, 228, 255–56, 493
appearance and personality of, 221–22, 425, 432, 493
Arnold as governor and, 577, 589
Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 499, 501, 504, 505–7, 511, 512
Arnold’s gubernatorial election of 2006 and, 543, 551
Arnold’s gubernatorial reform agenda and, 529, 530, 533, 534
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 467, 489, 491–98
Arnold’s Republican Convention speech (2004) and, 520–21
Arnold’s second inauguration and, 554
Arnold’s swearing-in as governor and, 513
awards and honors for, 377
as book author, 448
as CBS News correspondent/coanchor, 318, 325, 333
childhood and youth of, 492–93
family advantages of, 241–42
financial affairs of, 325–26, 377
as First Lady of California, 512, 526, 527, 543, 558
horseback riding of, 308, 326
Kennedy (Susan) hiring and, 538
at Kennedy Tennis Tournament, 221, 222, 223
Kennedy’s (Teddy) 1980 presidential campaign and, 239–40, 246, 247–48, 249, 252, 255
motherhood and, 381–85
move to California by, 239
at NBC, 325, 377
parents influence on, 241–43
political instincts of, 253
pregnancies of, 413, 432, 434, 447
Reagan presidency and, 284
shower curtain-frog joke on, 333–34
Shriver (Eunice) death and, 579, 593
Shriver (Sarge) death and, 593–94
Special Olympics and, 597
TV career of, 245–46, 249–50, 318, 325, 333, 377, 413
uniqueness of, 256
vision of the future of, 241
Warhol portrait of, 327, 340.
Shriver, Maria-Arnold’s relationship with: Arnold as actor and, 230
Arnold as governor and, 517, 529, 557–58, 589
Arnold’s ambitions and, 241–42, 256
Arnold’s appeal to Maria and, 256–57
Arnold’s citizenship and, 295
Arnold’s feelings about, 591–97
Arnold’s first Hyannis Port visit and, 223–26
Arnold’s gubernatorial campaign and, 489, 491–98
Arnold’s heart surgery and, 432–38
Arnold’s hospitalization for broken leg and, 553, 554
Arnold’s pride in Maria and, 246
Arnold’s proposal to Maria and, 318–21
Arnold’s steroid use and, 378
Arnold’s views about marriage and, 324
Aspen vacation and, 361
balancing of work and home life and, 291