and children, 377–78
commonalities between them and, 493
Conan (the puppy) and, 283
courtship and, 226–37, 239–59
and Cuba trip, 416–17
as East Coast–West Coast relationship, 228, 245
engagement party and, 356–57
first home of, 246–47, 257–58, 283
first major decision of, 246–47
Friedman meeting and, 284–85
honeymoon and, 333–34
humor and, 355
and importance to Arnold of family, 402
Kennedy family and, 255
Kennedy’s 1980 campaign and, 239–40, 255
and lifestyle, 326
and Maria-Arnold’s first meeting, 221–23
and Maria on
and Maria as trophy for Arnold, 255
Maria’s ambitions and, 255–56
and Maria’s engagement ring, 318–19, 321
Maria’s feelings about, 597
and Maria’s loan to Arnold, 226, 302
and Mildred-Joseph situation, 591–97
Mr. Olympia competition (1980) and, 251–52, 253
Nielsen fling and, 318
Pacific Palisades home of, 326–27
parenting and, 447–52
personality differences and, 425, 432–33
politics and, 239, 368, 489, 491–97, 529, 551, 558, 574
and separation/divorce, 593–97
social life and, 291–93
as supportive, 493
travels and, 246, 249, 255
Warhol portrait of Maria and, 327
wedding and, 323–33
Shriver, Mark (Maria’s brother), 243
Shriver, Sargent “Sarge”: Alzheimer’s of, 579, 593
Arnold’s first Hyannis Port visit and, 225
Arnold’s gubernatorial reform agenda and, 530
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 466, 487, 492, 495
Arnold’s political/economic discussions with, 285
Arnold’s politics and, 368–69
Arnold’s promotion of physical fitness and, 388
Arnold’s proposal to Maria and, 319–20
Arnold’s relationship with, 243, 331, 374–75, 452, 455, 456, 487, 492, 601, 604
Arnold’s Republican Convention speech and, 521
Arnold’s views about, 331, 466
death of, 593–94
elections of 1972 and, 249
Eunice’s marriage to, 259
fatherhood and, 381–82
German-Austrian interests of, 244, 328–29
as grandparent, 456
Hammer’s Russian oil deals and, 375–76
honeymoon of, 378
hunger of, 618
influence on children of, 242, 456
John Paul II visit with, 617
Katherine’s birth and, 382
Maria-Arnold relationship and, 243, 247, 258
at Maria-Arnold wedding, 328–29, 331, 332
Maria’s vision of the future and, 241, 242
political campaigns of, 492
politics and, 243–44, 249
professional background of, 241–42, 244, 259
public service commitment of, 374–76, 580, 601, 604
Special Olympics and, 375, 456
talents of, 543
Warhol picture of Maria given to, 327, 330
Shriver, Timothy “Timmy” (Maria’s brother), 243, 453, 456
Shriver family: Arnold’s first dinner with, 243–44, 245
Arnold’s gubernatorial reform agenda and, 529
get-togethers of, 246
influence on Arnold of, 403
Maria-Arnold relationship and, 246, 247
meals with, 243–45, 447–48
parenting and, 447–48
as a political family, 492–93
public perception of, 243
Thanksgiving with, 455–56
Shultz, George, 501–2, 503–5, 518–19, 585
Sills, Morty, 214
Silver, Joel, 318, 323, 334, 336, 352
Simon & Schuster, 227
Simon, Bill, 479
Simon, Carly, 207
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 292–93, 366, 367, 511
Simpson, O. J., 192, 297, 300
Sinatra, Frank, 169, 212, 240, 253, 365
Singapore Airlines, 427–29
singing debut, Arnold’s, 364
Sipes, Chuck, 74, 91
Sipple, Don, 469, 473, 487