Hayden, Tom, 292

Hayes, Isaac, 159, 161

Health & Tennis Corporation, 228

health care: Arnold as governor and, 555, 557, 558–61, 562, 572, 587

   Arnold’s principles of success and, 605

   Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582

   Schwarzenegger Institute (USC) studies of, 600

health insurance, Arnold’s, 96

heart surgery, Arnold’s, 430–41, 459, 460, 461, 594, 598

Hein, John, 476

Hepburn, Katharine, 276

Hercules in New York (movie), 25, 113–15, 165–66, 204, 423

Hernandez, Danny, 419–20

Hertzberg, Bob “Huggy,” 477–78, 531

Hier, Marvin, 292–93, 366–67

Hill, Walter, 340, 341

Hitchcock, Alfred, 309

Hoffman, Dustin, 210, 299

Hollander, Roberta, 437

Hollenbeck Youth Center (Los Angeles), 419, 420, 467, 479

Hollywood: Arnold’s dreams about going to, 31

   Arnold’s first views of, 83–84

   Arnold’s post–heart surgery and, 438–40, 598

   as copying town, 374

   Davis as ideal of husbandly devotion in, 325

   Kennedy’s 1980 campaign and, 240

   liberalism of, 410

   reaction to Mildred-Joseph situation in, 598

   Reagan presidency in, 283–84

   rejections in, 237.

See also movies;

specific person, studio, or movie

Holmes, Larry, 252

Homeland Security Department, U.S., 565

homosexuality, 49, 109–10, 159

Hoover Institution, 284, 502

Hopper, Dennis, 157

horse incident; as Arnold’s closest call, 414–16

housing/mortgage problems; Arnold as governor and, 557, 570, 571, 572

Huffington, Arianna, 489, 508–9, 510

Huffman, Alice, 552

human growth hormone, 65

Hummer, Arnold’s, 400, 428, 470, 603

humor: in action movies, 338–40

   Arnold’s principles of success and, 609–12

Humphrey, Hubert, 84–85, 243–44

hunger; Arnold’s principles for success and, 618

Hurd, Gale Anne; 299, 302, 311–12

Hurricane Katrina, 546, 563, 566, 567–68, 570

Hyams, Peter, 460

Hyannis Port, Massachusetts: Arnold’s first visit to, 223–26

   and Arnold’s proposal to Maria, 320–21

   Kennedy family get-togethers in, 246, 455–56

   Kennedy (Teddy) and Arnold discussion at, 500–501

   Maria-Arnold wedding in, 323, 327–33

   Maria on vacation in, 505

Shriver family vacation in, 579

I Am Legend (Arnold offer), 440–41

ice cream business, Arnold’s, 14–15, 26


See role models/idols

immigration issues: Arnold’s post-gubernatorial activities and, 597

   Arnold’s rules and, 604

   and Arnold’s status as immigrant, 138

   Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582

Indian gaming issues, 520, 545

infrastructure issues: Arnold as governor and, 534, 539–40, 541–42, 546–47, 552, 555, 561, 571, 587

   Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582

   Republican Party and, 562

Inner-City Games, 419, 420, 470, 472–73, 480

instincts; Arnold’s views about, 607–8

insurance; and concerns about Arnold’s post–heart surgery movies, 459, 460, 461

Interior Department, U.S., 588

International Creative Management, 192–93, 298

International Federation of Body Builders (IFBB), 65, 101, 110, 251, 456

International Mining, 291

International Olympic Committee, 102

Iraq; Arnold’s visit to, 488

Ireland; Arnold and Park on exhibition circuit in, 61–62

Ironman (movie), 337

Ironside, Michael, 348

Issa, Darrell, 484, 489, 502

The Jackie Gleason Show (TV show), 74

Jackson, Alphonso, 572

Jackson, Jesse, 506

Jagger, Bianca, 214–15

Jagger, Mick, 214–15

Janz, Franz, 33–34

Japan; Weider-Arnold trip to, 103, 104

Jaws (movie), 236

The Jayne Mansfield Story (movie), 232

Jenner, Bruce, 220

Jessel, George, 357

jet planes: Arnold’s buying of Boeing 747, 427–30

   Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 507

   Arnold’s Gulfstream, 393, 394

   corporate, 442–43

Jews, 293, 332

Jingle All the Way (movie), 410

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