monopolisticheskogo kapitalizma; Ocherki ekonomiki tekstilnoi promyshlennosti SSSR; Ocherki ekonomiki dokapitalisticheskoi Rossii.

Kirchner, Walther (1905-) German-American historian. Works include The History of Russia; Eine Reise durch Siberien im achtzehnten Jahrhundert: Die Fahrt des schweizer Doktors Jakob Fries; The Rise of the Baltic Question.

Kizevetter, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (1866-1933) Russian historian. Works include Gorodovoe polozhenie Ekateriny II: Istoricheskie ocherki; Istoricheskie otkliki; Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii: Vospominaniia 1881- 1914; Posadskaia obshchina v Rossii v XVIII st.; chapters in Histoire de Russie (ed. P. N. Miliukov, ?. Seignobos, and L. Eisenmann [3 vols.]); 'Vnutrenniaia politika v tsarstvovanie Nikolaia Pavlovicha,' in Istoriia Rossii iv XIX veke (vol. 1).

Kline, George L. (1921-) American specialist in Russian philosophy and culture. Works include Soviet Education (ed.); Spinoza in Russian Philosophy (ed.); 'Recent Soviet Philosophy,' Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (January 1956); 'Russia's Lagging School System,' New Leader (March 16, 1959); 'Philosophy, Ideology, and Policy in the Soviet Union,' Review of Politics (April 1964); 'Economic Crime and Punishment,' Survey (October 1965).

Kliuchevsky (Klyuchevsky), Vasilii Osipovich (1841-1911) Russian historian. Works include Boiarskaia duma drevnei Rusi; Istoriia soslovii v Rossii; Kurs russkoi istorii (5 vols.) (A History of Russia); Opyty i issledovaniia (3 vols.).

Kornai, Janos (1928-) Hungarian economist. Works include The Socialist System: the Political Economy of Communism; Contradictions and Dilemmas: Studies on the Socialist Economy and Society; Highway and Byways: Studies on Reform and Post-Communist Transition; Struggle and Hope: Essays on Stabilization and Reform in a Post-Socialist Economy; Vision and Reality, Market and State: Contradictions and Dilemmas Revisited.

Konovalov, Sergei (1899-1982) Russian-British historian, former editor and frequent contributor to the Oxford Slavonic Papers.

Kostomarov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1817-1888) Ukrainian historian. Works include Deiateli russkoi tserkvi v starinu; Deux nationalites russes; Istoricheskie monografii i issledovaniia; ? znachenii Velikogo Novgoroda; Russkaia istoriia v zhizneopisaniiakh ?? glavneishikh deiatelei (3 vols.).

Kovalchenko, Ivan Dmitrievich (1923-1995) Soviet historian. Works include Russkoe krepost-noe krestianstvo v pervoi polovine XIX veka.

Kovalevsky, Maksim Maksimovich (1851-1916) Russian sociologist, political scientist, and historian. Works include Istoriia nashego vremeni; Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia; Ocherk proiskhozhdeniia i razvitiia semi i sobstvennosti; Le Regime economique de la Russie; Russian Political Institutions; La Russie sociale.

Kucherov, Samuel (1892-1972) Russian-American specialist in legal history and Soviet affairs. Works include Courts, Lawyers, and Trials under the Last Three Tsars; The Organs of Soviet Administration of Justice: Their History and Operation.

Langer, William L. (1896-1977) American historian of Europe. Works include The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 1890-1902 (2 vols.); European Alliances and Alignments, 1870-1890; The Franco-Russian Alliance, 1890-1894; An Encyclopedia of World History (ed.).

Lantzeff, George V. (1892-1955) Russian-American historian. Works include Siberia in the Seventeenth Century: A Study in Colonial Administration; Eastward to Empire (with R. A. Pierce).

Lapidus, Gail Warshofsky (1939-) American political scientist. Works include Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development, and Social Change; Women in Russia (ed. with Dorothy Atkinson and Alexander Dallin); From Union to Commonwealth: Nationalism and Separatism in the Soviet Republics (ed. with Victor Zaslavsky with Philip Goldman); The New Russia: Troubled Transformation (ed.); The Soviet System: From Crisis to Collapse (ed. with Alexander Dallin).

Lasswell, Harold D. (1902-1978) American sociologist and psychologist. Works include World Politics and Personal Insecurity.

Lednicki, Waclaw (1891-1967) Polish-American specialist in Slavic and European literature. Works include Pushkin's Bronze Horseman: The Story of a Masterpiece; Russia, Poland and the West: Essays in Literary and Cultural History; Russian-Polish Relations: Their Historical, Cultural and Political Background.

Lemke, Mikhail Konstantinovich (1872-1923) Russian historian. Works include Epokha tsen- zurnykh reform, 1859-1865; Politicheskie protsesy; Nikolaevskie zhandarmy i literatura.

Leontovich (Leontovitsch), Victor (1922-1960) German historian. Works include Geschichte des Liberalismus in Russland (A History of Liberalism in Russia).

Lewin, Moshe (1921-) British historian. Works include Russian Peasants and Soviet Power: A Study of Collectivization (trans.); 'Soviet Policies of Agricultural Procurements before the War,' in Essays in Honor ofE. H. Carr (ed. Ch. Abramsky); Lenin's Last Struggle (trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith); The Gorbachev Phenomenon: A Historical Interpretation.

Liashchenko, Petr Ivanovich (1876-1955) Russian-Soviet economic historian. Works include Istoriia narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR (History of the National Economy of Russia to the 1917 Revolution); Krestianskoe delo i poreformennaia zemleustroitelnaia politika; Ocherki agrarnoi evoliutsii Rossii; Russkoe zernovoe khoziaistvo v sisteme mirovogo khoziaistva; Sotsialnaia ekonomiia selskogo khoziaistva (2 vols.).

Lilge, Frederic (1911-) German-American specialist in Soviet education. Works include Anton Semyonovitch Makarenko: An Analysis of His Educational Ideas in the Context of Soviet Society; 'Impressions of Soviet Education,' International Review of Education (1959); 'The Soviet School Today,' Survey (July 1963); 'Lenin and the Politics of Education,' Slavic Review (June 1968).

Liubavsky, Matvei Kuzmich (1860-1937) Russian historian. Works include Lektsii po drevnei russkoi istorii do konsta shestnadtsatogo veka; Obrazovanie osnovnoi gosu-darstvennoi territorii velikorusskoi narodnosti; Ocherk istorii Litovsko-Russkogo gosudarstva.

Lord, Robert Howard (1885-1954) American historian of European diplomacy. Works include The Second Partition of Poland: A Study in Diplomatic History; 'The Third Partition of Poland,' Slavonic and East European Review (1925).

Madariaga, Isabel de (1919-) British historian. Works include Britain, Russia, and the Armed Neutrality of 1780; Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great.

Makovsky, D. P. (1899-1970) Soviet historian. Works include Razvitie tovarnodenezhnykh otnoshenii v selskom khoziastve russkogo gosudarstva v XVI veke.

Malia, Martin E. (1924-) American historian. Works include Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812-1855; 'Schiller and the Early Russian Left,' in Harvard Slavic Studies (vol. 4); 'What Is the Intelligentsia?' in The Russian Intelligentsia (ed. R. Pipes); Comprendre la Revolution russe; The Soviet Tragedy; A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917-1941; Russia under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum; The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917-1991.

Malozemoff, Andrew Alexander (1910-1954) American historian. Works include Russian Far Eastern Policy, 1881-1904, with Special Emphasis on the Causes of the Russo-Japanese War.

Marchenko (Martschenko), Vasilii Pavlovich (1900-) Soviet-Canadian economist. Works include Osnovnye cherty khoziaistva poslestalinskoi epokhi, in Issledovaniia i materialy of the Institute for the Study of the USSR.

Markov, Vladimir (1920-) American specialist on Russian language and literature. Works include 'Unnoticed

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