Aspect of Pasternak's Translations,' Slavic Review (October 1961).

Mathewson, Rufus W., Jr. (1918-1978) American specialist in Russian literature. Works include The Positive Hero in Russian Literature; 'The Hero and Society: The Literary Definition, 1855-1865, 1934-1939,' in Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought (ed. E. J. Simmons); 'The Soviet Hero as the Literary Heritage,' American Slavic and East European Review (December 1953).

Maynard, Sir John Herbert (1865-1943) British historian. Works include Russia in Flux: Before October (abridged as Russia in Flux); The Russian Peasant and Other Studies.

Mazon, Andre (1881-1967) French specialist in Russian language and literature. Works include LeSlovo d'Igor.

Menshutkin, Boris Nikolaevich (1874-1938) Russian-Soviet historian of science. Works include Mikhail Vasilevich Lomonosov (Russia's Lomonosov: Chemist, Courtier, Physicist, Poet).

Merezhkovsky, Dmitri Sergeevich (1865-1941) Russian writer and critic. Works include Gogol i chort, issledovanie.

Meyendorff, John (1926-1992) Russian-American theologian and historian. Works include The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church; Byzantium and the Rise of Russia: A Study of Byzantino-Russia Relations in the Fourteenth Century.

Miakotin, Venedikt Aleksandrovich (1867-1937) Russian historian. Works include Ocherki sotsialnoi istorii Ukrainy v XVII-XVIII vv. (3 vols, in 1); Protopop Avvakum, ego zhizn i deiatelnost: Biograficheskii ocherk: chapters in Histoire de Russie (ed. P. N. Miliukov, ?. Seignobos, and L. Eisenmann [3 vols.]).

Miliukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943) Russian historian and statesman. Works include Glavnye techeniia russkoi istoricheskoi mysli (Eng. summary 'The Chief Currents of Russian Historical Thought,' in The American Historical Association Annual Report for 1904); Gosudarstyennoe khoziaistvo Rossii v pervoi chetverti XVIII stoletiia i reforma Petra Velikogo; Histoire de Russie (with C. Seignobos, L. Eisenmann, and others [3 vols.]); Iz istorii russkoi intelligentsii (Fr. Le Mouvement intellectuel russe); Ocherki po istorii russkoi kultury (4 vols.) (abridged Eng. trans. Outlines of Russian Culture; abridged Fr. trans. Essais sur l'histoire de la civilisation russe); Russia and Its Crisis; Spornye voprosy finansovoi istorii moskovskogo gosudarstva.

Milosz, Czeslaw (1911-) Polish-American poet, writer, and specialist in Slavic literature. Works include The Captive Mind.

Mironenko, Iurii Pavlovich (1909-) Soviet-German specialist on the Soviet Union. Works include 'K voprosu ? dinamike naseleniia Sovetskogo Soiuza s 1939 po 1956 god,' Vestnik Instituta po hucheniiu SSSR (1956).

Mirsky (Sviatopolk-Mirsky), Dmitrii Petrovich (1890-1938) Russian-British historian of Russian literature. Works include Contemporary Russian Literature, 1881-1925; A History of Russian Literature from Its Beginnings to 1900 (ed. Francis J. Whitfield); A History of Russian Literature from the Earliest Times to the Death of Dostoevsky; Russia: A Social History.

Mosely, Philip Edward (1905-1972) American historian and political scientist. Works include The Kremlin and World Politics; Russian Diplomacy and the Opening of the Eastern Question in 1838 and 1839; Russia since Stalin (ed.).

Muratov, Pavel Pavlovich (1881-1950). Russian-French art historian. Works include LAncienne Peinture russe; Les Icones russes.

Nabokov, Vladimir V. (1899-1977) Russian-American writer. Works include Nikolai Gogol.

Nicolaevsky, Boris I. (1889-1966) Russian-American specialist in the Russian revolutionary movement and the U.S.S.R. Works include Azeff, the Russian Judas; Forced Labor in the Soviet Union (with D. J. Dallin).

Nolde, Boris E. (1876-1948) Russian-French historian and legal scholar. Works include L'Alliance franco-russe: Les Origines du systeme diplomatique d'avant guerre; L'Ancien Regime et la revolution russe; La Formation de l'empire russe (2 vols.); Ocherki russkogo gosudarstvennogo prava; Russia in the Economic War; Vneshniaia politika.

Nosov, Nikolai Evgenievich (1925-) Soviet historian. Works include Ocherki po istorii mestnogo upravleniia russkogo gosudarstva pervoi poloviny XVI veka.

Obnorsky, Sergei Petrovich (1888-1962) Soviet philologist and historian of literature. Works include Khrestomatiia po istorii russkogo iazyka; Kultura russkogo iazyka; Ocherki po istorii russkogo literaturnogo iazyka starshego perioda.

Obolensky, Dimitrii (1918-) British historian. Works include 'Russia's Byzantine Heritage,' in Oxford Slavonic Papers (vol. 1); 'Byzantium, Kiev and Moscow: A Study in Ecclesiastical Relations,' Dumbarton Oaks Papers (1957); The Byzantine Commonwealth.

Oganovsky, Nikolai Petrovich (1874-) Russian economist. Works include Narodnoe khozi-aistvo SSSR v sviazi s mirovym; Selskoe khoziaistvo Rossii v dvadtsatom veke.

Okun, Semen Bentsionovich (1908-1972) Soviet historian. Works include Ocherki istorii SSSR: Konets XVIII-pervaia chetvert XIX veka; Ocherki istorii SSSR: Vtoraia chetvert XIX veka; Rossiisko-Amerikanskaia Kompaniia (The Russian-American Company).

Pares, Sir Bernard (1867-1949) British historian. Works include The Fall of the Russian Monarchy; A History of Russia; My Russian Memoirs; Russia.

Pavlov-Silvansky, Nikolai Pavlovich (1869-1908) Russian historian. Works include Feodalizm v drevnei Rusi; Feodalizm v udelnoi Rusi; Gosudarevy sluzhilye liudi: Proisk-hozdenie russkogo dvorianstva; Ocherki po russkoi istorii XVIII-XIX vv.

Pavlovsky, Georgii Alekseevich (1887-) Russian-British agrarian historian. Works include Agricultural Russia on the Eve of the Revolution.

Pipes, Richard E. (1923-) American historian. Works include The Formation of the Soviet Union: Communism and Nationalism, 1917-1923; Karamzin's Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia: A Translation and Analysis; Social Democracy and the St. Petersburg Labor Movement, 1885-1897; 'Karamzin's Conception of the Monarchy,' in Harvard Slavic Studies (vol. 4); 'The Russian Military Colonies,' Journal of Modern History (1950); The Russian Intelligentsia (ed.); Revolutionary Russia (ed.); Struve: Liberal on the Left, 1870-1905; Russia under the Old Regime; Struve: Liberal on the Right, 1905-1944; U.S. -Soviet Relations in the Era of Detente; Russia Observed: Collected Essays on Russian and Soviet History; The Russian Revolution;

The Unknown Lenin: From the Secret Archive (ed.); A Concise History of the Russian Revolution; Russia under the Bolshevik Regime.

Platonov, Sergei Feodorovich (1860-1933) Russian historian. Works include Boris Godunov (Fr. Boris Godounov, tsar de Russie, 1598-1605); Lektsii po russkoi istorii (Fr. Histoire de Russie); Moskva i zapad v XVI-XVH vekakh (Moscow and the West); Ocherki po istorii smuty v moskovskom gosudarstve XVI-XVII vv; Petr Velikii, lich-nost i deiatelnost; Smutnoe vremia: Sotsialnyi krizis smutnogo vremeni (Time of Troubles: A Historical Study of the Internal Crisis and Social Struggle in 16th and 17th Century Muscovy); 'Ivan Groznyi v russkoi istoriografii,' in Russkoe proshloe (vol. 1).

Pogodin, Mikhail Petrovich (1800-1875) Russian historian and right-wing intellectual. Works include Issledovaniia, zamechaniia i lektsii ? russkoi istorii (7 vols.).

Pokrovsky, Mikail Nikolaevich (1868-1932) Russian-Soviet historian. Works include Dekabristy: Sbornik statei; Diplomatiia i voiny tsarskoi Rossii v XIX stoletii; Istoricheskaia nauka i borba klassov (2

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