Making of a Novelist; Leo Tolstoy; An Outline of Modern Russian Literature; Pushkin; Through the Glass of Soviet Literature; Views of Russian Society (ed.).

Slepov, Lazar Andreevich (1905-) Soviet journalist. Works include 'Collectivity Is the Highest Principle of Party Leadership,' Pravda, reprinted in A Documentary History of Communism (ed. R. V. Daniels).

Solovev (Soloviev), Sergei Mikhailovich (1820-1879) Russian historian. Works include Istoriia otnoshenii mezhdu russkimi kniaziami Riurikova doma; Istoriia Rossii s drevneishikh vremen (29 vols.) (certain volumes in Eng.).

Soloveytchik (Soloveichik), George M. de (1902-1982) Russian-British author. Works include Potemkin: Soldier, Statesman, Lover, and Consort of Catherine of Russia.

Sorokin, Pitirim A. (1889-1968) Russian-American sociologist. Works include Russia and the United States; Sovremennoe sostoianie Rossii.

Steinberg, Isaac Nachman (1888-1957) Russian political figure and intellectual. Works include Ot fevralia po oktiabr 1917 g. (In the Workshop of the Revolution).

Stender-Petersen, Adolph (1893-1963) Danish philologist and historian of literature. Works include Geschichte der russischen Literatur; Slavisch-germanische Lehnwort-kunder; Eine Studie uber die altesten germanischen Lehnworter im Slavischen in sprach- und kulturgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung; 'Die Varagersage als Quelle der altrassischen Chronik,' Acta Jutlandica 6, no. 1; Varangica.

Stepun, Fedor Avgustovich (1884-1965) Russian-German intellectual historian. Works include 'Die deutsche Romantik und die Geschichtsphilosophie der Slavophilen,' Logos (1927); 'Nemetskii romantism i russkoe slavianofilstvo,' Russkaia Mysl (March 1910).

Stokes, Antony Derek (1927-) British historian. Works include 'The Status of the Russian Church, 988-1037,' Slavonic and East European Review (June 1959); 'Tmutarakan,' Slavonic and East European Review (June 1960).

Strave, Gleb (1898-1985) Russian-American specialist in Russian literature. Works include Russkaia literatura v izgnanii; Russian Literature Under Lenin and Stalin, 1917-1953.

Sumner, Benedict Humphrey (1893-1951) British historian. Works include Peter the Great and the Emergence of Russia; Peter the Great and the Ottoman Empire; Russia and the Balkans, 1870-1880; A Short History of Russia.

Tarle, Evgenii Viktorovich (1874-1955) Russian-Soviet historian. Works include Evropa v epokhu imperializma, 1871-1918 gg.; Kontinentalnaia blokada; Krymskaia voina (2 vols.) Nashestvie Napoleona na Rossiiu v 1812 godu (Napoleon's Invasion of Russia in 1812); Ocherki i kharakteristiki iz istorii evropeiskago obshchestvennago dvizheniia v XIX veke; Sevemaia voina i shvedskoe nahestvie na Rossiiu. Concerning the revising of Tarle's study of Napoleon's invasion of Russia mentioned in the text, see Ann K. Erickson, 'E. V. Tarle, the Career of a Historian under

the Soviet Regime,' American Slavic and East European Review 14 (April 1960): 202-16.

Tatishchev, Vasilii Nikitich (1686-1750) Russian historian. Works include htoriia Rossiiskaia s samykh drevneishikh vremen (7 vols.).

Temperley, Harold W. V. (1879-1939) British diplomatic historian. Works include England and the Near East, the Crimea; The Foreign Policy of Canning.

Thomsen, Vilhem Ludvig Peter (1842-1927) Danish philologist. Works include The Relations between Ancient Russia and Scandinavia and the Origins of the Russian State.

Tikhomirov, Mikhail Nikolaevich (1893-1965) Soviet historian. Works include Drevnerusskie goroda (The Towns of Ancient Rus); Issledovanie ? russkoi pravde: Proiskhozhdenie tekstov; Istochnikovedenie istorii SSSR (with S. A. Nikitin); Krestianskie i gorodskie vosstaniia na Rusi Xl~X.Il w.; Ocherki istorii istoricheskoi nauki v SSSR (ed. with others [2 vols.]); 'Soslovnopredstavitelnye uchrezhdeniia (zemskie sobory) v Rossii XVI veka,' Voprosy istorii (1958).

Timasheff, Nikolai S. (1886-1970) Russian-American sociologist. Works include The Great Retreat: The Growth and Decline of Communism in Russia; Religion in Soviet Russia, 1917-1942.

Treadgold, Donald W. (1922-1994) American historian. Works include The Great Siberian Migration: Government and Peasant in Resettlement from Emancipation to the First World War; Lenin and His Rivals: The Struggle for Russia's Future; Twentieth-Century Russia; 'Was Stolypin in Favor of the Kulaks?' American Slavic and East European Review (February 1955); The West in Russia and China: Religion and Secular Thought in Modern Times: Russia, 1472-1917 (vol. 1).

Treml, Vladimir G. (1929-) Russian-American economist. Works include The Development of the Soviet Economy: Plan and Performance (ed.); Soviet Economic Statistics (ed. with John P. Hardt); Studies in Soviet Input-Output Analysis (ed.); Input-Output Analysis and the Soviet Economy: An Annotated Bibliography; Alcohol in the USSR: A Statistical Study; Study of Employee Theft of Materials from Places of Employment (ed. with Gregory Grossman).

Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) (1879-1940) Russian revolutionary figure, Soviet leader, and historian. Works available in many languages include in English The History of the Russian Revolution (3 vols.); My Life; The Permanent Revolution; The Revolution Betrayed: What Is the Soviet Union and Where Is It Going?; Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence.

Tucker, Robert ? (1918-) American political scientist. Works include Stalin as Revolutionary, 1879-1929: A Study in History and Personality; Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx; The Soviet Political Mind; The Marxian Revolutionary Idea; The Great Purge Trial (ed. with S. F. Cohen); Stalin in Power: The Revolution from Above, 1928-1941.

Ukraintsev, N. () Russian military jurist. Works include 'Delo Kornilova,' Novoe russkoe slovo (August 12, October 21, and October 28, 1956) ('A Document in the Kornilov Affair,' Soviet Studies [October 1973]).

Ulam, Adam Bruno (1922-) American political scientist. Works include The Unfinished Revolution: An Essay on the Sources of Influence of Marxism and Communism; The New Face of Soviet Totalitarianism; The Bolsheviks; Stalin: The Man and His Era; Expansion and Coexistence: The History of Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1967; In the Name of the People; Russia's Failed Revolutions: From the Decembrists to the Dissidents.

Ullman, Richard H. (1933-) American historian. Works include Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917- 1921: Intervention and the War (vol. 1), Britain and the Russian Civil War, November 1918-February 1920 (vol. 2), Anglo-Soviet Accord (vol. 3).

Ustrialov, Nikolai Vasilevich (1890-1937) Russian legal scholar. Works include Na novom etape; Podznakom revoliutsii; 'Patriotica,' Smena Vekh (July 1921).

Vasilev (Vasiliev), Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (1867-1953) Russian-American historian of

Byzantium. Works include The Goths in the Crimea; the Russian Attack on Constantinople in 860.

Venturi, Franco (1914-) Italian historian. Works include II moto decabrista e i fratelli Poggio; Il populismo russo (2 vols.) {Roots of Revolution: A History of the Populist and Socialist Movements in Nineteenth-Century Russia).

Vernadsky, George (1887-1973) Russian-American historian. Works include A History of Russia (1 vol.); A History of Russia: Ancient (vol. 1), Kievan Russia (vol. 2), The Mongols and Russia (vol. 3), Russia at the Dawn of the Modern Age (vol. 4), The Tsardom of Moscow, 1547-1682 (vol. 5, 2 books); The Origins of Russia; 'The Death of the Tsarevich Dmitry: A Reconsideration of the Case,' in Oxford Slavonic Papers (vol. 5).

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