Marxism and Problems of Linguistics; On Questions of Leninism (or Problems of Leninism)

Stalin Prizes

Stalin, Vasili (Stalin’s son): birth; upbringing; on father’s Georgian origins; accompanies sister Svetlana on Metro; war service; relations with father; behaviour; disgraced after Stalin’s death

Stalin, Yakob (Stalin’s son by Ketevan) see Dzhughashvili, Yakob

Stalingrad: battle of; see also Tsaritsyn

Starostin, Mikhail

State Committee of Defence: proposed; powers; Stalin in

Stavka (wartime Supreme Command): formed; strategy; meetings; disagreements in

Sten, Jan

Stepanov, General

Stockholm: Stalin visits (1905)

Stolypin, Petr

Stroev, Lieut. Petr

Struve, Petr

Sukhanov, Nikolai

Sukhova, Tatiana

Sultan-Galiev, Mirza Said

Supreme Command see Stavka

Surin, Semen

Suvorov, Alexander

Suvorov, S.A.

Svanidze, Maria

Svanidze, Alexander (Ketevan’s brother)

Svanidze, Alexandra

Svanidze, Ketevan see Dzhughashvili, Ketevan

Sverdlov University: Stalin lectures at

Sverdlov, Yakov: with Stalin in Narym; attempted escape; in exile with Stalin in Turukhansk District; heads Central Committee Secretariat; Party work in Petrograd; supports Lenin’s revolutionary policy; and national question; supports separate peace in First World War; prestige; and revolutions abroad; death; Nadya Allilueva requests better accommodation from

Syrtsov, Sergei


Tambov province

Tampere Conference (Finland, 1905),

Tarle, Yevgeni

Tatar-Bashkir Republic


Tbilisi: location and status; Stalin’s father works in; Stalin works in; Stalin attends seminary in; racial/cultural composition; Stalin leaves seminary; Stalin works at Physical Observatory; Stalin addresses meetings (1921)

Tehran conference (1943)

Ter-Petrosyan, Semen (‘Kamo’)

terror see Great Terror

Thorez, Maurice

Tiflis see Tbilisi

Tikhonov, Alexander

Til, Katerina

Timashuk, Dr Lidia

Time magazine: features Stalin as Man of the Year

Timoshenko, Semen: appointed to head People’s Commissariat of Defence; plans pre-emptive offensive against Germany; and German invasion of USSR; denied intelligence on Germany; leads Stavka (Supreme Command); in defence of Moscow; considers withdrawing from Kiev

Tito, Josip Broz

Titvinidze, M.

Togliatti, Palmiro,

Tolmachev, Vladimir

Tolstoi, Alexei

Tolstoi, Count Lev: Hadji Murat

Tomski, Mikhail

Tovstukha, Ivan; biographical sketch of Stalin

tractors: supply of

trade unions: Trotski attacks

Transcaucasian Federation

Tretyakov, A.F.


Trotski, Lev: ridicules Stalin; leads St Petersburg soviet (1905); as thinker; criticises Stalin; speechmaking; arrested; returns to Central Committee; revolutionary policy; hostility with Stalin; denigrates Stalin as marginal; omitted from Central Committee assignments; military role in October Revolution; forms Sovnarkom; opposes coalition with other socialist parties; as People’s Commissar for External Affairs; Lenin’s attitude to; controls funds; Lenin overshadows; and revolutionary war outside Russia; and separate peace in First World War; assassinated; as People’s Commissar for Military Affairs; advocates state terror; and Stalin’s activities in Tsaritsyn; believes in conspiracies; Lenin supports as Red Army head; indifference to Party; public appearances; and 1920 war with Poland; in Civil War; attacks trade unions; loses Lenin’s favour; suppresses Kronstadt mutiny; quarrel with Molotov; administrative duties; and Lenin’s health decline; renewed alliance with Lenin; and Stalin’s policy on national question; in Lenin’s Testament; outspokenness with Lenin; at Twelfth Party Congress; unpopularity in Party; appointed to Orgburo; opposes NEP; on ‘scissors crisis’; misses Lenin’s funeral; attacked at Thirteenth Party Conference; Jewishness; as rival leader to Stalin; demands industrial growth; defeated; writings; and socialism in other countries; Stalin and Bukharin act against; in United Opposition; excluded from Central Committee; and economic reform; mocks Stalin’s international policy; and Stalin’s 1922 dispute with Lenin; as continuing threat; Stalin vilifies; exile and deportation; and culture; reviled; supporters arrested; accused of anti-Soviet actions; writes recollections; promotes on basis of competence; Voroshilov disparages; and worldwide socialist revolution; accuses Stalin of betraying October Revolution; Stalin pursues; and Fourth International; Art and Revolution; The Lessons of October; ‘The New Course’

Truman, Harry S.: succeeds Roosevelt; at Potsdam Conference; and use of nuclear weapons; and defeat of Japan; Stalin unimpressed by; accepts coexistence; mistrusts Soviet intentions; policy on USSR; and Cold War; non-interference in eastern Europe; denigrated in USSR; and Korean War; sends Coca-Cola to Stalin; sends condolences on Stalin’s death

Tsaritsyn (later Stalingrad; then Volgograd): Stalin procures grain and wages war in; renamed Volgograd; see also Stalingrad, battle of

Tsereteli, Giorgi

Tsereteli, Irakli

Tskhakaya, Mikha

Tsushima, battle of (1905)

Tucker, Robert

Tukhachevski, Mikhail: in war against Poland; Stalin suspects of conspiracy; arrest and execution,

Tupolev, Andrei

Turkey: as potential invader of USSR; supports national liberation in colonies; Stalin makes territorial demands on

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