INDEX / A121

Down the road someone is practising scales, 2442 Downhill 1 came, hungry, and yet not starved, 1957

Dowson, Ernest, 1823

Drummer Hodge, 1870 Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle, A, 2466 Dry-Foot Bwoy, 2470

Duffy, Carol Ann, 2873

Dulce Et Decorum Est, 1974 Dumb Waiter, The, 2601 Duns Scotus's Oxford, 1520 During Wind and Rain, 1883

Early morning over Rouen, hopeful, high, courageous morning, 1981 Earth has not any thing to show more fair,

317 Earth, ocean, air, beloved brotherhood!, 747 Earth rais'd up her head, 88

Earth's Answer, 88 Easter, 1916, 2031 Ecchoing Green, The, 82

Edgeworth, Maria, 226

Elegiac Sonnets, 40 Elegiac Stanzas, 315 Elements of Composition, 2579

Eliot, George, 1334 Eliot, T. S., 2286 Ellis, Sarah Stickney, 1583

Emigrants, The (Mackay), 1616 Emigrants, The (Smith), 42 Endgame, 2394 Endymion: A Poetic Romance, 883

Engels, Friedrich, 1564

England in 1819,771 England's Dead, 865 English in the West Indies, The, 1621 [English Is an Indian Literary Language],


Englishman, The, 1615

Entrance and exit wounds are silvered

clean, 1988 Eolian Harp, The, 426 Epic, The [Morte d'Arthur], 1127 Epistle Containing the Strange Medical

Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician, An, 1289

Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade, 32

Epitaph, 473 Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries, 1953 Epitaph: Zion, 2868 Ere on my bed my limbs I lay, 469 Eros, 1641 Eve of St. Agnes, The, 888

Evening morning over Rouen, hopeful,

high, courageous morning, 2074 Everyone Sang, 1962 Everyone suddenly burst out singing, 1962 Explosion, The, 2572 Expostulation and Reply, 250


A122 / INDEX

Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg, 321

Fall of Hyperion: A Dream, A, 926 Fanatics have their dreams, wherewith they weave, 928 Far Cry from Africa, A, 2587 Fareweel to a' our Scotish fame, 144 Fascination of What's Difficult, The, 2029 Father and Son, 1553 Felix Randal, 1520 Feminist Manifesto, 2016 Fern Hill, 2448 Feiv Don'ts by an Imagiste, An, 2004

Field, Michael, 1637

Finnegans Wake, 2239 First Report of the Commissioners, Mines,


FitzGerald, Edward, 1212

Five years have past; five summers, with the length, 258

Flint, F. S., 2003

Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes, 138

Fly, The, 91 Fond Memory, 2848 For whom the possessed sea littered, on both shores, 2726

Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower, The, 2445 Forge, The, 2825 Forster, E. M., 2058 Forty-two years ago (to me if to no one else, 2444 Foundlings in the Yukon, 2581 Four Quartets, 2313 Fra Lippo Lippi, 1271 Freighted with passengers of every sort, 223

Friel, Brian, 2475

Friend of the wise! and teacher of the good!, 471 From low to high doth dissolution climb, 320 From the Wave, 2584 From Wynyard's Gap the livelong day, 1872 Frost at Midnight, 464 Froudacity, 1624

Froude, James Anthony, 1621

Function of Criticism at the Present Time, The, 1384 Futility, 1976

Gallantry, 2456 Garden of Love, The, 94 Garden Party, The, 2346

Gaskell, Elizabeth, 1221

Gathering Mushrooms, 2870 General, The, 1961

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