Germ of new life, whose powers expanding slow, 36

Gilbert, W. S., 1534

[Girl, A], 1639 Glass Essay, The, 2864

Glory be to God for dappled things?, 1518 Glory of Women, 1962 Go, for they call you, shepherd, from the hill, 1362 Goblin Market, 1466 God of our fathers, known of old?, 1820 God's Grandeur, 1516 Goethe in Weimar sleeps, and Greece, 1358 Goodbye to All That, 1985 'Good-morning: good-morning!' the General said, 1961

Gordimer, Nadine, 2574 Gosse, Sir Edmund, 1553

Grammarian's Funeral, A, 1286 Grand Conversation, The, 2872 Grasmere?A Fragment, 402 Grasmere Journals, The, 392 Grauballe Man, The, 2825 Graves, Robert, 1984 Great Social Evil, The, 1592 Great Towns, The, 1565 Green grow the rashes, 131 Grey Ghosts and Voices, 1983 Groping along the tunnel, step by step, 1961 Groping back to bed after a piss, 2571 Grow old along with me!, 1305 Gr-r-r?there go, my heart's abhorrence!, 1253

Gunn, Thom, 2582 Gurney, Ivor, 1965

Ha! whare ye gaun, ye crowlan ferlie!, 136 Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!, 817 Half a league, half a league, 1188 Hap, 1868 Hard Times, 1573

Hardy, Thomas, 1851

Harlot's House, The, 1688

Harrison, Tony, 2530

Haunted Beach, The, 72

Hazlitt, William, 537

H. D., 2007

He disappeared in the dead of winter, 2429 He loved the brook's soft sound, 859 He Never Expected Much, 1884 He sat in a wheeled chair, waiting for dark, 1977 He's gone, and all our plans, 1965 He stood among a crowd at Drumahair, 2026 He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be, 2431 He would drink by himself, 2828

Heaney, Seamus, 2822

Hear the voice of the Bard!, 87 Heart of Darkness, 1890

Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, 864 Henley, William Ernest, 1641

Heredity, 2531 Hermaphroditus, 1499 High Windows, 2570

Hill, Geoffrey, 2725


INDEX / A123

Hobson, J. A., 1632 Hollow Men, The, 2309 Holy Thursday [Songs of Experience], 90 Holy Thursday [Songs of Innocence], 86 Holy Willie's Prayer, 132 Homage to a Government, 2571 Homes of England, The, 870

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 1513

Horse Dealer's Daughter, The, 2258 House of Life, The, 1457 Housman, A. E., 1948 Hoiv Beastly the Bourgeois Is, 2282 How I Became a Socialist, 1491 How They Brought the Good News from

Ghent to Aix, 1257 How you became a poet's a mystery!, 2531

Hughes, Ted, 2594 Hulme, T. E., 1998, 2007

Human Abstract, The, 95 [Humpty Dumpty's Explication of 'Jabber

wocky'], 1530 Hunchback in the Park, The, 2446 Hurrahing in Harvest, 1519

Huxley, Leonard, 1549 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1427

Hymn to Proserpine, 1496 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, 766

I Am, 857 I am poor brother Lippo, by your leave!, 1271 I am?yet what I am, none cares or knows,

857 I ask'd a thief, 123 I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flow

ers, 815 I can feel the tug, 2826 I can tell by the way my mother chews her

toast, 2864 I caught this morning morning's minion, king-, 1518 I fled Him, down the nights and down the

days, 1857 I found a ball of grass among the hay, 856 I found this jawbone at the sea's edge, 2595 I had a dream, which was not all a dream,

614 I had grieved. I had wept for a night and a day, 2876 I have heard that hysterical women say, 2046 I have lived long enough, having seen one

thing, that love hath an end, 1496 I have met them at close of day, 2031 'I have no name, 87 I have two daughters, 2851 I have walked a great while over the snow,

1792 I heard a thousand blended notes, 250 I hid my love when young while I, 860 I leant upon a coppice gate, 1871 I'll tell thee everything I can, 1532 I Look into My Glass, 1869

I lost the love of heaven above, 856

I love thee, mournful, sober-suited Night!, 40 I loved Theotormon, 103 I met a traveller from an antique land, 768

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