I'm Happiest When Most Away, 1311

I made my song a coat, 2029 I met the Bishop on the road, 2045 I never said I loved you, John, 1478 I peeled bits o'straw and I got switches too,


I plucked pink blossoms from mine apple tree, 1464

I resemble everyone, 2579

I sat before my glass one day, 1791

I shall not soon forget, 2585

I sit in one of the dives, 2432 I sought a theme and sought for it in vain, 2051 I sprang to the stirrup, and Joris, and he, 1257 I stood with three comrades in Parliament Square, 2460 I stand on the mark beside the shore, 1085 I tell my secret? No, indeed, not I, 1464 I thought he was dumb, 2275 I thought it made me look more 'working class,' 2534 I, too, saw God through mud,?, 1972 I travelled among unknown men, 111 I've a longin' in me dept's of heart dat I can conquer not, 2463 I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day, 1522 I walk through the long schoolroom questioning, 2041 1 walked where in their talking graves, 2459 I wander thro' each charter'd street, 94 I wandered lonely as a cloud, 305 1 was angry with my friend, 96 I was thy neighbour once, thou rugged Pile!, 315 1 weep for Adonais?he is dead!, 823 I went to the Garden of Love, 94 I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, 2025 I work all day, and get half-drunk at night, 2573 I work all day and hardly drink at all, 2822 I would to Heaven that I were so much Clay, 670 Idea of a University, The, 1035 Idylls of the King, 1189 If?, 1822 If but some vengeful god would call to me,


If from the public way you turn your steps,

292 If I should die, think only this of me, 1955 If in the month of dark December, 611 If it form the one landscape that we the inconstant ones, 2435

If We Must Die, 2464


A124 / INDEX

If you can keep your head when all about you, 1822

If You're Anxious for to Shine in the High Aesthetic Line, 1535 Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness, An, 2709 Imagisme, 2004 Imperialism: A Study, 1632 Importance of Being Earnest, The, 1698 Impression du Matin, 1687 In a solitude of the sea, 1878 In a Station of the Metro, 2008 In an apothecary's chest of drawers, 2836 In an Artist's Studio, 1463 In Hospital, 1642 In idle August, while the sea soft, 2588 In Memoriam A. H. H., 1138 In Memoriam James Joyce, 2467 In Memory of Jane Eraser, 2725 In Memory of Major Robert Gregory, 2034 In Memory ofW. B. Yeats, 2429 In Parenthesis, 1990 In Praise of Limestone, 2435 In Progress, 1479 In summer's mellow midnight, 1312 In the cowslip's peeps I lie, 859 In the dungeon crypts idly did I stray, 1315 In the silence that prolongs the span, 2583 In the sweet shire of Cardigan, 245 In the Yukon the other day, 2581 In this lone, open glade I lie, 1360 In Time of'The Breaking of Nations,' 1884 Infant Joy, 87 Infant Sorrow, 95 Introduction [A General Introduction for My Work] (Yeats), 2053 Introduction [Songs of Experience], 87 Introduction [Songs of Innocence], 81 Inventory of the Furniture in Dr. Priestley's Study, An, 28 Invictus, 1642 Invite to Eternity, An, 858 Irish Incognito, The, 228 Is there a solitary wretch who hies, 41 Is there, for honest Poverty, 146 Is this a holy thing to see, 90 Isolation. To Marguerite, 1354 It is a beauteous evening, 317

It is a God-damned lie to say that these, 2468 It is a land with neither night nor day, 1462 It is an ancient Mariner, 430 It little profits that an idle king, 1123 It mounts at sea, a concave wall, 2584 It seemed that out of battle I escaped, 1975 It seems a day, 279 It seems I have no tears left. They should have fallen?, 1957 It's no go the merrygoround, it's no go the rickshaw, 2443 It was a school where all the children wore darned worsted, 2848

[It was deep April, and the morn], 1639 It was my thirtieth year to heaven, 2447

Jabberwocky, 1530 Jamaica Language, 2469 Jamaica Oman, 2473 January, 1795, 68 January 22nd. Missolonghi, 735 Jenny, 1449 Jones, David, 1989 Journal (Hopkins), 1524 Journey of the Magi, 2312 Joyce, James, 2163 Jumblies, The, 1528 Just for a handful of silver he left us, 1256

Karshish, the picker-up of learning's crumbs, 1289 Keats, John, 878 Kingsley, Charles, 1572 Kipling, Rudyard, 1793 Kubla Khan, 446

La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad, 899 Lady of Shalott, The, 1114 Lady, we would behold thee moving bright, 1640 Lake Isle of Innisfree, The, 2025 Lamb, The, 83 Lamb, Charles, 491 Lamia, 909 Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England, 867 Landon, Letitia Elizabeth, 970 Lapis Lazxdi, 2046 Larkin, Philip, 2565 Last Man, The, 958 Last night, ah, yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine, 1824 Later Life, 1480 Lawrence, D. H., 2243 Lay of the Last Minstrel, The, 407 Lay your sleeping head, my love, 2423 Lazy laughing languid Jenny, 1449 Lear, Edward, 1527 Lectures on Shakespeare, 485 Leda and the Swan, 2039 Leodogran, the King of Cameliard, 1190 Lessing, Doris, 2543 Lessons of the War, 2455 Let Them Call It Jazz, 2361 Let us begin and carry up this corpse, 1286 Let us go then, you and I, 2290 Letters (George Gordon, Lord Byron), 736 to Douglas Kinnaird, 738 to Percy Bysshe Shelley, 740 to Thomas Moore, 736 Letters (Keats), 940 to Benjamin Bailey, 940 to Charles Brown, 954 to Fanny Brawne, 952 to George and Georgiana Keats, 948


INDEX / A125

to George and Thomas Keats, 942 to John Hamilton Reynolds, 943, 945 to John Taylor, 944 to Percy Bysshe Shelley, 953 to Richard Woodhouse, 947

Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (Wollstonecraft), 195

Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 595

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley, The, 1550 Life's Parallels, A, 1480 Lift up thy lips, turn round, look back for love, 1499 Light flows our war of mocking words, and yet, 1356 Like a convalescent, I took the hand, 2831 Like summer silk its denier, 2821 Limerick, 1528 Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, 258 Lines Written in Early Spring, 250 Lines Written in Kensington Gardens, 1360 Listen Mr Oxford don, 2542 Literature and Science, 1415 Little Black Boy, The, 84 Little Fly, 91 Little Gidding, 2313 Little Lamb, who made thee?, 83 Little

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