Shroud, The, 977 Living Wage for Factory Girls at Crewe, 5 May 1984, A, 1579 Locksle)'Hall, 1129 London, 94 London, 1802, 319 London Labour and the London Poor, 1576 London's Summer Morning, 69 Long Distance, 2533 Long Live the Vortex!, 2010 Look at the stars! look, look up at the skies!, 1516 Look, stranger, on this island now, 2422 Lost Land, The, 2851 Lost Leader, The, 1256 Lotos-Eaters, The, 1119 Louse Hunting, 1967 Love among the Ruins, 1264 Love and Friendship, 515 Love on the Farm, 2273 Love's Last Lesson, 973 'Love seeketh not Itself to please, 89 Love Song of ]. Alfred Prufrock, The, 2289 Loveliest of Trees, 1948

Loy, Mina, 2015

Lucy Gray, 277 Lullaby, 2423 Lyrical Ballads, 245

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1557,


MacDiarmid, Hugh, 2464 Mackay, Charles, 1616 MacNeice, Louis, 2441

[Maids, not to you my mind doth change],


'Mais qui fa qui rivait-'ous, Philoctete?',

2591 Man and the Echo, 2050 Man. In a cleft that's christened Alt, 2050 Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland, The, 2026 Man Who Would Be King, The, 1794 Manfred, 635

Mansfield, Katherine, 2332

Margaret, are you grieving, 1521

Margaret Fuller and Mary Wollstonecraft,


Mariana, 1112 Mark on the Wall, The, 2082 Marked with D., 2534 Marriage, 1602 Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The, 110

Martineau, Harriet, 1589 Mayhew, Henry, 1576 McKay, Claude, 2463

MCMXIV, 2568 Me not no Oxford don, 2542 Medusa, 2875 Meeting the British, 2869 Memoirs of an Infantry Officer, 1963 Memorial Verses, 1358 Men of England, wherefore plough, 770 Mercian Hymns, 2727

Meredith, George, 1440

Metaphysical Poets, The, 2325 Midwinter spring is its own season, 2313 Milkiveed and Monarch, 2871

Mill, John Stuart, 1043

Miners, 1973 Minute on Indian Education, 1610 Missing, The, 2585 Modern Fiction, 2087 Modern Love, 1440 Modern Painters, 1320 Moment before the Gun Went Off , The,

2575 Monk, The, 596 Mont Blanc, 762 Morning and evening, 1466

Morris, William, 1481

Morse, 2821 Mortal Immortal, The, 961 Mother and Poet, 1106 Mother to Her Waking Infant, A, 220 Motions and Means, on land and sea at war, 320 [Mouse's Nest], 856 Mouse's Petition, The, 21

Move him into the sun?, 1976 Mrs Lazarus, 2876 Mrs Warren's Profession, 1746 Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold,


Mukharji, T. N., 1627 Muldoon, Paul, 2868 Mulock, Dinah Maria, 1596


A126 / INDEX

Munro, Alice, 2714

Murderous little world once our objects had gazes. Our lives, 2868

Murray, Les, 2820

Musee des Beaux Arts, 2428 Music, when soft voices die, 820 Mutability (Shelley), 744 Mutability (Wordsworth), 320 My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, 1519 My Diary in India, In the Year 1858-9, 1612 My father sat in his chair recovering, 2597 My First Acquaintance with Poets, 541 My first thought was, he lied in every word, 1266 My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains, 903 My heart is like a singing bird, 1463 My heart leaps up, 306 My Last Duchess, 1255 My lost William, thou in whom, 772 My mother bore me in the southern wild, 84 My mother groand! my father wept, 95 My pensive Sara! thy soft cheek reclined, 426 My Pretty Rose Tree, 93 My Sad Captains, 2583 My Sister's Sleep, 1447 My Soul. I summon to the winding ancient stair, 2042 My spirit is too weak?mortality, 883 Mysteries of Udolpho, The, 594

Naipaul, V. S., 2729

[Nation Language], 2523 National Trust, 2531 Nests in Elms, 1640 Neutral Tones, 1869 Never on this side of the grave again, 1480 Never pain to tell thy love, 122 Newman, John Henry Cardinal, 1033 Next to my own skin, her pearls. My mistress, 2874 Next year we are to bring the soldiers home, 2571

Ngugi wa Thiong'o, 2535 Nightingale, Florence, 1598

Nightingale's Nest, The, 851 Night-Wind, The, 1312 No coward soul is mine, 1317

No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist, 907

No Second Troy, 2029 'No, Thank You, John,' 1478 No, the serpent did not, 2598 No worst, there is none, 1522 Nobody heard him, the dead man, 2374 Not every man has gentians in his house, 2278 Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee, 1521 Not paving but Drowning, 2374 Nothing is so beautiful as Spring?,

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