'Mister Mayer, I

loaf and pity you very much, pot you is one prisoner, ant I one soldat.'

So I take his hant ant says, 'Mister Sergeant!'

'Ant ze sergeant says, 'You is one poor man, ant I will not take your

money, pot I will help you. Ven I go to sleep, puy one pail of pranty

for ze Soldaten, ant zey will sleep. Me will not look after you.' Sis

was one goot man. I puyet ze pail of pranty, ant ven ze Soldaten was

trunken me tresset in one olt coat, ant gang in silence out of ze doon.

'I go to ze wall, ant will leap down, pot zere is vater pelow, ant I

will not spoil my last tressing, so I go to ze gate.

'Ze sentry go up and town wis one gon, ant look at me. 'Who goes zere?'

ant I was silent. 'Who goes zere ze second time?' ant I was silent.

'Who goes zere ze third time?' ant I ron away, I sprang in ze vater,

climp op to ze oser site, ant walk on.

'Ze entire night I ron on ze vay, pot ven taylight came I was afrait

zat zey woult catch me, ant I hit myself in ze high corn. Zere I kneelet

town, zanket ze Vater in Heaven for my safety, ant fall asleep wis a

tranquil feeling.

'I wakenet op in ze evening, ant gang furser. At once one large German

carriage, wis two raven-black horse, came alongside me. In ze carriage

sit one well-tresset man, smoking pipe, ant look at me. I go slowly,

so zat ze carriage shall have time to pass me, pot I go slowly, ant ze

carriage go slowly, ant ze man look at me. I go quick, ant ze carriage

go quick, ant ze man stop its two horses, ant look at me. 'Young man,'

says he, 'where go you so late?' I says, 'I go to Frankfort.' 'Sit in ze

carriage--zere is room enough, ant I will trag you,' he says. 'Bot

why have you nosing about you? Your boots is dirty, ant your beart not

shaven.' I seated wis him, ant says, 'Ich bin one poor man, ant I would

like to pusy myself wis somesing in a manufactory. My tressing is dirty

because I fell in ze mud on ze roat.'

''You tell me ontruse, young man,' says he. 'Ze roat is kvite dry now.'

I was silent. 'Tell me ze whole truse,' goes on ze goot man--'who you

are, ant vere you go to? I like your face, ant ven you is one honest

man, so I will help you.' Ant I tell all.

''Goot, young man!' he says. 'Come to my manufactory of rope, ant I will

give you work ant tress ant money, ant you can live wis os.' I says,


'I go to ze manufactory of rope, ant ze goot man says to his voman,

'Here is one yong man who defented his Vaterland, ant ron away from

prisons. He has not house nor tresses nor preat. He will live wis os.

Give him clean linen, ant norish him.'

'I livet one ant a half year in ze manufactory of rope, ant my lantlort

loaft me so much zat he would not let me loose. Ant I felt very goot.

'I were zen handsome man--yong, of pig stature, with blue eyes and

romische nose--ant Missis L-- (I like not to say her name--she was ze

voman of my lantlort) was yong ant handsome laty. Ant she fell in loaf

wis me.'

Here Karl Ivanitch made a long pause, lowered his kindly blue eyes,

shook his head quietly, and smiled as people always do under the

influence of a pleasing recollection.

'Yes,' he resumed as he leant back in his arm-chair and adjusted his

dressing-gown, 'I have experiencet many sings in my life, pot zere is

my witness,'--here he pointed to an image of the Saviour, embroidered

on wool, which was hanging over his bed--'zat nopoty in ze worlt can say

zat Karl Ivanitch has been one dishonest man, I would not repay black

ingratitude for ze goot which Mister L-- dit me, ant I resoluted to ron

away. So in ze evening, ven all were asleep, I writet one letter to my

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