thinking over what I had done, I could not imagine what

the matter had been with me. I only felt with despair that I was for

ever lost.

At first the most profound stillness reigned around me--at least, so it

appeared to me as compared with the violent internal emotion which I had

been experiencing; but by and by I began to distinguish various sounds.

Basil brought something downstairs which he laid upon a chest outside.

It sounded like a broom-stick. Below me I could hear St. Jerome's

grumbling voice (probably he was speaking of me), and then children's

voices and laughter and footsteps; until in a few moments everything

seemed to have regained its normal course in the house, as though

nobody knew or cared to know that here was I sitting alone in the dark


I did not cry, but something lay heavy, like a stone, upon my heart.

Ideas and pictures passed with extraordinary rapidity before my troubled

imagination, yet through their fantastic sequence broke continually

the remembrance of the misfortune which had befallen me as I once

again plunged into an interminable labyrinth of conjectures as to the

punishment, the fate, and the despair that were awaiting me. The

thought occurred to me that there must be some reason for the general

dislike--even contempt--which I fancied to be felt for me by others.

I was firmly convinced that every one, from Grandmamma down to the

coachman Philip, despised me, and found pleasure in my sufferings. Next

an idea struck me that perhaps I was not the son of my father and mother

at all, nor Woloda's brother, but only some unfortunate orphan who had

been adopted by them out of compassion, and this absurd notion not only

afforded me a certain melancholy consolation, but seemed to me quite

probable. I found it comforting to think that I was unhappy, not through

my own fault, but because I was fated to be so from my birth, and

conceived that my destiny was very much like poor Karl Ivanitch's.

'Why conceal the secret any longer, now that I have discovered it?' I

reflected. 'To-morrow I will go to Papa and say to him, 'It is in vain

for you to try and conceal from me the mystery of my birth. I know it

already.' And he will answer me, 'What else could I do, my good fellow?

Sooner or later you would have had to know that you are not my son, but

were adopted as such. Nevertheless, so long as you remain worthy of my

love, I will never cast you out.' Then I shall say, 'Papa, though I

have no right to call you by that name, and am now doing so for the last

time, I have always loved you, and shall always retain that love. At the

same time, while I can never forget that you have been my benefactor, I

cannot remain longer in your house. Nobody here loves me, and St. Jerome

has wrought my ruin. Either he or I must go forth, since I cannot answer

for myself. I hate the man so that I could do anything--I could even

kill him.' Papa will begin to entreat me, but I shall make a gesture,

and say, 'No, no, my friend and benefactor! We cannot live together. Let

me go'--and for the last time I shall embrace him, and say in French,

'O mon pere, O mon bienfaiteur, donne moi, pour la derniere fois, ta

benediction, et que la volonte de Dieu soit faite!''

I sobbed bitterly at these thoughts as I sat on a trunk in that dark

storeroom. Then, suddenly recollecting the shameful punishment which was

awaiting me, I would find myself back again in actuality, and the dreams

had fled. Soon, again, I began to fancy myself far away from the

house and alone in the world. I enter a hussar regiment and go to war.

Вы читаете Childhood. Boyhood. Youth
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