of it. “If that bothers you, I’ll understand. I mean…” I let my voice trail. Frankly, they were a bunch of dickheads as far as I was concerned. They’d agreed about this, had talked about me being okay with it all, so what was the fucking problem? I was opening my mouth to tell them just that when Kade beat me to it.
“No problem. So, are you coming with me or not?”
I gasped but grabbed the hand he offered. Ignoring Noah, we left the room.
Chapter Four
“So,” Kade said as soon as we’d stepped into his room. “Have you done anything since I left?”
“Not really.” I stopped short, just realizing I’d walked into the corridor with only my underwear on. Nice!
“What do you mean by not really?”
“Oh, well…” I sat down on his bed and scooted backwards until I was leaning on my elbows. “I thought it’d be nice if I, you know, got myself ready for you…but you never showed up.”
He was in the process of climbing on the bed but that stopped him short. “You mean?” His gaze centered on my soaked panties.
“Yep. And I was so turned on I had to do something about it.”
“So you went back to Noah.”
I nodded. “Nothing happened though.”
“Nothing at all?” he asked, his thumbs hooking around my underwear before sliding it off my legs.
Feeling proactive, I sat up and quickly shed my camisole. Flinging it to my left, I went back to my erstwhile position, but this time my thighs were wide open. He settled between them and stared at my pussy. “I asked you a question,” he remarked, his hands smoothing their way up my legs.
That felt so good it took me a while to remember the question. “He…might have played with me a little. But it was nothing much. And I didn’t come!”
But I desperately needed to.
“What did he do exactly?” His fingers stopped right before they’d have hit something good.
Damn it! “You sure you want to know this?”
“I’m asking the question, aren’t I?”
Fuck. “Okay, okay. Well, he, ah, played with my breasts.”
His right hand came to rest on my chest. “Like this?”
“No, he-” Argh! “Tugged on them.”
Fingers wrapped around one nipple and pulled. “Better?”
“Yes,” I exhaled as my insides clenched in reaction.
“What else?”
“He put a finger inside me.”
“Just one?” I nodded as his hand dropped down. “What about two instead?” he said right before pushing them into me.
I shrieked and fell on my back, my hips arched.
“Isn’t that better?” he asked, his voice husky as he watched his fingers slide in and out of me.
“Much…better,” my voice croaked.
“I thought so.” He slid down, his fingers never stopping their movements, until his tongue touched me at the same time.
This time, I screamed. He didn’t stop though. He kept on licking until I was writhing on the bed, screaming and begging for him to finish me off. Each time I came close, he stopped and diverted his attention to nipping at my thighs.
“Please, please, please Kade!”
He looked up at my pleading face and smirked. “I guess I made you wait long enough.”
I knew he was getting a kick out of my begging him but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to feel pleasure sweep through me. I didn’t even care that it was just his fingers inside me. I just wanted to come.
And when he started sucking on my clit, I did.
I came so hard I think I blacked out for a second.
“Move your butt, baby.”
I blinked and forced my eyes open. “What?”
Kade was lying down beside me, naked apart from the condom already decorating him. Maybe I’d been out for more than a second then. Too bad I’d missed watching him undress. “I want you on top.”
“Now?” Shoot. I was tired!
“Yes. I want to play with your tits while you ride me.”
The image burst in my mind and I sat up. Well, okay then!
“Right.” I moved up to my knees and straddled his thighs. Cupping his cock in my hand, I slowly pumped him-once, twice, until he growled at me to hurry up. I didn’t think hurrying would do any good. I might be wetter than usual but he was still also bigger than usual. Shoot, was it going to fit? I thought as I eyed him.
Taking a deep breath, I moved until I could feel his hard length poking me.
Closing my eyes, I pressed down and slowly took him inside me.
“Fuck yeah. Slowly, baby. Do it slowly, inch by inch.”
Trust me when I say it took me a while. I felt my walls stretch around him, the sweet friction making me moan in pleasure. And that was before he even started moving!
Down and down I went until he was finally in to the hilt. I exhaled loudly, “Wow.”
He chuckled, the reverberations making my insides clench. “You’re so fucking tight.” His hands grasped my hips as he pulled me up.
I went with it, soon falling into the rhythm he’d established. Bracing myself on his shoulders, I leaned closer and felt his teeth rake my nipple. “God.” He was really pulling out all the stops, I thought, as he bit me. I gasped but it felt good. Everything felt good.
I was so out of it he could have done anything with me.
It was coming. I could feel it. That tension deep inside me. The one that grew and grew with each of his thrusts. I angled myself forward. Yes! Right there! I opened my mouth, moans pouring out of me. Louder and louder until I screamed and clenched around him.
He stopped moving, letting me enjoy my climax. His lips brushed my chest and clamped around my left breast. He sucked and pulled and I was falling.
Ten seconds later or maybe it was a minute, I couldn’t say for sure, Kade let out a loud growl as he made me fall to the side. I shrieked but he’d already pushed me onto my back and was pounding away.
It hurt slightly but I couldn’t care less. His pubic bone was hitting a very sweet spot and I wrapped my thighs around his waist in an effort not to lose contact.
This time I came in one scream. And so did he.
I woke up the next day with a groan. My thighs ached, actually my whole body ached. Especially down there. Ouch. Kade might be a bit big for such vigorous lovemaking. I giggled at my own thoughts but groaned once again when I forced myself to leave his nice, comfy bed.
I looked up and spotted him in the bathroom doorway. Damn man was only wearing a towel wrapped around his lean hips. He looked so good I felt myself start to get very warm indeed. No no no. I ached. Another round would probably kill me. Or make me indisposed for the next few days at least. And that would never do!
“Morning,” I yawned then yelped when I took a step.
“What’s wrong?” He hurried to my side.
“Nothing. I should probably go.” I stumbled towards my underwear and bit my lip when I had to bend over to