“Are you sure, baby? Because tonight’s been pretty amazing already. Look at all you’ve done!”
I blinked. Funny but he actually made sense. Still. I shook my head. “Sorry, Noah. I love you but it ain’t gonna happen.”
I watched his eyes widen and suddenly realized what I’d just said. Fuck!
Chapter Seven
“You still love me?”
“Yes. I mean, maybe. Just…forget I said anything!” I grabbed his shoulders and tried to move off of him. The problem was that he was holding me tight. Too tight for me to go anywhere.
“I love you too.”
I stilled at his soft words. Staring back at him, I began shaking my head. “No, no, no. You can’t say this now! You broke up with me!”
“I know but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It was just-”
I cut him off. “Why are we talking about this now? We’re supposed to be having sex here!”
“Exactly!” he countered.
“No! Do you know why I ended things? It’s because our relationship wasn’t going anywhere. We weren’t taking risks anymore. We were just…it was routine! Not too bad but not too good either.”
I blinked. “You broke up with me because it wasn’t exciting anymore?”
“Yes!” His hands slid up my back. “It wasn’t fun anymore.”
Unbelievable. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a while.”
He frowned. “It made sense to me.”
“Of course it would.” I turned my head and looked at Kade who’d kept silent throughout our exchange. “What do you think, Kade?”
“This has got nothing to do with me.”
“Right.” I rolled my eyes then an idea popped into my head. “Hold on! Did you plan all this?” I waved in Kade’s direction. My gaze caught his and I saw the truth in his eyes. “Fuck! NOAH!”
“What? You can’t say you haven’t enjoyed yourself those past few days. Even the sex we had when we weren’t together was freaking hot.”
“You’re crazy, you know that.” I tugged on his hands, trying desperately to get away from him. Damn man didn’t want to let go though. He probably knew that if I left, there was a good chance it’d be forever.
“He was trying to save your relationship, babe. It might have been an odd choice but he was brave enough to let you have sex with someone else. Just to add some spice to your lives. He didn’t want to hurt you.” Kade’s voice came from behind me and he moved until he was sitting at our sides. Considering he was still naked and still very horny, it was somewhat surreal.
“He broke up with me! He said some very hurtful things and for what? Nothing!
Oh no, sorry, only because the sex was bland. Well, fuck you!” I glared at Noah and added, “Now, let me go.”
“No,” he replied, his hands on my back forcing me to lean down further.
“I said, let me go!” I nearly yelled, pushing on his shoulders with all my strength.
“NO! You’re mine! And if I let you go, you’re gonna run. I know you, baby. I love you, don’t you get it? I did this for us.”
“You let me fuck Kade for us? Sure!”
“Yes! Remember how it was before? At first, we were all over each other and it was great. And then the more time we spent together, the less we did. It was as if you’d lost it. Or,” he gulped. “Like you didn’t want me anymore.”
I sighed. “You know that’s not true.”
“It felt like it. You kept watching Kade. All the fucking time! What else did you want me to believe?”
“I don’t get it, Noah. If you were so worried about it, why did you let me have sex with him?”
“He wanted you to have fun again,” Kade commented.
“And you did,” Noah added, his dick twitching inside me at the thought.
I suddenly realized I was still riding him. Hell.
I thought of everything they’d just told me, what Noah had tried to explain. It was true our sex life had been a bit boring but it hadn’t been that bad surely. And yes, I’d watched Kade from time to time but that wasn’t a crime. It wasn’t my fault he was hot!
And also very different to Noah.
I gulped. Damn, he was right. I’d started ignoring him in favor of a fantasy life with his friend. I remembered falling asleep at night, wondering how it’d feel to be in Kade’s bed. How his hands would feel on my body. Fuck! The break-up had been my fault. Silly, silly me.
“I’m sorry,” I finally said before slumping against Noah’s chest.
Kade had thoughtfully slipped to the bathroom while I slid off of Noah. Wincing slightly, I settled on the bed, Noah’s hands automatically wrapping around my back.
“What now?” I asked, feeling tired all of a sudden.
“What do you want?” he countered.
I bit my lip, stopping myself from shouting ‘You!’. “I love you, Noah. But…I’m not sure we’re meant to be together.”
“Is that what you really think or what you think I want to hear?”
I blinked. Damn man who knew me too well. “What if we get back together and it ends up like before?”
“I’ve already thought of that. I think it’d be best if Kade gets to, ah, remain a part of our relationship.”
Heat spread through me. “You mean what exactly? As an extra lover?”
“Yeah. Or we could share you, like tonight, on a weekly basis or something.”
“Orgy night!” I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought. “You know this is completely nuts, right?”
He shrugged. “I don’t care as long as I get to keep you.”
My mouth opened then snapped shut. That was probably the nicest thing he’d said to me in a long, long time. Draping my arms around his neck, I pulled his head down and whispered against his lips, “I love you.”
He replied, “I love you too,” before claiming my mouth for an intense kiss.
Chapter Eight
That’s why when Kade reappeared on the bed, I didn’t blink when his lips found mine. I turned and fell into his arms, loving the way he felt-loving it even more when Noah’s chest cradled my back. I never thought I’d enjoy a threesome so much, had never even thought what it’d feel like to be with two men at the same time. But it was heaven. And that was because they cared.
I knew it in my heart. It wasn’t just sex, it was more than that.
I wrapped another condom over Kade’s cock and straddled him. I took my time but it seemed easier this time around. I took him all in and even if I felt stretched to the limit, the feeling was decidedly arousing. I felt full. Or so I thought…
I changed my mind when Noah pushed his way in. It hurt and yet, I surprisingly didn’t care. I could feel Kade pulsing inside me, already taking so much space. He’d stopped thrusting thankfully and had clamped his hands on