my hips. He was holding me still, or maybe he was holding himself still. Who knew? All I could do though was hold on for the ride.
Noah groaned behind me, his breath hitting my neck in short gasps. He was going very slowly, his cock pushing at the rim of muscles. Already I could feel my body stretching open to accommodate him. Oh god, I wasn’t sure it was gonna fit.
We’d experimented before of course. He’d been so insistent over the months, wanting to show me how good it could be. I hadn’t wanted to tell him no, as stupid as that sounded. I’d found myself accepting one then two fingers inside me. A lubed-up toy. Then a bigger one. He’d always taken care to play with me as he stretched my rose, licking at my clit or teasing my pussy with his tongue. And the thing was…I’d come each and every damn time. I’d learned to love that never-ending pressure. We’d never gone as far as this however. He’d never put his cock inside me. Not past that rim of muscles that just didn’t want to let him in. Oh hell!
“Shh.” Kade interrupted my wandering thoughts. He nudged my face up and kissed me. Our tongues battled for dominance, his fingers pinching my nipples at the same time. I knew he was doing this so that I didn’t tense up, letting Noah do his thing but still…it felt good. I even managed to forget about Noah for a second until he pushed his way in.
He was in! Oh god. Oh god.
My body tensed again. Kade’s cock was so big Noah had to literally force his way in. I could feel them both inside me, only a thin membrane separating them. It was incredible and so out there I wondered for a second if I wasn’t dreaming it all.
Then they started thrusting. Together. In time. I could feel them rub against each other inside me, the feeling so weird I nearly burst apart. This was freaky!
This was heaven! My skin felt too tight for my body. It was as if every part of me was rubbed raw. Inside and out. Both men kept groaning as they moved in unison, their movements so coordinated I suddenly wondered how many times they’d done this before. Guess I’d have to ask them later.
Noah’s hands slid up my sides until he was cupping my breasts from behind. And because Kade didn’t want to disappoint either, his left hand found its way between our two sweaty bodies. The pad of one finger stretched until it was rubbing against my clit.
In time also with their thrusts.
This was it!
I went flying, screaming until my voice went hoarse.
Apparently I tightened around them so much, they came straight away. Grunting and swearing, their fingers biting into my skin, they emptied themselves inside me. Their cum and my juices mingled together as they pooled onto the disturbed sheet beneath us.
It took us a good five minutes to disentangle ourselves from one another. I yelped when Noah slid out of me, yelped some more when I moved off of Kade. I fell onto the bed soon followed by my two partners in crime. My two lovers.
I fell asleep with a smile on my face, sandwiched between my two men.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to tell this story. I’m still pretty amazed it happened at all. See, a couple years ago my youngest sister Rachel played soccer for her High School’s team. I’d finished school by that time, but I often came to her games to cheer her on. Well, I actually did more reading than cheering, but the fact that I was sitting in the bleachers at all meant a lot to my little sister.
I noticed Steve at the first game I attended, partly because the sunlight was reflecting off of his bald head and partly because he was the only other person sitting alone. Steve was the father of one of the girls on Rachel’s team, so I got to see him at every game. I’m generally cautious around new people, but I took to Steve right away because he seemed so shy. He was an intellectual sort with a toned physique. I’ve always had a thing for older men who work out.
At first, Steve and I would discuss the books we were reading. Eventually, our conversations became more intimate. Steve told me how lonely he felt in his marriage.
He worked from home as a technical writer and was fairly deprived of human interaction. He told me he used to look forward to six o’clock, when his executive wife Helen arrived home from work. Over the past five years, though, Helen had been working later and later into the evenings. When she finally arrived home, she was always too exhausted to pay him any attention. I felt very close to Steve because he confided in me. Soon, the intense attraction developing between us grew glaringly apparent.
At the end of each soccer game, Steve and I would go our separate ways, he with his daughter and I with my sister. One day, after our team’s four-one victory against Tecumseh Collegiate, I wrote my address down on a scrap of paper. I didn’t have to work the following Friday. Could he come over?
He knew what the invitation implied. I remember Steve staring down at my address and saying he would have to think about it. When he arrived on my doorstep that Friday at two o’clock, I was overjoyed. I really wasn’t sure if he would come or not. I took the man straight into my bedroom, stripped off his clothes and rode his cock until he flipped me onto my back and pummelled me with penetrations. It was the most frenzied, passionate encounter I’d ever experienced. I’m now convinced bookworms have the best sex.
Steve and I continued seeing each other every Friday afternoon. By the time he arrived at my house, we were both so hot for each other. We almost never remembered to lock the front door before heading to the bedroom…or the living room, or kitchen or wherever. One Friday in May, Steve sat on my sofa while I devoured his cock.
Suddenly, the front door flew open. I just about had a heart attack. Who would walk into my house unannounced? I froze, thinking it might be a family member or a friend of mine. No such luck. The woman at the door was stylish, with short blondy hair and a professional demeanour. I’d never seen her before, but she seemed perfectly confident she was in the right place.
Though I had no idea who she was, Steve certainly did. He froze as I clutched his cock. His body trembled. He stammered, “Helen, what are you doing here?”
I would be lying if I said I was shocked. When you hook up with a married guy, you always half expect his wife to show up. At least she wasn’t wielding anything more dangerous than a cell phone. Actually, the thing that most surprised me was her good looks. Steve had never told me his wife was so lovely and curvaceous. I’d figured she was just another dowdy old woman…who was going to kill me.
Though I braced myself for a thrashing, this Helen woman didn’t seem angry at all. She only said, “I found this scrap of paper in your contacts book,
Clever woman.
Of course, Steve could hardly deny what was going on. He’d literally been caught with his pants down. Without missing a beat, he started telling Helen how sorry he was, he never should have started this up, he was a terrible husband, that sort of thing. Much to my astonishment, Helen wouldn’t hear it. She wasn’t interested in his excuses. I was still sitting on the floor at that point. Helen simply walked into my living room and sat down beside her husband on the sofa. I wasn’t quite sure what to do, so I sat up on the coffee table. At least that way I was at eye level with them.
“I’ve known about this for ages,” she told us. “I’m not about to tear a strip off you, don’t worry.” She admitted she was never home, and they barely spoke even when she was. Helen understood why Steve might look elsewhere for fulfillment. She looked straight at me and said, “I’ve never been much good at all this sex stuff. Never