retrieve it from the floor.
“Did I hurt you last night?” A palm came to rest gently on my butt.
“It’s fine, Kade. Don’t worry.”
“It’s not fine. Can I do anything to help?”
I shook my head and hurried to get dressed. The camisole was easy to put back on. The panties, though, took a little bit of effort. I was swearing inwardly by the time I stood back up again.
“Come here.”
I very willingly went into his arms. “See you later?” I asked, staring up at him.
“Yes,” he acknowledged my question. “Take a warm bath and put a wet towel between your thighs. It’ll help.”
I felt my eyebrows rise. “Uh? Okay.”
He chuckled at my amazement. “I’m well-endowed, baby. It’s not the first time this has happened.”
“Oh, I see. Well, thanks, I’ll go do that.”
“Do you want to stay here?”
I shook my head and with a sigh, left his pleasant embrace. “No, I should go back to Noah’s room.”
“I’ll tell him it’s my fault if you want.”
I turned around at the door. “What?”
“That you can’t have sex this morning.”
I blinked. Suuure. “Okay.” Whatever, dude. Those two were way too weird sometimes. I closed the door just as Kade picked up his cell phone.
“So he got too rough.”
I stepped inside Noah’s room and was welcomed by his tense face. I sighed.
“No, not really. It’s just I ache a bit this morning so I’m gonna go slow and take a bath or something.”
“What about me?”
I stopped in front of him and looked down at his crotch. Damn guy hadn’t even bothered putting clothes on yet. “You’re gonna have to wait. Or you could go down to the lobby and pick up a groupie. Isn’t that what you’re going to do later anyway?” His eyes widened. Gotcha, Blondie. Did he really think I didn’t know him? “I’ll see you later,”
I added and hurried to the bathroom.
I was leaning back against the tub, enjoying the way the warm water was soothing my tired muscles. My thighs were wide open and the remnant pain was slowly but surely drifting away. Thank you Kade, I thought as I closed my eyes.
“You’re awfully tempting like this.”
I opened one eye and snapped it shut again. “Go away.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Can’t you see I’m tired?”
“And? It’s still my room.”
I forced myself to look up at him. “So what, Noah? Does that mean I should go back to Kade’s room instead?”
He exhaled loudly. “I never said that. Fuck, you can be such a pain sometimes.”
I grunted and dunked my head under water. Easier to ignore him that way.
Chapter Five
We had a free day today and I’d managed to stay cooped up in the room and ignore them all. By the time I’d finished reliving my night with Kade however, I’d decided new lingerie was called for. After all, I was pretty sure I’d get to see him again tonight.
Spurred by the thought, I’d grabbed a taxi and gone to the nearest mall.
And found the most amazing demi-bra ever. Imagining Kade’s fingers sliding down my top to find my bare breasts had been such a rush I’d hurried back to the hotel.
Barely taking the time to change into my new bra and thong, I’d rummaged through my suitcase to find a suitable low-cup top. Between that and the skirt that guaranteed easy access, I was ready.
Now all I needed was to find Kade.
“Oh no, you don’t.” Hands encircled my waist right after I’d knocked on Kade’s door.
Looking over my shoulder, I growled, “Let me go, Noah!”
“No. It’s my turn.”
“Since when?”
“Since it was his fault I didn’t get any this morning.”
I snorted. “You want me to believe you haven’t had sex today? At all?”
He grimaced but replied, “I haven’t.”
“Uh.” I grabbed his hands and managed to turn around to face him. I wanted to look straight into his eyes for this conversation. No way was he going to get away with lying to me. Not anymore. “Is that right?”
“Promise me.”
He stilled and his eyes locked with mine, repeating, “I promise.”
Fuck! He wasn’t lying!
“What’s happening here?” Kade’s voice rang behind us.
“Noah says it’s his turn.”
“Is that right?”
I felt Kade loom close behind me, his chest brushing my back. Then his hands were the ones clasping my hips as he pulled me closer, his groin nestling against my butt. Mmm, nice.
“Fuck, Kade! She’s mine tonight so back off!”
“What do you say, baby?” Kade’s breath hit my neck, making me shiver.
“Well, I was knocking on your door, wasn’t I?”
I could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “You heard her, Noah.”
“I don’t freaking care!” His face was red, his arms crossed over his chest in apparent rebellion.
Kade took a deep breath and tightened his hold on me. “Babe?” he whispered in my ear.
I turned slightly to the side and replied, “Yes?”
His eyes catching mine, he said, his voice low and husky, “What about we share you? Would that be okay with you?”
I gasped. “You both? Together?”
He nodded. “Yeah. It won’t be the first time for us but…maybe that’d be too much for you.”
Too much for me? Damn man knew I couldn’t say no to that dare! Oh god.
Should I? Could I? “I can say no whenever I want to and you’ll back off?”
“Of course.” His jeans suddenly felt ready to burst.
“Nothing weird or I’m out of here.”
“Right. Noah?”
Noah’s eyes were so wide he looked ready to keel over. “Yeah?”
“Would that be okay with you?”
“Fuck yeah!”
I couldn’t help but giggle at his obvious delight.
Noah pushed on my shoulders until I was stepping back into the room, Kade guiding my feet. We stopped as soon as the door banged shut and I found myself staring at Noah, unsure of what to do next.