She went through the kitchen to the laundry room, undoing her jeans to throw in the wash. A sexy ass surprised her when she reached the doorway. He was home way early and looking good bent over a pile laundry. “Baby, I’m sorry. I remembered a second ago. Go relax, hon. I’ll get it going.”

He ignored her. She added her clothes to the pile he’d started in front of the dryer, eyeing him. Damn, but he was hot in those loose-legged shorts. Unable to resist, she started to reach up under the leg of his shorts to stroke his dick while he reached for the detergent. With his free hand, he waved her off, grunting. Not to be deterred, she grabbed him, causing him to knock the jug off the shelf. The lid popped off, spilling laundry soap on the floor. Mumbling something she couldn’t understand, he grabbed a towel and bent over to clean up the mess. She caressed his ass, asking, “How about a quickie to tide us over?” She turned around to kick the pile away from the washer so they had a flat surface to screw on. He reached over her as she positioned herself in front of the machine. She rubbed her ass against him, watching him dump the liquid over the clothes in the tub.

Smiling, her body unleashed spasms in anticipation. She grabbed his cock, freeing it from the baggy shorts and brought it to her pussy. He grunted, made noises in an attempt to pull away, but eventually gave in. With his length inside her, she moaned,

“Oh, baby.”

She braced her hands on the machine, thrusting with him. “God, I’ve been thinking about this all day.” His hands gripped her waist as he pounded her like a man who hadn’t had it just this morning. Hanging her head, she welcomed the fire spreading through her like a match to gasoline. She panted. He shuttered, jerked, surprising her by coming so soon. She straightened, turning her head to kiss him. Peanut butter! His breath smelled like he’d eaten a jar. Absurd, he wouldn’t be so stupid, but panic had her pushing at him.

When she whirled on him, he was swallowing hard, and his lips laced with the creamy substance. His glazed blues stared back at her while she registered the tan cord curled up around his face. He never heard a word she said with the music blaring in his ears. She yanked the earpieces out. Ignoring the fact it wasn’t music he listened to, she went off on him, “Are you nuts! Why on earth would you eat peanut butter?” She pulled him into the kitchen to call 911. She saw the jar of peanut butter on the counter with a spoon sticking out of it. “What possessed you?” she asked, reaching for the phone. “You need medical attention before your throat swells completely shut.”

He slammed his hand over the phone, waving her off. Stupefied at his behavior, she watched him fill a glass with water. After downing it, he leaned over breathing hard, drank more then turned around.

“I’m sorry, Jackie. I was hungry and I shoveled it in. I tried to let you know. My mouth was stuck, then the spill and then…well, it was screw you or lose my dick.”

“Randy Wilkerson!” Excited, she ran to husband’s identical twin and hugged him.

“Why didn’t you let me know you were here?” Then her face heated up and she pulled away. “Oh, my god! I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not, why should you be? I haven’t had pussy in months.”

“Look, I’ve been working out back all day. Let me shower then you can tell me why you didn’t let us know you were coming and how long you’ll be home this time…”

She forced herself to leave the room with dignity, but it was rather hard when you were stark naked and your brother-in-laws semen running down your thigh.

Out of his sight, she rushed to the bedroom and shut the door. Picking up the phone, she called her husband’s office. “Mary, is Lenny free?” she asked when his receptionist answered.

“He’s in the middle of a root canal, but it’s his last appointment today. I can give him a message.”

“Tell him Randy is home.”

“Will do, hon.”

Jackie showered, trying not to think about the renewal of the fantasy of having both brothers she seemed consumed with whenever Randy came home for a visit.

She returned to the kitchen, nervous about what she’d done. Moreso how he was going play on it. The kitchen was empty-good. Dinner, dinner, what was she going to fix? She looked in the refrigerator. Oh, yeah, pork chops. Would there be enough? She counted five in the package. Strange. I never buy packages with more than three in it.

We hate leftovers.

Footsteps came into the room, drawing her eyes over the door. Randy stood with a towel around his waist, rubbing his brown hair with another. He like his brother-his pecs, the way the damp hair swirled around his nipples, trailing down his washboard to his belly button. He was identical to his twin brother in so many ways, which always posed a problem for her. She’d once made the mistake of thinking she could tell them apart based on appearance. She knew Randy’s body every bit as well as she knew Lenny’s-there was no difference, only in certain intimate aspects.

“All of my clothes are in the washer. Do you mind if I grab a pair of Lenny’s shorts?”

“Fine. The dresser near the window, bottom drawer. Shirts are in the second drawer.”


She watched him walk away. Damn! She was in trouble. Pulling out salad fixins she’d picked from the garden earlier in the day, she prepped three of the potatoes she’d also dug up for baking.

“Anything I can help with?” Randy asked, coming up alongside her.

“No, I got it,” she said, refusing to look at him, but he brought her face around with fingers to her chin.

“Hey, it was kind of like old times.”

“Except it was Len getting lucky while I dated you.” Jackie sighed and laid the knife down. “We weren’t married. I am now.”

“For eight years now, I know. I was there, best man. Still doesn’t mean I don’t remember how you don’t take no for an answer.”

“How long will you be home?”

“Permanently, I hope. I have a couple of interviews this week.”

“No more traveling around the world reporting breaking news? How come?”

“Bombs were starting to get too close for comfort. It’s time to take the soft route.

Getting up there, you know.”

“Oh, right. Wait until I tell your brother it’s almost walker time. He’ll kick your ass.”

“You called him?”

She nodded. “I let him know you were home.”

“Going to tell him?”

“Yes. I don’t keep secrets of any kind from him.”

“Good. Is the pool table still in the basement?”

“Nothing’s moved, Randy. You’ll have time for a couple games before dinner.”

She listened to him whistle as he went down the steps. Wow! He was going to get a job here. Would he live here with them? Of course he would. It was his home, too-their parents left the place to both of them.

Her heart beat with a thud against her chest. Play it by ear, Jackie. Don’t get your panties in a bunch because you didn’t know it wasn’t your husband. The front door slammed. Now he’s home. She turned the oven on.

“Hey, hon.” Lenny kissed her on the cheek. “Where is he?”

“Rec room. What’d you do, run out on your patient?”

He laughed, moving a strand of hair from her face. “We were all but done when you called. I’m going to change before going down. How long ’til dinner?”

“You have time for a couple of games.” She followed him to their bedroom.

“Len…I kind of had sex with him.”


“I came in from the garden, and well, I thought you’d come home early. He was bent over the laundry…well, you know me. I demanded and took. His mouth was stuck shut from half the jar of peanut he ate. I didn’t smell it until he breathed on me, then I panicked, thinking you’d lost your mind.” She knew it sounded lame, but it all came tumbling out.

He ran his hands over her arms, staring into her chocolate eyes, “It’s all right, hon.” The corners of his mouth turned up, confusing her.


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