“Seems to me, I recall being the one mistaken for him one night way back when.”
“Yeah, he recalled the time, too. Still, I’m sorry.” She took his shirt to put in the laundry while he pulled a t- shirt over his head and then replaced his slacks with shorts.
“No problem, unless you didn’t enjoy yourself.”
Well, she didn’t have a chance to enjoy herself like she wanted, but her husband’s attitude wasn’t what she expected. He could have acted jealous, upset, something, considering her past with his brother.
“He’s giving up his job. He’s staying home, if he can get a job here.”
“Fantastic. It’ll be great having him around. Won’t it?” He gave her a peck on the nose. “Call us when dinner’s on the table.”
Jackie stood there for a few minutes, her mind attempting to work out his attitude.
She had a gut feeling her life was taking a turn in the growth department-one which would send her on a roller coaster ride, without the car and the safety bar.
Starting down the basement steps, Jackie wondered at the silence. She continued on down. The men stood leaning against the pool table, their backs to her.
“All right you two. What are you up to?”
Both heads turned giving her devilish but sexy smiles. “Nothing,” they said in unison.
She groaned. A living nightmare enveloped her. “Come on up, dinner’s ready.”
She didn’t wait for them but she heard them.
“Hey, me first.”
“I was here first.”
Jackie rolled her eyes, hoping this childish behavior didn’t go on for long. After washing up, they walked around the table twice, switching directions a couple of times before they sat down. She ignored them. Every time Randy came home for a visit, the same silliness went on. It was cute the first couple of times, but now, she knew they did it to get a rise out of her. Not this time. If he was going to be a permanent fixture, she had to set the tone, be the adult.
They fixed their plates, ate in silence, until Lenny spoke up. “Randy, the shark-head, won all four games. Lenny has to pay up.”
She arched a brow, picking up on the name use. They were in game mode. What would it be this time? Live in the woods without provisions for a week? Maybe have to walk the ten miles into town every day for a month, because he lost the keys to the truck? It was always something dumb. “All right, what was the bet this time?”
Randy grinned at her as he removed her silverware from her reach before he told her. “If Randy won, we’d play a game.” He gave her body a slow perusal then winked at Lenny.
“I’m not playing strip poker with you guys. You cheat.”
“Different game,” Lenny told her.
“Today’s Wednesday-you have until Friday night to figure out which one of is the man you’re married to.”
In disbelief, Jackie looked from one to the other. “You’re joking?”
“No,” they said at the same time.
All of sudden it clicked. They were dressed identically. They both held up their left hands-no rings or markings on either of their ring fingers. Not really surprising-
Lenny didn’t wear his doing yard work and such for fear of getting it caught, so it tanned like the rest of him. Oh, god, she assumed the man on her left was her husband. Lenny always sat there while they ate. Jackie stared at them, trying to think fast. She could ignore them. Or she could make them pay for involving her in one of their games. Yeah, she could do the latter.
“May I have my silverware, please? My food is getting cold.”
With caution, the twin who’d taken it handed the utensils back, but she was thinking about how she could turn this to her favor. Did she dare attempt the fantasy she’d always had? Well, not always, but since she first met Lenny.
Her stomach quivered at the memory. She and Randy were going at it in the basement, having sex on the pool table when Lenny came down looking for Randy. She saw the hunger on his face as he gawked at her breasts. He’d said something, then left.
She had liked the idea of him liking what he saw so she’d suggested they invite him to join them sometime. The idea excited him, causing him to lose his load all too soon.
The threesome never happened, but it didn’t stop the fantasies, even after she hooked up with Lenny. Randy was the wild side to Lenny’s soft, loving side. It’d be yummy to have her cake and eat it, too. However, she wasn’t comfortable approaching Lenny about the idea for fear of him thinking he didn’t satisfy her like his brother did.
The truth was, he more than took care of her. But now, well…now they had opened the door. Why not try to take them through it? Or at least foil their plan in the attempt…
She finished eating, set her plate in the sink, then told them, “When you’re finished cleaning up the kitchen, come find me.” She left them with their mouths hanging open. Guess they expected her to argue, maybe try to talk them out of it. Not this time.
They wanted her to play? Then she was going to enjoy herself.
Jackie looked up when the guys came into the living room. Letting her eyes roam over one, then the other, she grinned. “A wet t-shirt contest? Why wasn’t I invited?”
Sauntering across the room, she said, “Oh, I guess I’m the judge.” She ran a finger up their chests, flicked viewable nipples as she began to put her plan in motion.
“Mmm, I think this shirt is wetter.” Digging her nails into the material, she ripped it open, giving the chest an appreciative look.
“Yum!” She looked over at the other twin and winked. “I think this is going to take some real studying, some hands on for me to know absolutely who is who.”
She pulled the man with the ripped shirt closer and kissed the parted lips, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He tangled with her until she pulled away. Bringing Randy’s lips to hers, she ran her tongue over them. They both tasted alike-dinner. She lingered before slipping into his mouth to give her husband a moment to grasp where 146
she was going with this. Randy sucked on her tongue and pulled on a nerve deep within her, bringing hot need straight down into her clit. She pushed him away before she ruined her own intention. He certainly hadn’t lost his touch, nor had her body forgotten how he commanded it. She eyed Lenny, who watched her with no obvious clue to give away who he was. Still-she knew. Looking from his glazed eyes to the matching set of his brother, she took a step back.
Smiling, she rested the tip of her tongue on the roof of her mouth, studying the speechless boys. “I’ll be waiting.” Without hurry, she went down the hall to the bedroom, stripped, then stretched out on her stomach. Shame she didn’t have a camera recording their reaction. She hoped they’d consent to doing what they’re both best at-loving her their way, together. Her body was ready to be ravished.
With raised eyebrows, she watched the doorway, wondering where they were.
Had she ruined their plan, and hers? Or were they in the mist of their infamous rock-paper-scissor game to see who came first. If they tied. as they often did, she hoped they’d say to hell with it and both come. “Please, please, please, let both of them come,”
she prayed as she dropped her chin on the bed.
The lights went out, startling her, but then she relaxed. They were coming. The ache in her pussy grew. Her heart pounded in anticipation.
While she didn’t hear them come in, her sense of smell knew when they’d come into the bedroom, naked. She could smell their arousal. She smiled and waited. The bed dipped down near her legs. Her stomach quivered with anticipation.
“Mmm.” She moaned when they traced the sole of her feet with a fingertip. The mere anticipated touch had her tingling.
“Oh, god.” She groaned as tingles ran up her legs. Wet tongues washed over the soles of her feet, moved over her heel and trailed up her calves to the back of her knees. Her breathing quickened as they coupled the