Kelley, Emma Dunham, 283

Kennedy, John F., 490

Kennedy, Louise, 671

Kenner, Hugh, 744; A Homemade World, 313

Kerouac, Jack, 739; The Dharma Bums, 447; On the Road, 446, 493

Kerr, Jean: Please Don't Eat the Daisies, 507; The Snake Has All the Lines, 507

Kerslake, Susan, Penumbra, 566

Kesey, Ken, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 447- 48, 493

Kessler-Harris, Alice, 389

Khan, Ismkh, 600; The]umbie Bird, 602; The Obeah Man, 602

Kincaid, Jamaica, 604 -5, 653, 669 -70, 670 -72; Annie John, 595, 605, 671; At the Bottom of the River, 671; Lucy, 605, 671, 672; A Small Place, 672

King, Stephen, Misery, 87

King, Thomas, Medicine River, 576

Kingston, Maxine Hong, 406, 462, 463, 521, 522, 524, 528 -29, 533, 653, 669, 788; China Men, 463, 522, 533- 34; Tripmaster Monkey, 463, 522; The Woman Warrior, 463, 522, 533

Kingston, Paul W., The Wages of Writing, 681 -82

Kinsella, Thomas, Shoeless Joe, 581 -82

Kinsey, Alfred C., Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 546

Kipling, Rudyard, 658; influence of, 263; 'A White Man's Burden,' 249

Kirby, William, The Golden Dog, 562

Kirkland, Caroline, 788

Kirkland, Joseph, Zury, 255

Kitsch, postmodern fiction as, 690 -91

Klein, Marcus, 345, 393

Klinkowitz, Jerome, 448, 732, 736 -37

Knight, Sarah Kemble, The Journal of Madam Knight, 33–34

Kogawa, Joy, 406, 567, 573 -74, 653, 788- 89; Obasan, 574, 575

Kollwitz, Kathe, 178

Kostelanetz, Richard, 686

Kramer, Hilton, 517, 518

Kramer, Larry, Faggots, 549

Krause, Herbert, Wind Without Rain, 441

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Krauze, Ethel, 628 -29

Kreiner, Philip: Contact Prints, 564; Heartlands, 584

Kristeva, Julia, 700

Kroetsch, Robert, 564, 565, 566, 585; Badlands, 580, 582; Gone Indian, 563

Kromer, Tom, Waiting for Nothing, 340 -41

Kruger, Barbara, 516

Krupat, Arnold, 43, 44

Kiinstlerroman, Canadian, 580

Kureishi, Hanif, 653, 659, 661 -65; The Buddha of Suburbia, 663 -65; 'The Rainbow Sign,' 661- 62

Kyk-over-al (literary review), 593

Laberge, Albert, La Scouine (Bitter Bread), 569

Labor movement, 148, 322

Labor unrest, 158, 327

Lacombe, Patrice, La terre paternelIe, 568

Ladies' Home Journal, 371

Ladoo, Harold Sonny, Yesterdays, 575

La Farge, Oliver, Laughing Boy, 409

Lamming, George, 587, 589, 594 -96, 600; The Emigrants, 594, 595; In the Castle of My Skin, 589, 594, 595; Natives of My Person, 594, 595; Of Age and Innocence, 594 The Pleasures of Exile, 595-96; Season of Adventure, 594, 595; Water with Berries, 595, 595

L'Amour, Louis, 440

Land, importance of: in frontier novels, 438; in Western fiction, 441, 446 47, 459 -60

Landon, Brooks, 449

Langer, Elinor, 355

Language: Abish and, 737; Barth and, 730 -31; class differences and, 174 75; colonialism and, 655 -56; dialects, 251, 571; of early American novels, 11; experimental, Stein and, 215; Gass and, 741; Millhauser and, 747; New Critics and, 488; postcolonial, 661; postmodernism and, 700; of realism, 172; and reality, 448, 620 -21; of social types, 191; women's appropriation of, 641 -42

Lapolla, Garibaldi Marto, 398

Larsen, Nella, 411, 420; Quicksand, 421

Larson, Magalia, 568, 691

Late nineteenth century: realism, 160 88; women's status, 269

Late twentieth century: literary marketplace, 679 -96; postmodern fiction, 697 -725

Latin American fiction, 607 -48

Latin American immigrant writers, 406

Laughlin, James, 693

Laurence, Margaret, 584, 789; A Bird in the House, 580; The Diviners, 578; The Stone Angel, 564, 578

Law: of immigration, 381, 406; status of, in Western fiction, 368

Lawrence, D. H.: influence on Le Sueur, 350 -51; The Rainbow, 314; Studies in Classic American Literature, 51

Lea, Tom, 461

Leacock, Stephen, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, 560, 561

League of American Writers, 344

Leal, Luis, 524

Lean, David, A Passage to India (film), 658

Leatherstocking tales, Cooper, 294, 437

Leavis, F. R., The Great Tradition, 488

Leavitt, David, The Lost Language of Cranes, 551

Lecker, Robert, 578

Lederer, William J., The Ugly American, 490

Lee, Ann, 133

Lee, C. Y., The Flower Drum Song, 500

Lee, Dennis, 579

Lee, Eliza Buckminster, Parthenia, 119 -20

Lee, Harper, To Kill a Mockingbird, 490

Lee, Manfred (Ellery Queen), 802

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Lee, Sky, Disappearing Moon Cafe, 574

Left, political, and sexuality of women, 351 See also Communism; Communist Party

Legal status of women, nineteenth century, 65, 142 -43

Le Guin, Ursula, 789; Always Coming Home, 460

Leiber, Fritz, Gather Darkness, 365

Lemelin, Roger, Au pied de la pente douce (The Town Below), 569

Leonard, John, 661

Leprohon, Rosanna, Antoinette de Mirecourt; or, Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrowing, a Canadian Tale,

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