McLean, Kathryn Anderson. See Forbes, Kathryn
McLennan, Hugh: 'Boy Meets Girl in Winnipeg: Who Cares?' 560; The Watch That Ends the Night, 578
McLennan, J. F., Primitive Marriage, 200
McLuhan, Marshall, The Gutenberg Galaxy, 485
McMurtry, Larry: All My Friends Are Going to Be Strangers, 460; Cadillac Jack, 460; The Desert Rose, 460; Horseman, Pass By, 460; The Last Picture Show, 460; Leaving Chey-
— 881-
McMurtry, Larry (Continued) enne, 460; Lonesome Dove, 460 61; Moving On, 460; Somebody's Darling, 460; Terms of Endearment, 460
McNally, William, Evils and Abuses in the Naval Merchant Service, 149
McNickle, D'Arcy, 455
McPartland, John, No Down Payment, 507
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, 280 -82
Madison, Charles, 359
Magazines: communist, 343 -44; late nineteenth century, 158; limitedcirculation, 682; literary, 407; middle- brow, 303
Magdalene Societies, 137
Magic realism, 457, 522 -28; Canadian, 565; Garcia Marquez and, 618
Mahan, A. T., 258
Mailer, Norman, 403, 792; Advertisements for Myself, 493; An American Dream, 493; The Armies of the Night, 493; The Executioner's Song, 449; The Naked and the Dead, 493; 'The White Negro,' 493; Why Are We in Vietnam? 449
Maillet, Antonine, 791; Pdlagie-LaCharrett, 572
Mail-order book clubs, 359
Mais, Roger, 592, 593, 594, 598; Black Lightning, 599; Brother Man, 599, 600; The Hills Were Joyful Together, 599
Major, Andre, 579
Majors, Charles, When Knighthood Was in Flower, 259
Makhoere, Caeserina Kona, 651
Malamud, Bernard, 498, 674, 792; The Assistant, 403; 'Fidelman' stories, 403; The Fixer, 498; The Natural, 492; A New Life, 449; The Tenants, 498
Male novels: antebellum, 51; environment literature, 507- 9
Male writers, 689 -90, 694, 695, 696; Canadian, 580; domestic fiction by, 52; postmodern, 698; and women, 277, 283; working-class, fiction by, 336
— nineteenth century, 46, 56 -59, 114, 117 -18; motivation for writing, 66 -67; quality of work, 128; and women, 69 -70, 113 -15
Manfred, Frederick, 792; The Golden Bowl, 443, 458; The Manly-Hearted Woman, 455; Riders of Judgment, 443
Mangione, Jerre, 398 -401; Mount Allegro, 400–401, 404
Manhood in battle, views of, 249 -50
Manifest Destiny doctrine, 288
Mann, Horace, 148
Mann, Thomas, 750; Buddenbrooks, 314
Marchessault, Jovette, La Mre des herbes (Mother of the Grass), 581
Marginality, 666 -67
Marginalization of postcolonial writers, 651
Marinello, Juan, 613
Marinetti, Filippo, 317
Marketplace, literary, 685; early American, 46–71; and environment literature, 507; ethnicity and, 381 -406; late twentieth century, 679 -96; and marginality, 666
Market society, 50; literature in, 48 -49; postmodern, 518 -20; and realist writing, 161; self defined by, 166 - 67
Markoosie, Harpoon of the Hunter, 576
Marks, Elaine, 641
Marlatt, Daphne, Ana Historic, 565
Marlyn, John, 574
Marovitz, Sanford E., 455
Marriage, 143; late nineteenth century, 200 -201; in Oneida community, 134; in Western fiction, 367 -68
Married Women's Property Act (1848), 143
Marshall, Paule, 406, 653, 669, 792; Brown Girl, Brownstones, 497, 670; The Chosen Place, the Timeless People, 670; Praisesong for the Widow, 670; 'Shaping the World of My
— 882-
Art,' 670; Soul Clap Hands and Sing, 670
Martian novels, Burroughs, 362 -63
Martin, Helen Reimensnyder, Tillie, a Mennonite Maid, 383
Marx, Leo, The Machine in the Garden, 489
Marxism, 485 -86; and postmodernism, 516 -17, 522
Masculinity: nineteenth-century ideas, 111 -12, 115 -16; Norris's view, 263
Masiello, Francine, 642
Mason, Bobble Ann, 482
Massachusetts, Board of Aliens Commission, 192
Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance, 137
Mass culture: multicultural, 517 -18; realism, 535 -37
The Masses, 337
Mass market, 53, 359; lesbian paperbacks, 501; nineteenth century, 285 305; postmodern fiction and, 690 - 91
Mass media: and popular culture, 286; publishing and, 686
Master-slave relationship, Poe's view, 98
Mastery: abuses of, in antislavery fiction, 141, 145; sexual, 153
Mather, Cotton: Diary, 31; Magnalia Christi Americana, 31; Paterna, 31
Mather, Increase, 468; Wo to Drunkards, 136
Mathews, John Joseph, 455, 793
Matisse, Henri, 316; La Femme au Chapeau, 314
Matthiessen, F. O., American Renaissance, 128
Matto de Turner, Clorinda, Aves sin nido, 611
Mayz Valenilla, E., 608
MCA, 687
Meatpacking industry, reform of, 238
Medina, Enrique: Strip-Tease, 632 -33; Las tumbas, 632
Meditative realism, postmodern, 537
Meigs, Mary, 760
Meller, Sidney, Roots in the Sky, 393
Melodramas: dime novels, 294 -97; story paper, 288 -90
Melville, Herman, 7, 8, 60–62, 66 -70, 72, 84, 149, 335, 783, 794 -95; and American writers, 128; 'Bartleby, the Scrivener,' 51, 84, 91, 176, 179; 'Benito Cereno,' 87, 90–91, 99, 150-51; Billy Budd, Sailor, 87, 193 -95; The Confidence-Man, 74, 88, 106, 138; and domestic novels, 112 -13; and fiction, 73–74; 'Hawthorne and His Mosses,' 112, 128; Israel Potter, 465; Mardi, 73, 80 81; Moby-Dick, 8, 51, 68, 84, 86 87, 90, 106-7, 138, 467, 479 -80; Omoo, 80; 'The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids,' 138; Pierre; or, The Ambiguities, 62–64, 67–70, 98, 106, 112-13; and race, 90–91; Redburn, 51, 61, 138, 149, 162; and reform, 149- 50; and romance, 80–81; and slavery,