The Whisperers
(with Boris Kolonitskii)
The Whisperers
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Copyright © Orlando Figes, 2007
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EISBN: 978–0–141–80887–1
3 The Pursuit of Happiness (1932–6)
5 Remnants of Terror (1938–41)
7 Ordinary Stalinists (1945–53)
List of Illustrations
19 Iosif and Aleksandra Voitinsky, Yekaterinoslav, 1924
23 Aleksei and Ivan Radchenko, 1927
40 The Tetiuev family, Cherdyn, 1927
42 Batania Bonner with her grandchildren, Moscow, 1929
48 Peasant nanny, Fursei family (Leningrad)
56 The Vittenburg family at Olgino, 1925
60 Konstantin Simonov, Aleksandra and Aleksandr Ivanishev, Riazan, 1927
61 Page from Simonov’s school notebook (1923)
67 The Laskin family, Moscow, 1930
78 Yevdokiia and Nikolai with their son Aleksei Golovin (1940s)
89 ‘Kulaks’ exiled from the village of Udachne, Khryshyne (Ukraine), early 1930s
90 Valentina Kropotina and her sister with three of their cousins, 1939
101 Exiles in a ‘special settlement’ in western Siberia, 1933
107 Left: Aleksandr and Serafima Ozemblovsky on their wedding day in