Lilina, Zlata, 9
literacy, rural, 126
literature ‘anti-patriotic groups’, 494, 495, 496, 498, 499, 625
tasks of, 192
and ‘thaw’, 590–91
Lithuania, Soviet invasion (1939), 372–3
Lithuanians, post-war arrests, 467, 468, 469
‘little terror’, post-war, 501
Liubchenko, Oleg, 293
living space austerity, 15, 161
struggle over, 173
urban, 172
Lobova, Tatiana, 557
Loputina-Epshtein, Olga, 511–12
loyalty display, 37
material reward and, 14, 153, 159, 165, 265
Lugovskoi, Vladimir, 200, 268–9, 270, 408–9, 487, 539
Lukach, General,
Lukonin, Mikhail, 374
luxury goods, production, 157–8Lysenko, Trofim, 488
Magadan labour camps, 215, 282, 320, 339, 365, 449, 450, 485, 581, 633
Magnitogorsk, 111, 151, 172, 427
Mai-Guba logging camp, 209
Makedonov, Adrian, 133
Makhnach, Leonid, 165,
Makhnach, Vladimir, 164–6,
Makhnacha, Maria, 379–81, 563, 565
Maksimov family, 115–16,
Malenkov, Grigorii, 488n, 498, 499, 508
as Chairman of Council, 536, 537
expelled from Party, 604
and Gulag, 468
inspects Leningrad Party, 466
and Leningrad Affair, 537–8
Maltsev, Orest (Rovinsky), 519&n
Malygin, Ivan, 265–6
Mamlin, Yevgeny, 184
Manchuria, Japanese occupation, 235, 370, 371
Mandelshtam, Nadezhda, 75, 173, 190, 431, 526, 587–8, 622
Mandelshtam, Osip, 190, 252–3, 400, 622
denunciation, 280
Mankov, Arkadii, 156, 171, 255, 257
Mannheim, Karl, 187
Marian family, 129–30
Mariupol, Germans attack (1942), 390
Markelova, Galina, 185
marriage bogus, for living space, 173–4