trust, Great Terror and, 298–313
based on experience, 273
Party, 273
Revolutionary, 190–91
subjective, 191
Tselmerovsky, Lev, 300
Tukhachevsky, Marshal M. N., 237, 245, 272, 278, 298, 642
Turkin family, 252, 287, 303, 579, 580
Tvardovsky, Aleksandr, 132–6, 523, 591
Tvardovsky family, 132–6
Tychina, Pavlo, 452
Uborevich, General, 237
Uglitskikh, Ivan, 118,
anti-Semitism, 509
Hitler and, 386
mortality (1930–33), 98
nationalist partisans, 427
Pioneer Organization, 570
post war famine, 457
Ukrainians post-war arrests, 467, 468, 469
Ulbricht, Walter, 597
unemployment, 438
Union of Contemporary Architects, 10, 152
United Labour Schools, 20, 22– 3
United States
Israeli alignment with, 493, 494
Jews seen as allies of, 509
Lend-Lease Agreement, 410, 443
POW camps, 531
Simonov visits (1946), 481–2
‘kulak’ children excluded, 142, 145, 301
post-war expansion, 471
Urals labour camps, 87, 88, 89
‘special settlements’, 93
utopia, Communist, 187–9
Vaigach expedition (1931), 209–13
Vaigach Gulag, 55
schools and, 32–3
Vavilov, Nikolai, 502
Vavilov, Sergei, 502
Vdovichenko, Viktor, 497
Venivitinov, Dmitry, 229
Verkneuralsk prison camp, 219, 222
Verzhbitsky, N. K., 384, 385, 392
Vesnin Brothers’ architectural workshops, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152
Vetlag Gulag complex, 349
Vetukhnovskaia, Roza, 385–6
lack of, 129, 239, 249, 259, 262, 268
as Soviet virtue, 87, 143, 265, 281, 519
Virag, Terez, 645n
Virgin Lands Campaign, 543–4, 547, 561
Vishlag pulp and paper mill, 116, 117, 118, 214– 15