But with sly circumspection, and beganThrough wood, through waste, o're hil, o're dale his roam.Mean while in utmost Longitude, where Heav'n
With Earth and Ocean meets, the setting SunSlowly descended, and with right aspectAgainst the eastern Gate of ParadiseLeveld his eevning Rayes: it was a RockOf Alablaster, pil'd up to the Clouds,Conspicuous farr, winding with one ascentAccessible from Earth, one entrance high;The rest was craggie cliff, that overhungStill as it rose, impossible to climbe.Betwixt these rockie Pillars Gabriel sat
Chief of th' Angelic Guards, awaiting night;About him exercis'd Heroic GamesTh' unarmed Youth of Heav'n, but nigh at handCelestial Armourie, Shields, Helmes, and SpearesHung high with Diamond flaming, and with Gold.Thither came Uriel, gliding through the EevenOn a Sun beam, swift as a shooting StarrIn Autumn thwarts the night, when vapors fir'dImpress the Air, and shews the MarinerFrom what point of his Compass to beware
Impetuous winds: he thus began in haste.Gabriel, to thee thy cours by Lot hath giv'nCharge and strict watch that to this happie placeNo evil thing approach or enter in;This day at highth of Noon came to my SpheareA Spirit, zealous, as he seem'd, to knowMore of th' Almighties works, and chiefly ManGods latest Image: I describ'd his wayBent all on speed, and markt his Aerie Gate;But in the Mount that lies from Eden North,
Where he first lighted, soon discernd his looksAlien from Heav'n, with passions foul obscur'd:Mine eye pursu'd him still, but under shadeLost sight of him; one of the banisht crewI fear, hath ventur'd from the deep, to raiseNew troubles; him thy care must be to find.To whom the winged Warriour thus returnd:Uriel, no wonder if thy perfet sight,Amid the Suns bright circle where thou sitst,See farr and wide: in at this Gate none pass
The vigilance here plac't, but such as comeWell known from Heav'n; and since Meridian hourNo Creature thence: if Spirit of other sort,So minded, have oreleapt these earthie boundsOn purpose, hard thou knowst it to excludeSpiritual substance with corporeal barr.But if within the circuit of these walksIn whatsoever shape he lurk, of whomThou telst, by morrow dawning I shall know.So promis'd hee, and Uriel to his charge
Returnd on that bright beam, whose point now raisdBore him slope downward to the Sun now fall'nBeneath th' Azores; whither the prime Orb,Incredible how swift, had thither rowl'dDiurnal, or this less volubil EarthBy shorter flight to th' East, had left him thereArraying with reflected Purple and GoldThe Clouds that on his Western Throne attend:Now came still Eevning on, and Twilight grayHad in her sober Liverie all things clad;