Daughter of God and Man, accomplisht Eve,Those have thir course to finish, round the Earth,By morrow Eevning, and from Land to LandIn order, though to Nations yet unborn,Ministring light prepar'd, they set and rise;Least total darkness should by Night regaineHer old possession, and extinguish lifeIn Nature and all things, which these soft firesNot only enlighten, but with kindly heateOf various influence foment and warme,
Temper or nourish, or in part shed downThir stellar vertue on all kinds that growOn Earth, made hereby apter to receivePerfection from the Suns more potent Ray.These then, though unbeheld in deep of night,Shine not in vain, nor think, though men were none,That heav'n would want spectators, God want praise;Millions of spiritual Creatures walk the EarthUnseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep:All these with ceasless praise his works behold
Both day and night: how often from the steepOf echoing Hill or Thicket have we heardCelestial voices to the midnight air,Sole, or responsive each to others noteSinging thir great Creator: oft in bandsWhile they keep watch, or nightly rounding walkWith Heav'nly touch of instrumental soundsIn full harmonic number joind, thir songsDivide the night, and lift our thoughts to Heaven.Thus talking hand in hand alone they pass'd
On to thir blissful Bower; it was a placeChos'n by the sovran Planter, when he fram'dAll things to mans delightful use; the roofeOf thickest covert was inwoven shadeLaurel and Mirtle, and what higher grewOf firm and fragrant leaf; on either sideAcanthus, and each odorous bushie shrubFenc'd up the verdant wall; each beauteous flour,Iris all hues, Roses, and GessaminRear'd high thir flourisht heads between, and wrought
Mosaic; underfoot the Violet,Crocus, and Hyacinth with rich inlayBroiderd the ground, more colour'd then with stoneOf costliest Emblem: other Creature hereBeast, Bird, Insect, or Worm durst enter none;Such was thir awe of man. In shadier BowerMore sacred and sequesterd, though but feignd,Pan or never slept, nor Nymph,Nor Faunus haunted. Here in close recessWith Flowers, Garlands, and sweet-smelling Herbs
Espoused Eve deckt first her Nuptial Bed,And heav'nly Quires the Hymenæan sung,What day the genial Angel to our SireBrought her in naked beauty more adorn'd,More lovely then Pandora, whom the GodsEndowd with all thir gifts, and O too likeIn sad event, when to the unwiser SonOf Japhet brought by Hermes, she ensnar'dMankind with her faire looks, to be aveng'dOn him who had stole Joves authentic fire.
Thus at thir shadie Lodge arriv'd, both stood,Both turnd, and under op'n Skie ador'dThe God that made both Skie, Air, Earth & Heav'nWhich they beheld, the Moons resplendent GlobeAnd starrie Pole: Thou also mad'st the Night,