concept of, 349
flat-screen technology and, 445–46
Gates’s criticism of, 355–56
handle of, 350–51
iPod and sales of, 391–92
Ive and, 350–52, 356
launch of, 354–55
microprocessor of, 349
mouse of, 353
name of, 351
prototype of, 349, 351–52
sales of, 356
specifications of, 348–49
Immelt, Jeffrey, 545
iMouse, 373
iMovie, 380, 381, 383, 403, 446, 526, 532
IMSAI 8080 (computer), 69–70
India, 37, 104
SJ influenced by, 48–49
SJ’s sojourn in, 46–48, 570
inertial scrolling, 363
Intel, 10, 76, 79, 121, 246, 294, 461, 493, 536–37, 568, 569
Apple and, 446–48
4004 chip of, 10
8080 chip of, 60, 66
in Macintosh computer, 492
International Design Conference, 125–26
International Harvester, 2
International Style, 126
Internet, 300, 349, 402, 409, 545, 502
Internet Explorer, 325
Interscope-Geffen-A&M, 399, 421
Intuit, 320
Iovine, Jimmy, 399–400, 403, 411, 421, 423, 479
iPad, 78, 137, 339, 345, 346, 379, 408, 467, 511, 532, 555, 558, 562, 566
apps phenomenon and, 500–503
App Store and, 503, 505, 507
ARM architecture and, 492–93
case of, 491–92
criticism of, 494–96
display screen of, 491
Gates’s criticism of, 495
Grossman on, 495–96
launch of, 165, 493–94
Manifesto ad campaign and, 498–500
publishing industry and, 504–6
sales of, 498
tablet project and, 490–91
textbook industry and, 509–10
iPad 2, 525–27
cover of, 525–26
launch of, 526
SJ’s, 527
iPhone, 78, 137, 339, 344–45, 379, 408, 459, 460, 492, 494, 511, 512, 514, 532, 555, 562, 563, 564, 566
antenna problem and, 519–23
apps phenomenon and, 501–2, 516
design of, 472–73
features of, 469–72
glass screen of, 470–72
initial application of, 466–67
iPod and, 466–67
Ive and, 519–23
launch of, 473–75
model 4 of, 518, 541
multi-touch technology and, 467–69
onscreen keyboard of, 469
partnership and, 465–66
P1 and P2 routes of, 468–69
price of, 474
prototype of, 468
tablet computer idea and, 467–68
3G model of, 478, 489
3GS model of, 487, 522
iPhoto, 380, 532
iPod, 7, 137, 345,
ad campaign for, 391–92
designing of, 387–88
development of, 384–85
digital hub concept and, 384–85
disc drive of, 384–85, 386
Fadell and, 385–89
Gates’s first view of, 393
Harmony service of, 409
headphones of, 390
iconic whiteness of, 390–91
iMac sales and, 391–92
iPhone and, 466–67
Ive and, 390–91
Mini, 409
Nano, 347, 470, 489, 519
new versions of, 409
power switch of, 389–90