price of, 392–93

sales of, 410, 469

shuffle feature of, 409–10

SJ’s selections on, 412–14

unveiling of, 392–93

user interface of, 388–89

U2 deal and, 420–22

video version of, 438–39

Windows and, 404–6

iPod Touch, 506

Italy, 185, 375

iTunes, 380, 385, 389–90, 394, 432, 446, 464, 502, 532, 534, 562

Beatles and, 419–20, 523–24

development of, 382–83

unveiling of, 383–84

Windows and, 404–6, 463

iTunes Store, 380, 407, 419, 438, 501, 503, 516, 524, 562, 564, 566

creation of, 396–97

data base of, 410

Dylan boxed set offered by, 416–18

Gates’s reaction to, 404

initial idea for, 396–97

iPod sales and, 400–401

Microsoft’s reaction to, 403–4

music industry and, 398–402

sales of, 403

success of, 410

technology-art gap and, 397–98

unveiling of, 402–3

Ive, Jonathan “Sony,” xiv, 340–52, 362, 364, 372, 387, 398, 409, 426–27, 446, 460, 461–62, 470, 472, 485, 487–88, 491, 525, 554

background of, 341

design philosophy of, 342–43

iMac and, 350–52, 356

industrial designs of, 341–42

iPhone antenna problem and, 519–23

iPod and, 390–91

minimalist aesthetic of, 444–45

on multi-touch feature, 468

patents of, 346–47, 492

SJ’s collaboration with, 340–45, 347

SJ’s relationship with, 342–43

U2 deal and, 422–23

Jacob, Oren, 436

Jagger, Jade, 180

Jagger, Mick, 180, 402, 406

Jandali, Abdulfattah “John,” xiv, 3–4, 89, 253, 256–58

Jandali, Roscille, 257–58

Janoff, Rob, 80

Janov, Arthur, 50, 51

Jarrett, Valerie, 545–46

Jasinski, Barbara, 91, 155, 250

J. C. Penney, 536

J. Crew, 321

Jefferson, Thomas, 171

Jefferson Airplane, 57, 280, 413

Jetsons, The (TV show), 351–52, 445

Jobs, Clara Hagopian, xiv, 1, 5, 8, 9, 11–12, 50–51, 68

background of, 2

death of, 253–54

SJ adopted by, 3

SJ’s money gift to, 106

Jobs, Erin, xiv, 280, 283, 425, 509, 539, 559

SJ’s relationship with, 540–42

Jobs, Eve, xiv, 283, 452, 497, 509, 539, 553, 554, 559

SJ’s relationship with, 542–43

Jobs, Patty, xiv, 5, 67, 255

Jobs, Paul Reinhold, xiv 5–6, 14, 15, 22, 50–51, 68, 125, 228, 253, 254, 274, 294, 556

background of, 1–2

career of, 6–9

in Macintosh factory tour, 183–84

SJ adopted by, xxxiv, 3

SJ’s money gift to, 106

SJ’s relationship with, 6, 8, 11–12, 18–19

Jobs, Reed Paul, xiv 258, 282–83, 315, 415, 477, 484, 509, 521, 526, 527, 536, 541, 542, 546, 550–51, 559, 569

SJ’s relationship with, 538–40

Jobs, Steven Paul, 21, 56, 108, 148, 293, 305, 340, 358, 490, 560

achievements of, xx–xxi, 565–66

adoption trauma and, 4–5, 12, 50–51

AppleLabs proposal and, 196–98, 203–6

Apple-NeXT lawsuits and, 217–18, 221–22

assessment of, 565–67

attitude toward wealth of, 104–6, 448–49, 451

author’s sickbed visit with, 555–57

aversion to authority of, 12, 19, 83

bachelor’s party of, 273–74

birth mother found by, 253–55, 258

Blue Box partnership and, 29–30

business drive of, 54–55

calligraphy studied by, 40–41, 130

cancer of, xviii–xix, 266, 376, 415, 425, 452–56, 461, 476, 479–80, 482–84, 538–39, 547–51, 555

carbon microphone incident and, 10–11

as celebrity, 180–81

chairman role of, 207–9, 213, 225

charisma of, 31, 64, 112, 121, 172, 242, 245, 302, 564

childhood of, 5–12, 119

as college dropout, 40–41

commune living and, 38–39

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