Pollack, Andrew, 233
Polo Shop, 251–52
Pong (video game), 43, 52–54
PortalPlayer, 387
Portola Institute, 59
Powell, Laurene, xv, xviii, 267–83,
background of, 269–70
children of, 282–83
College Track program and, 543
marriage of, 272–74
organic food company of, 274
Palo Alto home of, 274–77, 278
pregnancy of, 271–72
SJ assessed by, 543–44
SJ’s cancer ordeal and, 453–55, 483–86, 548–50, 555
SJ’s first meeting with, 268–69
SJ’s marriage proposal to, 270–72
20th wedding anniversary of, 529–30
PowerBook G3, 338, 373, 470
PowerBook G4, 470
Power Computing, 335–36
Power Macintosh G3, 338, 349, 373
PowerPC (microprocessor), 446–47
President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, 544
Presley, Elvis, 487
Press, Tony, 429
Pressplay, 395, 403, 404
primal scream therapy, 50, 51, 57
Processor Technology Corporation, 70
Prodigy, 502
Product Red campaign, 423–24
publishing industry, 504–6
QuickDraw, 169–70, 180
Quittner, Josh, 506
Radio Shack, 28, 139
Radius company, 335
Raduchel, Bill, 394
Ram Dass, Baba (Richard Alpert), 34, 37
Rams, Dieter, 127, 132, 343
Rand, Paul, 219–21, 222
Raskin, Jef, 94, 95–96, 108–13, 122, 140, 170
Macintosh computer and, 109–13, 128
ouster of, 113
SJ’s clash with, 110–13
RAZR (cell phone), 465–66
Reagan, Ronald, 192–93, 231, 547
reality distortion field, 38, 52, 117–20, 140, 145, 161, 175–76, 179, 185, 186, 191, 226, 229, 235, 240, 454, 471–72
Wozniak on, 118–19
Real Jukebox, 383
RealNetworks, 385–86, 395
Redse, Tina, 187, 207, 209, 268, 269, 272, 529, 555
SJ’s relationship with, 263–66
Reed College, 33–36, 130, 432, 457
SJ drops out of, 40–41
Remnick, David, 228
RenderMan (computer language), 241–42
Revelation, Book of, 69
Reyes rendering program, 241
Reznor, Trent, 397
Rice, Garrett, 298–99
Richie, Lionel, 479
Riley, George, 208, 466, 483–84, 485, 487, 557, 559
Riney, Hal, 547
Rio (music player), 383, 384, 389, 409
“Road Not Taken, The” (Frost), 329
Robbin, Jeff, 383, 387, 405, 409
Roberts, Brian, 489
Roche, Gerry, 149
Rock, Arthur, xv, 78, 84, 90, 145, 182, 195, 198, 208, 215
Rock, Toni, 208
Rodin, Auguste, 151
ROKR, 466
Rolling Stones, 412, 415
Rolling Thunder Revue, 251
Rosen, Ben, 84, 143
Rosen, Jeff, 416–18
Rosenbaum, Ron, 27
Rossmann, Alain, 134, 184
Rotten Tomatoes, 290
Royal Society of the Arts, 341
Rubin, Andy, 512
Rubinstein, Jonathan “Ruby,” xv, 308–9, 342, 362, 405, 409, 410, 468, 470
Apple left by, 458–59
iMac and, 349, 351–52, 356
iPod and, 384–87
Samit, Jay, 408
Samsung, 493
Sam the Sham, 413
Sanders, Jessica, 500
“Sand” project, 173